The latest news and updates for parents/carers
and children and young people 0-25 years with special educational needs
and disabilities (SEND) in the Manchester City Council area
Our next drop in is on Wednesday 20th March, Woodhouse Park Lifestyle Centre, Wythenshawe. For more information, check out our drop in news bulletin. These monthly free events are for parents/carers and young people with SEND up to 25 in the Manchester City Council area.
Wednesday 17th April, Moss Side Power House
Wednesday 22nd May, Manchester Youth Zone (To be confirmed)
SEND-friendly cinema
Manchester Parent Carer Forum’s next relaxed cinema screening is on Saturday 16th March 11am-1pm. It's for SEND families living in the Manchester City Council area, with showings at GRUB, an independent cinema venue in the Red Bank area of Manchester city centre. Booking opens at 6pm on Wednesday 6th March.
Easter with The SPACE Group
The SPACE Group has a great range of activities for Easter, in partnership with 4CT, MPCF, The Local Offer and the HAF Fund for families living in the Manchester City Council area.
Roller skating, cycling and trips
The SPACE Group has exclusive hire of Ardwick Sports Hall for free roller skating:
- Monday 1st and Saturday 6th April 12-2pm at 225 Stockport Rd, Ardwick, Manchester M12 4DY (lunch included)
There are two free sessions with Simply Cycling, outdoors inclusive cycling (lunch included):
- Wythenshawe Park Athletics Track, Wednesday 3rd April 12-2pm (parking at the track)
- Boggart Hole Clough Athletics Track, Monday 8th April 2-4pm (parking - approach from Charlestown Road, Manchester, Greater Manchester M9 7BR.)
There are also two trips to Ghyll Head in the Lake District (£10 per person, cash only, lunch included):
- Wednesday 10th April from St Nicholas Church Kingsway, M19 1PL, 8am-6pm
- Thursday 11th April from The Grange Community Resource Centre, Pilgrim Drive M11 3TQ, 8am-6pm
Bookings for these three activities are face to face. They go live on Friday 8th March 11-1pm at St George’s Community centre, Bothwell Road M40 7NY.
The second round is on Wednesday 13th March 10am-12pm St Margaret’s Church, Burnage Lane M19 1FL.
The third round is at the next Local Offer drop in on Wednesday 20th March 10am-12pm at Woodhouse Park Lifestyle Centre, Wythenshawe M22 1QW.
Any places left will be put on The SPACE Group’s Facebook page.
Easter panto
There will be two pantomime performances of Dick Whittington:
£5 plus booking fee for adults, children go free. Food included. This activity is for families living in the Manchester City Council area. Click on the performance of your choice to get the Eventbrite link. Bookings go live at 12 noon on Saturday 9th March!
MCR Social - New!
MCR Social is a fantastic new programme supporting disabled and neurodivergent young people aged 14-17 to access all that Manchester has to offer. Whether it’s live music, cinema, bowling or shopping, MCR Social arranges free entry with a volunteer to support the activity every step of the way. After an initial online meeting to plan some activities together, the young person gets up to six sessions, lasting up to six hours each. The young person needs to live in the Manchester City Council area and is asked to apply with the support of an adult – use this application form. If you have any questions, including accessibility around applying and taking part, get in touch with Trystan - trystan.kent@gmyn.co.uk, 07708 022320. Part of the SEND Community Offer in collaboration with Greater Manchester Youth Network (GMYN).
ParaNetball - New session!
There’s a fantastic free ParaNetball offer for young people (11-25 years) who are deaf or disabled. It’s for both boys and girls, with qualified coaches, as part of a partnership between Manchester Thunder and the famous Manchester drinks brand Vimto. There are two sessions:
- 1st Saturday of the Month: 10-11am, Wright Robinson College, Off Falmer Road, Abbey Hey Lane, M18 8RL (Upstairs sports hall - lift available)
- 3rd Saturday of the Month: 10-11am, Woodhouse Park Lifestyle Centre, Portway, Wythenshawe, M22 1QW NEW!
Please book onto sessions in advance through the Manchester Thunder website.
Free cricket
Super 1s is a Lord’s Taverners programme designed to give cricketing opportunities to young disabled people aged 12-25. There is a free session on Friday evenings, 7-8pm, at Denmark Road Sports Centre in Moss Side, M15 6FG (free or £2 if young people join the multi-sports with Champion’s Sports Club from 6-7pm). Find out more on the Lancashire Cricket website. The contact is Amlyn Layton, 07799 639838, alayton@lancashirecricket.co.uk.
Free activity programme
Manchester has a free 10-week programme for children and young people and those with SEND aged 5-17 who are above a healthy weight. MoreLife Junior Physical Activity Referral Service (PARS) connects young people to inclusive sports and activities in their local neighbourhood to support a more active lifestyle. For referrals, speak to your GP practice, school nurse, or any other health professional, or self-refer via this link - https://secure.refer-all.net/referrals/manchester/refer. You are also welcome to contact the practitioner in or near your area:
To find out more, contact juniorpars@more-life.co.uk, 0161 511 0300.
Quiet Mornings
Quiet Mornings are back at Whitworth Art Gallery. These free sessions run from 10.30am to 12.30pm and there’s no need to book, just drop in. Upcoming sessions are: Sunday 24th March, Sunday 28th April and Sunday 19th May. These multi-sensory play sessions are specially designed for families with additional needs who may prefer a quieter, calmer environment. The sessions are designed so that children lead the way and move around in their own time and at their own pace. Find out more from The Whitworth.
Creative opportunity
NeuroJoy! is a new programme run by Starling, starting later in the month. They are looking for 12 curious and creative young people to work with leading neurodivergent artists and create work that will be part of the very first creative collection of neurodivergent art and stories: The Neuro-Collection. No previous experience needed. To take part young people need to identify as neurodivergent, be between 18 and 30, have something to say about neurodiversity, be creative and able to take part in at least 6 sessions per year. Take a look at the NeuroJoy! 2024 programme and register interest using this online form.
BBC competition
BBC Young Reporter want to hear great stories from 11 to 18 year olds. Their competition is now open for entries - find out more. Closes 24th March.
Urban forest experience - New!
There’s a new inclusive urban forest school experience run by Sian from the SEND Community Offer sessions at Platt Fields. The Hattersley Hive is open to Manchester families and there are dates coming up in April and the summer months. It’s based at Hattersley Projects Community Garden in partnership with Onward Homes. Find out more and book through Eventbrite.
Discover more stuff to do in Manchester and surrounding areas
- see our Local Offer SEND Information Hub
Have you heard about the new SEND Talk podcasts by SENDIASS Manchester? SEND Talk offers conversational and easy-to-understand information and advice for parents/carers, answering your most commonly asked questions around education issues. Hosted by Vic Elizabeth Turnbull, the podcasts feature people who live and breathe SEND support, like the SENDIASS Manchester team and parents.
There are 7 brand new talks, including how to check your child’s draft EHC plan, eligibility for home to school transport and first steps to a SEND tribunal. Previous podcasts include: SEND support in school, preparing for school meetings, the EHCP process, and the Annual Review process.
Listen free on the SENDIASS website - SEND Talk Podcasts - or on your favourite podcast player, including Spotify and Apple podcasts. There are transcriptions of each episode too.
Shape Manchester's future
Your voice can help create a new ten-year vision for Manchester, one that takes the city from 2025 to 2035. The Council invites you to share the things, people and places that matter to you and where you live, learn or work. Thank you for taking ten minutes of your time to fill in this online survey: www.manchester.gov.uk/ourmanchester.
Closes 31st May 2024.
CAMHS survey
Healthwatch in Greater Manchester know there are long waiting times for young people to be seen by Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS). They have launched a survey for young people aged 13+) to find out how this is affecting them. There is also a survey for parents and carers to share their experience of supporting their children. Closes 28th March 2024.
Vote for your stars
There’s still time to vote in the Greater Manchester Health and Care Champion Awards. The awards are for all individuals or teams, paid or unpaid, who work in the health or care sector in Greater Manchester or do broader work that helps improve the health and wellbeing of others. Members of the public or colleagues can nominate. It’s easy to do. Nominating is easy. There’s just one form to complete online, or you can download it and send by email or post. There are 14 categories and it’s a fantastic opportunity to thank and recognise our health and care workforce. Closes 15th March 2024.
Sibs support
National Siblings Day is celebrated on April 10th and Sibs are looking forward to leading the day in the UK again this year. Let them know if you are planning any special events in your community, school or workplace. Find out more about Sibs, a national charity that supports people who grow up with or have grown up with a disabled brother or sister.
News in brief
Are you a parent carer? There is a new set of standards in Greater Manchester, acting as a guide for organisations and letting you know how your needs should be met. You can download the standards and get more information from the Greater Manchester Integrated Care Partnership.
Diabetes and Ramadan is a free online course to support people with diabetes during Ramadan. The course is in English, Arabic and Malay. There is also a course for professionals in English. Delivered by MyWay Digital Health in partnership with the Diabetes and Ramadan International Alliance.
Manchester British Sign Language Fest 2024 takes place on Monday 22nd to Sunday 28th April. There’s lots happening across Central Manchester in a mix of free and paid events. See the full programme.
The Disability Action Plan, informed by the views of over 1,300 disabled people and their families, sets out the immediate actions the government will take in 2024 to improve disabled people’s everyday lives and lay the foundations for longer-term change.
The next election for Manchester residents is on Thursday 2nd May 2024. Manchester City Council’s website has up to date information around voting. There is a page of resources, including factsheets on Voter ID and how the Council is supporting disabled voters in polling stations. Mencap has some easy read guides to voting – including information on Voter ID and how to register to vote.