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To share this newsletter on social media sites such as Facebook, please visit our COVID-19 Community Champions website where you will find links to this update and previous ones at the bottom of the page. Just copy and paste the link.
Read the MK COVID-19 Champions code of conduct here.
COVID-19 snapshot
Click here to see and print the full COVID-19 snapshot as of 21 April 2021 (data reported up to 18 April 2021).
1 in 5 UK adults now have both vaccine doses
More evidence of the effectiveness of the vaccines was reported this week; between September and March only 32 vaccinated people (out of the total 74,405) were admitted to hospital with coronavirus.
Vaccine questions – ask the doctors
Zoom Meeting tomorrow
The local NHS Commissioning Group are holding a COVID-19 Q&A webinar this Saturday in collaboration with Milton Keynes Council and the Zainabiya Islamic Centre.
They aim to clarify current myths relating to the COVID-19 vaccines and ensure people have the facts to make informed decisions about it.
Date: Saturday 24 April 2021
Time: 12pm - 1pm
Meeting via Zoom
Web link:
Meeting ID number: 963 6642 9338
Passcode: KSIMK
For enquires/questions, please email Find out more here.
COVID-19 passports
The Department for Transport are preparing certificates that British travellers could use at overseas borders by 17 May, which would prove that people have been vaccinated.
Rapid tests are now available by post
You can now register to receive lateral flow tests. The seven day test kits are free and arrive in a couple of days.
Register here:
One in three people with COVID-19 have no symptoms, these tests will help to keep their family and friends safe.
If you have symptoms you need to have a PCR test book here:
Tips for managing anxiety as we come out of lockdown
For some of us leaving lockdown brings welcome contact with our families and the opportunities to meet up with friends. We can play sport, get our hair cut and get back to our favourite shops.
But for many of us, even though we are happy about these positive changes they can increase worry and anxiety.
Here are some tips on taking up activities again in a safe way and at a pace that’s right for you:
Antiviral taskforce
Trials of COVID-19 treatments which can be taken in the early stages of the illness are under way. There are two trials taking place in Glasgow and London. In Glasgow Dr Janet Scott who is leading the trial called Glasgow Early Treatment said, "One candidate for an antiviral drug which is can be taken orally is Favipriavir. This drug has had some early success in trials in China speeding up time to a person clearing the virus from the system and reducing lung damage."
At Kings College London Dr Penny Ward, a visiting professor in pharmaceutical medicine said, "There are currently ongoing early phase trials of orally available antivirals, of which the most advanced is molnupiravir.”
You can read more here.
Research project aims to collate your information
King's College and Prof Tim Spector are conducting a major research project which has contributed extensively to our knowledge of the coronavirus and its behaviour. It has over 4.5 million contributors and takes less than a minute a day to complete. Details can be found here.
Do you run a local business? Please get in touch with MK Council before the end of April, and you could win a free advert in our magazine for residents which will be delivered to homes around MK in June.
To support businesses reopening we’re running a campaign encouraging local people to support local retailers, businesses and makers around MK, highlighting the personal touch that independent businesses are so good at providing.
Shopping and spending locally has big implications for the success of an area. Experts calculate that for every pound spent with a local business, around 60p makes it back into the local economy. Spending locally helps other MK firms flourish, creating more opportunities and jobs, and allowing other firms to prosper.
Find out more here.
Voting safely on May 6
The choice on how to vote at May’s elections is yours. You can have your say by post, in person, or by proxy.
The final deadline to apply to appoint a proxy is Tuesday 27 April (5pm). The person you appoint as a proxy will need to go to your allocated polling station to vote, or apply for a postal vote before 20 April.
For more information about voting safely, please see our Frequently Asked Questions, which are here.
Reporting concerns
One of the ways you can help is by reporting serious concerns about workplaces and other facilities where social distancing and other measures aren’t being followed. Intelligence like this can help us to track and control virus transmission.
Please tell us when the breach of restrictions took place, and a full address of the site if known. Your details will not be shared with the person or place you are telling us about.
You can write to us at
We may not reply to all messages but we will read them all, and they’ll be used to gather intelligence so we can take action where needed.
Useful links
See the latest Government guidance here
Find COVID-19 Information from the NHS:
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To share this newsletter on social media sites such as Facebook, please visit our COVID-19 Community Champions website where you will find links to this update and previous ones at the bottom of the page. Just copy and paste the link.
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