Our next drop in is on Wednesday 14th December 10am-12 noon at Manchester Youth Zone, Harpurhey, in the north of the city. It’s a chance to meet a range of services and ask your SEND-related questions. You can also chat with Manchester Parent Carer Forum (MPCF), Manchester Parent Champions and other parent carers.
Future dates - 10am-12 noon:
Wednesday 11th January, Moss Side Powerhouse
Wednesday 8th February, Woodhouse Park Lifestyle Centre, Wythenshawe
Be Heard In Important New Plan
Are you a carer for someone over 16 with learning disabilities? There’s an important new plan being written. We encourage your young person, and you, to have a say.
It’s the Health & Social Care Commissioning Strategy for Manchester adults aged 16+ with learning disabilities. It’s a five-year plan from 2023 to 2028 and is about services in the city. What is good about them? What could be better? This might be outreach services, supported living services, short term care, short break services, residential and nursing care services, GPs and Hospitals or services in the community like friendship groups.
You can have a say through this online survey. Your young person can do it themselves or you can support them with it, sharing your own thoughts at the same time. If you would like a paper copy, email LDfeedback@manchester.gov.uk and ask them to send one to you. If you prefer, you can also do the survey over the phone with a friendly support worker - call 0161 834 6069 and select option 9. Phonelines open 10am-5pm Monday to Friday. There are also some face to face events around the city to share views in person.
If it’s easier, you can email views directly to LDfeedback@manchester.gov.uk. There are two main questions: What is good about services? What could be better?
If you work in the city with people with learning disabilities, you are also encouraged to support people to take part.
You can find out more on the Manchester City Council website. Thank you for any contribution you can make, however small – it all counts!
Manchester City Council is looking for views on play in the city. The Youth, Play and Participation Service want to hear from children and young people about the play activities they’d like to take part in outside of school and college. This will help with planning future grant-funded play activity. Here’s the link for the young people’s survey. If preferred, your child or young person can just answer the question - What play activities would you like to take part in outside of school and college? Send to mushtaq.Khan@manchester.gov.uk. You may also wish to share your thoughts as a parent/carer. Closing date: Friday 2nd December.
School Admissions Consultation
Manchester City Council has begun a consultation on proposed changes to school admissions arrangements. They want to hear parents' views. Have your say on manchester.gov.uk.
Make Music In The City
Manchester has a range of inclusive and open access music centres across the city – and they're free! There are seven centres, offering musical activities and pathways for all ages and abilities, including steelpan, Irish music and Eastern European music. This includes a dedicated inclusive session at the South Music Centre in Chorlton High School - Saturday Sounds, 9.40-10.40am and 10.45-11.45am. Check out the My Hub website for venues and activities. Part of the SEND Community Offer.
SEND Sunday Swims
You are warmly invited to join the Inclusive Swims at Moss Side Leisure Centre on Sundays 9-11.30am. These provide a calm environment for children and young people with special needs and disabilities. A regular parent says: ‘Lovely warm and safe water, fully accessible, and with a very friendly welcome by other parents and carers in the pool.’ It’s the same price as the casual swimming. Book via the website, by visiting the leisure centre, or through the BetterUK App which can be downloaded from Google Play or the Apple App Store.
Football Fun
City In The Community
City In The Community, part of Manchester City FC, run a number of football clubs at the indoor dome, City Football Academy, Etihad Campus M11 4TQ (parking at CFA West Car Park off Alan Turing Way):
- ‘One City’ Monday DSC - Mondays term-time 8-9pm, 6 to 16 years. For girls and boys with most disabilities, although not suitable for wheelchair users.
- ‘One City’ Tuesday DSC - Tuesdays term-time 8-9pm, 16+. For men and women with most disabilities, although not suitable sfor wheelchair users.
- ‘One City’ Saturday Down Syndrome, Dwarf Sports & Visual Impaired Football - Free club on Saturdays term-time, 8-9pm, age 6 to adult. For girls and boys with most disabilities, although not suitable for wheelchair users.
There is also the ‘One City’ Multi-Sport & Youth Club, a free disability club on Tuesdays term-time 6-8pm, for 12 to 25 year olds, at the Woodhouse Park Lifestyle Centre in Wythenshawe. This is suitable for all disabilities, including wheelchair users.
The contact for all activities is Paul Kelly at paul.kelly2@cityfootball.com, 07881343844.
Manchester United Foundation
Manchester United Foundation runs Ability Counts, a PAN-disability football programme for players with disabilities aged 5-25 and their friends and family, every Friday evening at The Cliff Training Ground in Broughton, Salford. Times are 7-7.45pm, mixed group, ages 5-11; 7-7.45pm, girls only group, 7.45-8.30pm, mixed group, ages 12-16; 8.45-9.30pm, mixed group, ages 16-25. Find out more on the MU Foundation website.
The Foundation also runs weekly Powerchair Football at the Moss Side Millennium Powerhouse, open to wheelchair users of all ages. The session on Thursdays, 5-7pm, is for more advanced players, with access to their own powerchairs. Saturdays, 1-2pm, is the development session for beginners who have access to their own powerchairs. For more information see the Foundation’s website.
Christmas In The City
There’s a special Winter Warmer Sunday Funday at Manchester Central Library on Sunday 4th December,12-4pm. Families are invited in from the cold to keep toasty and have fun with free crafts, entertainment and some super treats!
Central Library’s annual Christmas Extravaganza returns bigger and better than ever on Saturday 10th December 10am-4pm. This fantastic event is suitable for families – all welcome at this free, fun-packed day of Christmas entertainment, including music, crafts, refreshments and special guests.
Manchester will be getting into the Christmas spirit with a series of Festive Sundays in the city centre. There will be roaming puppets, supersized penguins and illuminated bands. See Visit Manchester for times and locations.
See Loads To Do for more events in the city centre and near you over the Christmas season.
Supported Internships
19 to 30 year olds living in Manchester with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) can get support to prepare for adulthood and employment. They can grow their creativity and digital skills over the course of a year in a supported internship from the Digital Independent Specialist College (DISC). Visit the website to find out more.
International Day Of Disabled People
There’s a free event for the International Day of Disabled People on Saturday 3rd December, 12-3pm, at Manchester Central Library. Celebrate with Manchester City Council and the Young Creatives from the Greater Manchester Coalition of Disabled People. Activities include panel discussion, activism wall workshop, performances from disabled artists, and more.
Cost Of Living Support In The City |
Manchester City Council has brought together information in its ‘Help with the cost of living crisis’ hub, including financial help in a crisis, basic furniture and foodbanks. There is also the cost of living advice line - call freephone 0800 023 2692, 9am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday. There is access to a language line for residents whose first language isn’t English. Sign Video is also available.
Check out the ‘Benefits & Grants’ and ‘Household’ sections in our Local Offer SEND Information Hub for more information on support at this time, including help with energy bills and getting online.
Here is an easy read leaflet about help for people in Manchester this winter. It includes what to do if you get ill, support with money and ways to keep warm.
Carers Manchester Cost of Living Blog has lots of useful information and updates, including keeping warm and a cost of living payments timelines.
Carers Events
Carers Manchester is holding a number of events for Carers Rights Day to raise awareness and knowledge of your rights as a carer. The sessions are at the Friends Meeting House in the city centre on Thursday 24th November, 9.30am or 1pm, and Saturday 26th November, 10am. Check out the Carers Manchester calendar for more details and how to book, and for information on other carers events. This includes a free wellbeing workshop on Tuesday 29th November, 2pm to 4pm at the Amani Centre, Moss Lane East. This practical workshop will provide tools for, and a better understanding of, the everyday challenges you face. Refreshments included and free transportation is provided if needed.
Virtual Immigration Support - This Saturday!
The Caribbean & African Health Network have a free Home Office Drop In this Saturday. These are only every two months so don’t miss out. Join without fear of enforcement. It is your choice whether you switch on your camera, provide your real name or give any information at all.
Support For Men In Manchester
Carers' Allowance Tip
Did you know it's a good idea to claim Carer’s Allowance even though it's deducted in full from Universal Credit payments? This is because it entitles you to a class 1 National Insurance contribution which can protect your right to a State Pension. Find out more from Contact.
Christmas Lights Switch On |
Earlier in the year, we shared news about a Christmas Lights Competition as part of Manchester’s Our Year, celebrating the city’s children and young people. Six winners saw their drawings turned into sparkling lights on Cathedral Walk in the city centre. Congratulations to the three winners from Manchester Parent Champions families - Eden Cody Sweeney-Nolan, Chase Yates Moran, and Loui Adams-Finn – and to Fizza Zaidi, Kyle Morris and Jodie Bridge. They look fantastic!
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