Age Friendly Nottingham Bulletin - February 2017
Nottingham City Council sent this bulletin at 08-02-2017 07:21 AM GMT
Home Library Service
Unable to get to the library, but keen to carry on reading? The Home Library Service is here for you! A free library service for people with restricted mobility, we can bring books, including large print, talking books, films and CDs to your door, roughly once every 3 weeks. We cover the whole of Nottingham City. For speakers of Asian languages we have a specialist service delivered by speakers of Hindi, Bengali, Urdu, Punjabi and Gujarati.
We also have opportunities for volunteers to join our friendly team delivering this service. A driving licence and access to a car is helpful but not essential. This is a rewarding way to get involved in your community, meet new people and share your love of libraries and reading with others.
To find out more about joining the service as a customer or volunteering with us, please ring Aspley Library on 0115 915 2802 or email
Employment Advice and Support
Employment Advice and Support
Did you know that it's illegal for employers to discriminate against you because of your age? There is also no legal age at which you have to retire.
National Insurance (NI) Credits for Grandparents
Many grandparents are missing out on NI credits which could be worth more than £230 a year when they retire. Mothers who give up work are given NI credits while their children are under 12 but if they return to work earlier, mothers can sign a form allowing a grandparent or other family member to receive NI credits for looking after the child.
Want to be more active?
Get Active on Saturday 25 March at the Forest from 1.00 pm to 3.00 pmSport England is supporting Click Nottingham members to be more physically active: there will be a taster of a new Get Active programme at a launch event on Saturday 25 March at the Forest Recreation Ground (Outdoor Gym area) from 1.00 pm – 3.00 pm. Come and try Zumba, have fun on the outdoor gym or enjoy a group walk around the park. If any individuals or organisations would like to get involved, please contact
Arts and Older People
Creative courses at the Nottingham theatres
Creative courses are offered regularly by the Theatre Royal, the Royal Concert Hall and Nottingham Playhouse for people aged 55+. All are held in a relaxed and sociable setting. Examples of courses currently running at the Royal Concert Hall are:
For more information contact the theatres directly.
Seminars, workshops and training
Music for the Ageing Brain, Monday 13 March 2017 from 5.30 pm to 7.30 pm
This seminar will be exploring the cognitive, emotional and neutral benefits of musical leisure activities in stroke and dementia. It will be held at the Institute of Mental Health, Jubilee Campus, Triumph Road, Nottingham NG7 2TU. For more information click here
The next issue of the AFN E-Bulletin will be coming out in mid-March. Please send articles for possible inclusion by Monday 13 March to To subscribe to the AFN E-Bulletin go to then choose Age Friendly Nottingham after putting in your email address. |