The latest news and updates for parents/carers
and children and young people 0-25 years with special educational needs
and disabilities (SEND) in the Manchester City Council area
Our next drop in is on Wednesday 22nd May, 10am-12pm, at Harpurhey Neighbourhood Project, Conran Street, Manchester, M9 5PR. This is a different venue than usual while Manchester Youth Zone has refurbishments but is just down the road. Find out more in our latest drop in bulletin.
FUTURE DROP INS, 10am-12pm:
Wednesday 12th June, Pakistani Community Centre, Stockport Road, Longsight
Wednesday 10th July, Manchester Settlement, Openshaw
Activity day
There is a free Activity Day for Young People on Wednesday 29th May at Sporting Edge, Silverlace Avenue, Openshaw M11 1GN.
Relaxed session, 11am-12pm
This is a quieter session for children and young people with SEND. Booking essential. Please text Jenna from The SPACE Group on 07749 116211. Children aged 9 or under must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Open session, 12-2pm
Free drop in open to all, with food and activities. Children aged 9 or under must be accompanied.
Over 10s only, 2-4pm
Theatre performance ‘BLUNT’ and anti-knife crime workshop with ‘BLEED KIT’ first aid.
This event supports Manchester’s Child friendly ambition and has been supported by Manchester City Council and Manchester Active.
Free cycling sessions
Did you know there are free weekly cycling sessions for young people aged 11-16 with SEND or emotional/mental health needs living in the Manchester City Council area? They’re every Saturday 11am-3pm, meeting at the Procter Learning Centre, Hulme Street, Off Jackson Crescent M15 5EF. Bikes, helmets and other safety equipment are provided for cycle routes across Greater Manchester, along with regular bike maintenance sessions. All young people take part in a pre-ride induction before attending Saturday rides but need to be competent riders. Contact Roger Newell at MANCCYCLES for more information and to book places – info@manccycles.co.uk, 07970 922132.
‘When my child first started cycling with you, he was shy, uncomfortable being around others and struggling with mental health issues. He is so much more confident and happier in himself. I truly believe cycling has played a big factor.’
‘I am really proud of my son. The cycling with your team helped his confidence. He even went off cycling on his own with a friend.’
MCR Social
MCR Social is a fantastic new programme supporting disabled and neurodivergent young people aged 14-17 to access all that Manchester has to offer. Whether it’s live music, cinema, bowling or shopping, MCR Social arranges free entry with a volunteer to support the activity every step of the way. After an initial online meeting to plan some activities together, the young person gets up to six sessions, lasting up to six hours each. The young person needs to live in the Manchester City Council area and is asked to apply with the support of an adult using this application form. Any questions, get in touch with Trystan at Greater Manchester Youth Network - trystan.kent@gmyn.co.uk, 07708 022320.
Travel training for 14-25s
Our free A-Z Travel Training Programme offers opportunities for young people to gain confidence and independence in travelling around Manchester and beyond. It’s for young people with SEND aged 14-25 who live in the Manchester City Council area, offering up to six one-to-one support in accessing leisure activities. Register using this this form: https://forms.office.com/e/XvjhQq160p. To find out more, contact Olivia at Greater Manchester Youth Network (GMYN) at olivia.malone@gmyn.co.uk, 07708 028312.
SEND sports taster
There’s a free Sports Taster Day at Denmark Road Sports Centre, Ardwick, M15 6F on Friday 31st May, 10am–1pm for SEND families living in Manchester. Offered by Manchester Active in partnership with Better UK, there’ll be rugby, cycling, cricket, tennis, athletics, netball and much more. Activities are suitable for all abilities, including wheelchair users. The event will take place mainly indoors with a few sports being outside, weather permitting. It’s a great opportunity to try out a variety of sports in a safe and inclusive environment and learn more about regular SEND sporting activities offered in Manchester. No booking required, just turn up! Find out more, including travel information. Please feel welcome to contact Rebecca Kemp with your questions: r.kemp@mcractive.com, 07736 918 676.
Watch this great video for a taste of what to expect!
Sunday Multisports
The new Multisport Sessions got off to a good start recently. They’re for 5-10 year olds with SEND on Sunday mornings 9am-10.30am at Denmark Road Sports Centre, Ardwick, M15 6FG, £2 per session. It’s an opportunity to explore a range of sports and games in a fun way, including basketball and cricket. Siblings welcome. No need to book for the sessions, but it’s helpful to let Jacob or Amlyn know you are coming for the first time – contact jacob@dosportuk.co.uk or alayton@lancashirecricket.co.uk, 07799 639838.
Songwriting workshops
Billy and Andy's Music School have an exciting new project aimed at promoting mental health for young people aged 14-25 with additional needs. There’s a 20-session songwriting workshop on Fridays, 10am-12pm at The Boiler House, Hulme, M16 7DA. All songs created will be professionally recorded and uploaded to streaming sites for everyone to enjoy. Free to attend as a one off or multiple sessions. Secure places by emailing info@billyandandy.co.uk.
Introducing the CYP team
The Children and Young People’s Service (CYP) at Manchester Deaf Centre offers a range of events and activities for d/Deaf children and their families at the centre and venues around Greater Manchester. The team has grown recently; from left to right, there’s Laurie, Charis, Madeline, Mohamed and Michelle, plus Helen. They would love to welcome more d/Deaf and Hard-of-hearing children and young people, children of deaf adults (CODAs), hearing siblings and families at their events, so do get in touch - CYPS@manchesterdeafcentre.com, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok.
Loads to Do
Check out Loads to Do for what's going on in your local area and across the city during the Whitsun holidays. There's plenty on offer across parks, sports, libraries, galleries and more to keep you and your family entertained without breaking the bank.
Over the Whitsun holidays, there are lots of places where kids can eat for free or for a £1. See Money Saving Central.
Transition session
There’s a Transition to Secondary School Workshop, Tuesday 21st May 10am-12.30pm at St Thomas Centre, M12 6FZ, lunch included. It’s free for parents/carers of children with SEND in Years 4, 5 and 6 who live in Manchester or go to a Manchester-based school. Moving from primary school to high school is an important life event and can be a positive and exciting time, but children with SEND often find transition more challenging than their peers. Learn how you can prepare and support your children for a successful move. Book through the Manchester Parent Carer Forum website.
SEND coffee mornings
If you have children at Co-op Academy Manchester, join Manchester Parent Carer Forum at their monthly SEND coffee mornings. It's a great way to meet other parents and carers of children who go to the school, share feedback, and help shape the SEND offer. The next session is on Thursday 23rd May, 9.30-10.30am, at the Academy on Plant Hill Road, Higher Blackley M9 0WQ. Find out more on the Co-op Academy website.
Autism workshops
The Social Communication Pathway (SCP) workshops are offered to parents and carers of children or young people who have received a formal diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Condition from Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust. The workshops rotate monthly between four topics: Autism and Well-being, Communication Workshop, Sensory Workshop, Understanding and Working with the Education System. Check out Manchester Parent Carer Forum’s website for sessions coming up in the next couple of months.
Protect against measles
Measles cases are on the increase in Manchester. It’s one of the most infectious viruses that exists, spreading really quickly and easily. Children and adults can become very ill and even die from it. Two doses of a free vaccine called MMR can protect against Measles and also Mumps and Rubella. If you don't know if you or your child have been vaccinated, you can ask your GP to check your records. It won't harm you to have an additional MMR vaccine if you are unsure. Find out more in this NHS information. There is also this Manchester resource with easy read information in different languages and animations, including one in British Sign Language.
New SEND drop in
Wythenshawe has a new SEND drop in on the last Saturday of every month. The next one is 10-11.30am on Saturday 25th May at the Family Hub, Crossacres, Poundswick Lane, Wythenshawe M22 9TA. Hosted by Mindful Me, it offers signposting to services as well as support from a SEND navigator who has firsthand experience of navigating the system as a SEND parent. There’s a stay and play area for children so you can focus on getting support. For more information, you’re invited to get in touch: MindfulMe.Therapies@outlook.com, 07515 956623. Future dates: Saturday 29th June, Saturday 27th July.
Benefits updates
Universal Credit migration
Managed migration is the process where claimants on existing means tested benefits and tax credits are told these benefits are ending and are asked to claim Universal Credit instead. Until recently, managed migration only applied to people getting tax credits. The Department of Work and Pensions is now sending managed migration notices to claimants on other benefits. If you are worried or confused about what this will mean for your family, the charity Contact has lots of information that can help. This includes a new video where their benefits expert Derek explains what you should do if you receive a notice.
Carers Allowance
The charity Contact have been hearing from carers who have had to pay back their Carer's Allowance because a small pay rise pushed them over the earnings threshold. Others have had to refuse a pay rise for fear of losing their Carer's Allowance altogether. Learn more about the allowance and read about Contact's campaign to increase the Carer’s Allowance earnings limit.
Disabled Living's magazine
The latest edition of KtoA Magazine explores the different types of transition young people with disabilities can consider, allowing for more choice and control over their lives. It highlights the various routes into employment, including vocational training with specialist colleges, placements at creative studios, or even becoming your own boss as a business owner. It also discusses housing options - from residential and supported to independent living.
Shape Our Manchester
There are just a few weeks left to have your say in the new ten-year vision for Manchester. The Council needs you to share the things, people and places that matter to you and to the areas where you live, learn or work. Please encourage and support your young people to have a say too! Closes: Friday 31st May 2024
PIP consultation
The government has launched a 12-week consultation on its plans to make it harder for disabled people in England and Wales to claim Personal Independence Payments (PIP). The consultation document is lengthy and needs time to understand. Rather than doing it directly, you can share your views through the charity Contact. Find out more and have your say.
Care leavers campaign
If you’re a care-experienced young person or know one, you might be interested in a campaign from the Become charity. The more signatures from young people on the Open Letter, the better the chance of improving the lives of those in contact with the care system.
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