The latest news and updates for parents/carers
and children and young people 0-25 years with special educational needs
and disabilities (SEND) in the Manchester City Council area
Change Programme Partnership |
We’ve got some exciting news! Manchester has been chosen by the Department for Education to lead the North West Change Programme Partnership.
The government realised that the system for helping children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities isn't working as well as it should. After listening to parent carers, young people and staff in education, health and care, the Department for Education published the Special Educational Needs and Alternative Provision (SENDAP) Improvement Plan. This sets out plans for improving outcomes for children and young people with SEND and those in alternative provision.
We are really pleased that Manchester has been chosen by the Department to lead the North West Change Programme Partnership. Over the next 18 months, we will be working with Oldham, Rochdale and Trafford to test the proposals outlined in the Improvement Plan. Our partnership will involve parent carers, children and young people and partners in schools, colleges, early years and health. Your ideas and feedback are at the heart of this process. Look out for opportunities to share your views and get involved, including our Local Offer drop ins.
Our next drop in is on Wednesday 17th April, Moss Side Power House, 10am-12 noon. These monthly free events are for parents/carers and young people with SEND up to 25 in the Manchester City Council area. They offer a chance to talk to a range of services and get support. For more information, check out our drop in bulletin.
Our planned drop in at Manchester Youth Zone isn't going ahead due to refurbishments. We are looking for an alternative venue in the north of the city and will let you know when arrangements have been made.
Relaxed cinema with MPCF
Manchester Parent Carer Forum’s next relaxed free cinema screening is coming up on Sunday 28th April, 11am-1pm. It's for SEND families living in the Manchester City Council area, with showings at GRUB, an independent cinema venue in the Red Bank area of Manchester city centre. If you would like to vote for the film, the poll closes at 12 noon on Sunday 14th April with bookings opening at 3pm that day.
Gain confidence cycling
MANCCYCLES and GMYN offer an exciting opportunity for young people aged 11-16 with SEND and Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) needs living in the Manchester City Council area. Free riding sessions are every Saturday 11am-3pm, meeting at the Procter Learning Centre, Hulme Street, Off Jackson Crescent M15 5EF. Bikes, helmets and other safety equipment are provided for cycle routes across Greater Manchester, along with regular bike maintenance sessions. All young people take part in a pre-ride induction before attending Saturday rides but need to be competent riders. Contact Roger Newell at MANCCYCLES for more information and to book places – info@manccycles.co.uk, 07970 922132.
Relaxed concerts
Chetham’s School of Music offer free relaxed performances for a range of audiences, including families, autistic and learning disabled people, and those new to concerts and performances. They are on the first Wednesday of each month in term time, starting at 1.30pm. Performances coming up are 1st May and 12th June 2024. They’re held in Stoller Hall, in the centre of Manchester, featuring performances by some of the UK’s most exciting young musicians. The environment is set up so people feel welcomed. There’s no dress code, you don’t need to know Beethoven from Bach, you won’t be shushed by an usher, and you can eat and drink. Find out more and book. There is also this information on accessibility to support your visit.
Free youth theatre
TripleC, a disabled-led creative arts organisation, are offering a free Youth Theatre designed for deaf, disabled and or neurodivergent young people aged 8 to 16 with a passion for the performing arts. The new term starts on April 22nd 2024 at 53two in the city centre, Arch 19, Watson St M3 4LP. The sessions, led by professional actors and directors, will be in two age groups: 8-11 years, 4.30-5.30pm and 12-16 years, 6-7.30pm. If anyone starts late or misses a couple of sessions, there won’t be any pressure to catch up. Find out more about the Youth Theatre and sign up for the new term through Eventbrite.
Theatre group
The Palace and Opera House Relaxed Young Company is a friendly theatre group for autistic young people aged between 13 and 18. Sessions are delivered by Creative Learning specialists and use theatre techniques to support confidence building, teamwork skills and well-being. Sessions take place at Manchester’s Palace Theatre (97 Oxford Street, M1 6FT) on Mondays (term time) from 16.30-17.45pm. Sessions are paid for in half termly blocks which cost a total of £36 per child. Bursary places available for young people with a primary residence in Moss Side and Hulme. The group are welcoming new members for next half term, starting Monday 15th April. Email Grace at ManchesterCreativeLearning@theambassadors.com or call 0161 245 6635.
Inclusion at the Youth Zone
Manchester Youth Zone offers an exclusive inclusion session (disabilities and/or additional needs) every Sunday 12-3pm for ages 8-25. All new members can join on the website or go down to the building. They will be asked to attend a New Members Meeting before joining sessions. Visit the website or contact Tia for a chat, Tia.kelly@manchesteryz.org or 0161 203 5333.
Coffee morning invite
Join Manchester Parent Carer Forum (MPCF) on Friday May 3rd, 10am-12, noon for a coffee morning at Martenscroft Nursery and Sure Start Centre in Hulme, 33 Epping Street, M15 6PA. It’s an opportunity to meet and chat to fellow parents and carers of children and young people with SEND in a relaxed and friendly setting. You will also learn about the work of Manchester Parent Carer Forum and find out how to get involved. Please book through MPCF.
If you work for a school or community organisation and would like Manchester Parent Carer Forum to visit, get in touch.
Autism Acceptance screening
There’s a free Autism Acceptance cinema screening on Tuesday 16th April, 12-2pm at GRUB, 50 Red Bank, Cheetham Hill, Manchester, M4 4HF. Previously just for Autism in Schools parents/carers, it is now open to all parents/carers in the city. ‘Life, Animated’ is a coming-of-age story about a boy and his family who overcame great challenges by turning Disney animated movies into a language to express love, loss, kinship and brotherhood. Find out more and book through the Manchester Parent Carer Forum website.
Autism workshops
The Social Communication Pathway (SCP) workshops are offered to parents and carers of children or young people who have received a formal diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Condition from Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust. The workshops rotate monthly between four topics: Autism and Well-being, Communication Workshop, Sensory Workshop, Understanding and Working with the Education System. Check out Manchester Parent Carer Forum’s website for sessions coming up in the next couple of months.
Don't forget SEND Talk, a range of free podcasts offering easy-to-understand information answering your most commonly asked questions about education. It includes SEND support in schools, the EHCP process and first steps to a SEND tribunal. Listen free on the SENDIASS website or on your favourite podcast player, including Spotify and Apple podcasts. There are transcriptions of each episode too.
Take a look at the Special Education Needs and Disability Information, Advice Support Service (SENDIASS) website for more information and resources around education. You can also contact the team with your questions.
School meals update
In a huge win for disabled children and the free school meal disability inclusion campaign, the government has published its updated guidance on free school meals in England.The guidance now includes a section on making reasonable adjustments, such as food vouchers. Schools should be actively looking at which disabled pupils might be missing out on their school lunch and offering an alternative. The guidance also makes it clear that local authorities should provide free school meals to eligible children who have an education otherwise than at school (EOTAS) package. The charity Contact has helpful template letters and other resources.
Tech news
Communication Works 2024 are free events about Assistive Technology and communication. There's one in Oldham, organised by Ace Centre on Thursday 23rd May at New Bridge Academy, OL8 3PH. The aim is to allow visitors to learn about a range of assistive and accessible technology, communication tools, digital strategies and person-centred approaches. Find out more and how to register.
Autism Editions is a newsletter produced by Greater Manchester Autism Consortium. The latest issue, including a feature on Spectrum Gaming, is on the theme of Tech.
Cast your vote
The SPACE Group have been nominated again for the Community Organisation Award for Disability in the National Diversity Awards 2024. It'd be great to see them win at the televised event later this year. The group, who are all volunteers and have disabled children themselves, have done so much for city's families since setting up in 2021. They pride themselves in being a parent and child led group which helps to ensure they deliver what families need and are constantly evolving. Give them your vote!
Spirit of Manchester Awards
The Spirit of Manchester Awards celebrate and highlight the excellent work being carried out in Manchester’s voluntary and community sector. Nominations open until Friday 3rd May.
News in brief
Today is National Siblings Day - April 10th 2024. Find out more about Sibs and how they can support your children and young adults who grow up with or have grown up with a disabled brother or sister.
The next elections are on Thursday 2nd May 2024. Make sure you’re ready to vote - see Manchester City Council’s resources and Mencaps’ easy read guides.