East Midlands Devolution - What does it mean for your business?



What does it mean for your business?   

Devolution offers potentially the biggest change to the way local decisions are made in a long time and it could make a massive difference to you and your business.

This briefing note explains why you should care and how you can help Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire secure a devolution deal that will help the area stand alongside the other half of the #MidlandsEngine and the Northern Powerhouse.

Please use this briefing when talking to others about devolution and to spread the message through your own networks. The more momentum we can generate, the greater the chance that we can get a deal sooner rather than later.

This email is sent on behalf of the East Midlands Devolution Deal Core Group which is negotiating with Government for a deal alongside business partners and the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership.

Thank you for your support.

The East Midlands Devolution Deal Core Group

Devolution Deals have been announced for areas up and down the country and the areas which have them are already beginning to reap the benefits.

All areas have highlighted how Devolution will lead to faster and better decision-making, which will create growth and more jobs.

The East Midlands cannot afford to be left behind.

That is why all 19 local authorities across Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire have been working towards securing a Devolution Deal for the East Midlands; with the help of business partners, and business organisations such as the East Midlands Chamber and the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership.

Government has said that deal will be the next one to be announced.

What difference will it make to your business? 

As a business, you need a workforce with the right skills, the ability to move your goods around without congestion and delays, decent places for your workforce to live and the ability to get hold of cash to help you grow.

All of the powers that can influence these key drivers are included in the East Midlands deal.

Standing up for the East Midlands

The Northern Powerhouse is already firmly established and some of the areas within it have also secured Devolution Deals, as has the West Midlands.

An East Midlands deal would help to level the playing field for our area and make us a key player within the Midlands Engine for Growth. It would put us back in the fast lane.

What would happen if we don't get a Devolution deal?

The benefits outlined above won’t materialise. That would see us lagging behind other areas in the UK.The East Midlands would be perceived as lacking both ambition and the ability to compete and  deliver the conditions for business to flourish.

What can you do to help?

Securing an East Midlands Devolution Deal is a complex process which has involved 19 local authorities working together along with the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership and other business bodies.

We need everyone to get involved in backing the region and the deal.

Speak to your MP and make sure that they are backing the region.

Your voice is critical in creating the momentum that will help us secure a Devolution Deal for the East Midlands.

>>Contact your MP today using the free Write to Them on-line service<<