Sharing these newsletters
To share this newsletter on social media sites such as Facebook, please visit our COVID-19 Community Champions website where you will find links to this update and previous ones at the bottom of the page. Just copy and paste the link.
Read the MK COVID-19 Champions code of conduct here.
COVID-19 snapshot
Click here to see and print the full COVID-19 snapshot as of 5 May 2021 (data reported up to 2 May 2021).
Vaccine update
At least 16 million people have now had both their coronavirus vaccination doses, and 35 million people have had at least one dose. All adults in the UK should be offered their first dose by the end of July. Some media outlets are reporting that a third booster dose will possibly be offered to everyone aged over 50 in the autumn.
You can get the COVID-19 vaccine if:
- you're aged 40 or over
- you'll turn 40 before 1 July 2021
Tip: Keep a photo of your vaccine card on your phone
You can book appointments at a larger vaccination centre or pharmacy now or wait to be invited to go to a local NHS service.
Book your COVID-19 vaccination appointments.
Mental Health Awareness Week
Mental Health Awareness Week starts on Monday. MK Council’s Community Learning service has organised a programme of wellbeing sessions themed around nature, reflecting a year of lockdowns during which millions of people reconnected with the outdoors.
Free sessions around mental health, wellbeing and mindfulness are on offer. Check out what’s on and make a booking here – everybody aged 19 or above is welcome to attend.
Also click to read a flyer giving links to mental health support around MK.
Rapid testing in MK
Around one in three people who are infected with COVID-19 have no symptoms and could be spreading the disease without knowing it. Regular testing is important to help find more of these cases, so people can isolate and break the chain of transmission.
We are offering free rapid COVID-19 tests to anyone over the age of 16.
Home test kits:You can collect up to 14 free lateral flow tests from the Central MK Library, 555 Silbury Boulevard MK9 3HL. No need to book, show ID or register - just ask a member of staff.
On site tests:You can visit our Central MK Library for a free on-site test. No need to book. Results will be sent to you within around 45 minutes.The test centre is open weekdays from 9.30am to 4.30pm and stays open later on Thursdays until 7pm.
You can also find rapid lateral flow test sites and collection sites on these NHS webpages. Simply search by postcode: (rapid testing sites and pharmacies) (regional and local testing sites)
Anyone with one or more of these symptoms – a high temperature, a new, continuous cough, or a loss or change to sense of smell or taste – shouldn’t drop into a rapid test site. Instead, book a test at or by calling 119.
Celebrate Eid safely
Will you be celebrating Eid next week? The Muslim Council of Britain has published guidance around avoiding large gatherings. Instead please stick to current government rules - meet outdoors only in up to a group of six or two households – that’s in parks, countryside, gardens and other outdoor spaces. It’s fine to walk through someone’s house to get to a garden.
Are you:
- Living in Milton Keynes
- Aged over 16 years
- Unemployed
- At risk of redundancy
- Not in education
- Working part-time but would like to work more
- Perhaps your employment has been affected by COVID-19
MK College has joined forces with Milton Keynes Council to support Milton Keynes residents who need help finding work. You can find out more at
Volunteer to be a driver
Becoming a volunteer driver provides a door-to-door service for those who need it, and helps people maintain their independence.
Volunteering Matters says: “All our drivers find it a rewarding way to spend their free time because they know they can make a difference to the lives of others! The role does not mean a long term commitment from you, as you will be able to offer your time as often or as little as you are able. Many of the journeys are local but there are times when we may receive requests for further afield journeys.”
Find out how to get involved at: Becoming a Volunteer Driver.
Grow Social in 2021
Grow Social is an RHS gardening initiative designed to help combat social isolation. The RHS is encouraging people to use gardening and plants to make new connections in their community while following all government COVID-19 measures.
Find out more here.
Reporting concerns
One of the ways you can help is by reporting serious concerns about workplaces and other facilities where social distancing and other measures aren’t being followed. Intelligence like this can help us to track and control virus transmission.
Please tell us when the breach of restrictions took place, and a full address of the site if known. Your details will not be shared with the person or place you are telling us about.
You can write to us at
We may not reply to all messages but we will read them all, and they’ll be used to gather intelligence so we can take action where needed.
Useful links
See the latest Government guidance here
Find COVID-19 Information from the NHS:
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To share this newsletter on social media sites such as Facebook, please visit our COVID-19 Community Champions website where you will find links to this update and previous ones at the bottom of the page. Just copy and paste the link.
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