Latest news and updates from Safer Housing at Nottingham City Council
We know that many landlords and tenants are still feeling the affects of coronavirus, especially financially.
We would encourage landlords to discuss things like rent arrears directly with their tenants and to try and come to some form of agreement. What we don't want to see is a spike in illegal evictions.
It was announced last month that the eviction ban during COVID-19 has been extended until the 23 August.
This means that you still cannot legally evict someone from your property. Please do not try to force someone out of their home – this can lead to police and court action against the landlord.
You can read the full Government guidance here
If you are having issues with tenants then please let us know. We are here to help you - just email -
The council and the police are getting more reports of tenants flouting the coronavirus regulations, including things like gathering in large groups, not social distancing and these are often coupled with reports of loud parties causing antisocial behaviour.
If after lifting restrictions, the Government sees a concerning rise in the infection rate, then it may have to re-impose some restrictions. The actions of a small number of tenants may risk another lockdown should more outbreaks of COVID-19 happen.
That is why we're asking landlords to remind your tenants that they should stay alert and follow social distancing guidelines.
The Government has produced the attached poster and FAQ of what you can and can’t do before and after 4 July, please click here.
If you are having ASB issues with your tenants, we can help you -
The National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA) has conducted a coronavirus impact report. They surveyed thousands of landlords and tenants to understand how the coronavirus pandemic has impacted tenants and landlords in the private rented sector.
One of their key findings was that 90% of tenants said they paid their rent as normal during lockdown.
You can see more of their findings and read the full report here.
Whilst some business have reopened, there are currently no changes to the way we are working during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Safer Housing and Licensing Teams are still working from home.
We still have a legal obligation to licence properties, stop illegal evictions and work to make sure that standards are maintained in properties – the way we do some of these has just changed. The way you contact us has also changed, find out the best way to get in touch here.
We held the first meeting with the Managing Agents earlier this week over Microsoft Teams. A date will be set for the Landlord Liaison group meeting.later in July.
The first meeting we set out how the groups will work, set some goals and discussed how the members can work closely with other landlords and managing agents to help shape our services. The reps also shared the impact of COVID-19 on their businesses and the great work they are doing to support landlords and tenants.
Some actions were raised for the council to look into the help improve our services.
The names of the liaison group representatives, the full agenda, minutes and actions will be online in the next few weeks and we will share them in the next Landlord Newsletter.
On the 1 July 2020, the new mandatory Electrical Safety Regulations came into force. Landlords could face fines of up to £30,000 if they don’t comply with the new regulations designed to keep renters safe from faulty electrics.
Get all the details here
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