Young Carers Badge Competition
There have been over 50 fantastic entries for a Manchester competition to design a Young Carer Champions badge! There are now 8 finalists and Manchester Young Carers would like your help. Please spare a couple of minutes to vote for your favourite designs. Thank you! Find out about support and resources for the city’s young carers.
Carers Coffee Morning
Join Manchester Parent Carer Forum (MPCF) on Friday 15th September, 10am-12 noon for a coffee morning at Martenscroft Nursery and Sure Start Centre in Hulme, 33 Epping Street, M15 6PA. It’s an opportunity to meet and chat to fellow parents and carers of children and young people with SEND in a relaxed and friendly setting. You will also learn about the work of Manchester Parent Carer Forum and find out how to get involved. Please book through MPCF.
Support For South Asian Carers
LMCP is a free service, supporting carers from Manchester’s South Asian community. They provide information and advice on a range of issues, including benefits, carers assessments, equipment and carers rights. They also run a monthly Asian Carers Group. For more information, please contact Nazir or Saleha on 0161 226 4632 or 07308 153 387, Staff speak Urdu, Punjabi, Hindi and Gujarati.
Books To Go
Books to Go provides a home delivery service for Manchester residents. If you have limited mobility, a visual impairment or any difficulty leaving your home, you are invited to apply to become a Books to Go customer. Find out more on the Manchester City Council website.
A Break With Carefree
Carefree offer low-cost short breaks in the UK for unpaid carers. After registering with them, you can browse the options and submit a request for a hotel on specific dates. Hotels donate 1-2 night breaks in a twin or double room, plus breakfast where possible, for you and a companion (adult or child, not the person you are caring for). There’s no charge for accommodation, just a £25 admin fee to help with the cost of operating their charity. Find out more on the Carefree website.
Free School Meals Webinar
Contact are hosting a free webinar on Tuesday 19th September, 10.30-11.30am, about free school meals and what to do if your child cannot access them because of their disability or sensory needs. As well as being able to ask questions, you'll also learn about new legal resources to help you ask your school or college to make a reasonable adjustment such as a food voucher. Book your place.
Rare Conditions Conference
Do you care for a child with a rare condition? Contact’s free online conference on Wednesday 4th October,10am-2pm, is an opportunity for you to meet and share experiences with other parent carers and rare condition support group members around the country. At the same time you'll learn more about Contact’s growing Rare Conditions Network and their information, advice and support for families. Find out more and book your free place.
Wythenshawe News
There’s a free Crossacres Family Hub Open Day in Wythenshawe on Tuesday 19th September, 12.30-5pm to launch the new service for 0 to 19 years. There’ll be fun for all the family with a children’s entertainer (12.30-2.30pm), and games and activities, as well as lunch. It’s at Crossacres Family Hub, Sharston Sure Start Children’s Centre, Poundswick Lane, M22 9TA. For more information call 0161 529 0080.
SEND Together is a support group in Wythenshawe for parents and carers of children with additional needs and disabilities. Meetings are on Mondays 10am-12 noon at St Aidan’s Community Centre, 230a Wythenshawe Rd, Wythenshawe M23 0PH. On the last Tuesday of every month, there’s a SEN Den at St Aidan’s, 4.30-6.30pm, which is a social space for children. Email:, 07591 078944, SEND Together Facebook group.
SENsitive offer peer support for SEND families on Mondays, 10am-12 noon at Wythenshawe Forum Library, M22 5RX. It’s a safe space for parents and carers to have a chat, a brew and some guidance on the support that is available to you. For more information contact, SENsitive Facebook group.
Autism Updates
Greater Manchester Autism Consortium run a range of on-going activities, including parent seminars. Check out their Events.
Take a journey into the vibrant world of autism and neurodiversity with Evalynne Charmer. Autistic Voices – a series of podcasts – offers intimate, revealing conversations around the beautiful complexity of the autistic experience.
There is a fantastic new website - Autism Understood - created by Spectrum Gaming in co-production with lots of autistic young people. When young people are told they are autistic, they are rarely told what this actually means. There is also a lot of online misinformation about autism. Autism Understood fills in the gaps.
Health In Brief
Easy Health is an online library of accessible health information with simple words, clear pictures and films. Sign up to download the resources for free.
There are new British Sign Language (BSL) resources on While You Wait for members of the deaf community. While You Wait provides people with information and advice to help manage their physical and mental wellbeing as they wait for hospital care or treatment.
When you use the right NHS service, you get the right treatment sooner. The first thing you should know is which service you should use for your symptoms. Get to know where to go.