The latest news and updates for parents/carers
and children and young people 0-25 years with special educational needs
and disabilities (SEND) in the Manchester City Council area
Our first drop in of 2025 is on Wednesday 15th January at Woodhouse Park Lifestyle Centre, Portway, Wythenshawe, M22 1QW. These monthly free events are for parents/carers and young people with SEND up to 25 in the Manchester City Council area. Professionals welcome too.
Does your child/children have special educational needs and/or a disability (SEND)?
Do they go to a mainstream primary or secondary school in the Manchester City Council area?
If you answered YES, we invite you to answer a question:
What changes or improvements in mainstream schools would make you feel more confident that your child is receiving the right support?
Let us know your thoughts on this short form by Friday 17th January. It will help us understand how we can make things better. Thank you!
The charity Contact has lots of support and advice for families with disabled children. Watch their short animation to find out what they offer. It includes:
Use the accessibility and language toolbar at the top of their site (in the menu options on mobile devices) for access tools.
Contact also has a not-for-profit shop – Fledgings - with a range of adaptive clothing, bedding, disability and sensory aids, and more. This includes swimwear and swim accessories. Swimsuits need to be a good fit, so measure before ordering. They also have the LifeVac®, the only registered and regulated non-invasive Airway Clearance Device® in the UK. Safeguard children from choking emergencies with this Class 1 Medical Device, including free access to a CPD certified e-learning course.
Newlife charity offers a lifeline for families, providing life-changing and life-saving equipment when and where it is needed. This includes:
The charity doesn’t means test, so equipment and toys are provided on the basis of need. Call the Reception Team on Freephone 0800 902 0095, Monday to Friday 8am – 8pm, to arrange a call back or book an appointment to assist with your enquiry. If you are contacting the Nurse helpline, you can also email nurse@newlifecharity.co.uk.
WellChild is a national charity making it possible for children and young people with complex medical needs to be cared for at home instead of hospital. Find out how they can support you and your family. This includes: an information hub; a pilot Family Welfare Service for parent carers in the North West; offering support with applying for disability benefits and accessing grants; providing information on local services; family events and activities; and a supportive, online community. There is also a section for professionals.
Family Fund
The Family Fund is the UK's largest grant-making charity for families raising a disabled or seriously ill child on a low income. As well as their grants, they have a wider offer, including a ‘Discover more support’ tool and help with finances. Here is information on grant eligibility.
Bladder and Bowel UK
Bladder and Bowel UK offer specialist advice, including information resources, a helpline and a growing section for teenagers. There is also the Just Can’t Wait Card, recognised and supported by many retail and service organisations, giving access to toilets not normally available to the general public.
Whizz Kidz
Whizz Kidz is the UK’s leading charity for young wheelchair users, creating opportunities to get the equipment, skills, and confidence to go further. This includes very small manual and powered wheelchairs for under 5s, provided on a loan basis and as quickly as possible from initial contact. Whizz Kidz doesn’t just provide high-quality mobility equipment, they also offer social events and training. Get in touch by emailing kidzservices@whizz-kidz.org.uk or calling 020 7233 6600. Website: https://www.whizz-kidz.org.uk/
Tree of Hope
Tree of Hope is a registered children’s charity, giving families with sick and disabled children the tools and practical support to set up successful funding campaigns. Families can feel hopeless, thinking they can’t fundraise, but with tailored support from Tree of Hope, they can build confidence and learn new skills. Doing it through the charity also means that 25% can be added to the amount raised through Gift Aid. As a plus, families in Manchester can get in-person support. The first step is to arrange a call with one of the Family Support Officers. Use this online form or call 01892 535525.
Our Local Offer SEND Information Hub has more sources of support:
Coffee morning
Join Manchester Parent Carer Forum (MPCF) on Friday 24th January, 10am-12 noon for a coffee morning at Martenscroft Nursery and Sure Start Centre in Hulme, 33 Epping Street, M15 6PA. It’s an opportunity to meet and chat to fellow parents and carers of children and young people with SEND in a relaxed and friendly setting. You will also learn about the work of Manchester Parent Carer Forum and find out how to get involved. Please book through MPCF.
Workshops - new eligibility
There are free workshops for parents and carers of children or young people with a formal diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Condition from Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust. These are now open to those on the Social Community Pathway waiting list. Topics cover:
- Understanding Neurodiversity and Wellbeing
- Understanding Communication Differences
- Understanding Sensory Differences
- Understanding and Working with the Education System
Check out Manchester Parent Carer Forum’s website for sessions coming up in the next few months.
Free law sessions
MPCF has two other free sessions coming up in January with students from the University of Law. Click on the links to find out more:
Relaxed cinema
The next relaxed cinema showing with Manchester Parent Carer Forum is this Saturday 11th January, 11am to 1pm - Transformers One (PG). Siblings without SEND are welcome to join this SEND-friendly screening where guests can get free popcorn. It’s at GRUB, 50 Red Bank, Cheetham Hill, M4 4HF. This activity is for SEND families living in the Manchester City Council area. Book through this Eventbrite link. MPCF now have a SEND Community Offer Film Club. If you would like to join to get regular updates about the monthly cinema sessions, including the voting polls for the next film and when bookings open, sign up here: https://bit.ly/mpcf-film-club.
National Trust
National Trust visitors - including children - who need one or two carers or companions with them can get an Essential Companion card. Show the card on arrival and the carers get free entry. Proof of disability not needed. Neither is membership, but the child or adult will need to pay entry each time. Otherwise, annual membership is £12 (under 5s go free) for children under 18 and £45.60 for young people 18-25.
There is also a Links Pass, giving half-price entry to groups affiliated with disability charities, day centres or registered care homes. Carers or companions with the group are welcome free of charge. It’s valid at participating National Trust places, excluding weekends and bank holidays.
For both the Essential Companion cards and Links Pass, call the Supporter Services Centre on 0344 800 1895 or email enquiries@nationaltrust.org.uk. Learn more about access at National Trust sites.
Relaxed concerts
The Halle
Join the 26-piece Hallé ensemble to listen to popular, classical music in a relaxed and informal way. All responses to the music are welcome whether it’s singing, shaking shakers and dancing. The concerts are particularly suited to children and adults with additional needs. The next Hallé Relaxed Concerts are on Wednesday 5th February at 11.30am and 2pm at Hallé St Peter's, Blossom Street, Ancoats, M4 6BF. This is a fully accessible venue. Tickets are £5 and can be booked via the Hallé website (includes further dates) or you can pay on the door. Please email jessica.harper@halle.co.uk if you need further information.
Chetham's School of Music
Chetham’s School of Music first free relaxed concert of the year is on Wednesday 5th February, 1.30pm. There’s no dress code, you don’t need to know Beethoven from Bach and you won’t be shushed by an usher. There will be tea, coffee and cake available on a donation basis. The doors will stay open till 3pm so you can stay behind after the concert and enjoy refreshments. Find out more - including future dates - and book.
Deaf Centre activities
The Children and Young People’s Service at Manchester Deaf Centre offers a range of events and activities for d/Deaf children and their families, both at the centre and venues around Greater Manchester. Check out Eventbrite for what’s coming up in January.
Simply Cycling
Simply Cycling offer recreational and structured cycling sessions for people of all ages and abilities throughout the year. Sessions are £3 per person, starting on the hour for 45 mins. They're held at:
- Wythenshawe Park Athletics Track, Wythenshawe
- Boggart Hole Clough Athletics Track, North Manchester
- Longford Park Athletics Stadium, Trafford
Please book in advance using the online booking system through the website.
Cycling charity
Cyclists Fighting Cancer provide new lightweight bikes, adapted trikes and cycling equipment to children and young people living with and beyond cancer. Applications can be made by any British citizen resident in the UK as long as the young person is aged 18 or under at the time of application. Find out how to apply. The charity has a bike shop in Chorlton, 102 Manchester Road, M21 9BG (next to Unicorn supermarket), recycling and selling affordable donated bikes and accessories and carrying out professional servicing and maintenance. All the profits go towards buying more bikes and trikes.
Free audiobooks
My Calibre provides a fantastic free collection of over 17,000 audiobooks for people living with a print disability. They support anyone unable to see, read, or comprehend printed text due to difficulty or inability, including disabled and neurodivergent children. Take a look at what’s on offer and sign up here.
Energy advice
Scope offer advice and support with energy bills – see their online information. Their energy advisors can give talks to disabled people. To arrange this, please email CDEA@scope.org.uk
Internship opportunity
An exciting eight-week paid employment opportunity in the Civil Service is being offered to approximately 200 autistic young people. The programme will be in a range of towns and cities across England and Scotland, with most roles being a combination of office-based and home-working. The full-time internship at £452 a week takes place in summer 2025, with the start date expected to be 30th June. Apply by 11.59pm on Tuesday 14th January. Here’s more information on the opportunity with application guidance.
Tech help
If you, or someone you know, struggle to use the internet or a device, Manchester City Council’s Digital Champions would like to help. They will happily guide you every step of the way, at your own pace. You can contact them by text or email, simply sending your name, and they will gladly provide free phone (by phone call or video), text or email support that is tailored to your specific needs.
Text 07860 064128 or email digitalinclusion@manchester.gov.uk.
Learn BSL
Are you deaf, deafened or hard of hearing and never had opportunity to learn British Sign Language (BSL)? Or are you a family member or friend of a person who is deaf and you are a Manchester resident aged 19 or over? If so, Manchester Deaf Centre are offering more free beginner BSL courses from February and April 2025. Learn face-to-face from experienced tutors who are deaf themselves in short taster courses (10 hours) and longer courses (24 hours). Here’s moving testimony from one of the students.
Dare to be Different
Dare To Be Different is a support group working to remove cultural barriers for parents with children with SEND. While it is aimed at the Asian community, anyone is welcome. Register for the weekly walking group by joining the WhatsApp group on 07960 110520. From the start of 2025, the group are trying out monthly Saturday stay and play sessions at Longsight Library. There will also be monthly coffee mornings. For more information, contact Rehena - 07960 110520, dare2bdifferent2023@gmail.com.
Carers Manchester
Carers Manchester want to hear from unpaid carers about time you get for yourself, including any breaks from caring. This will help them improve opportunities for carers in Manchester. You can contribute by:
There is also a professional survey – with a draw to win a £40 donation to a charity of your choice. Closes Friday 31st January.
Legal consultation - closing soon
There is a once in a lifetime opportunity to contribute to the legal framework governing social care for disabled children in England. It's a consultation as part of the Law Commission review. Various formats of consultation papers and response forms, including Easy Read, can be found in ‘Documents’ towards the bottom of this Law Commission information. There is also an in-person consultation event at Manchester University on Monday 13th January, 11am-1pm – join the Waitlist through Eventbrite. The charity Contact urge you to respond to the consultation if you can. Closes 20th January.
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