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 Dear colleagues,
I hope you are well. We just wanted to share with you a couple of updates today following the death Her Majesty the Queen last week.
We will remember the Queen for her many visits to Greater Manchester, including our local hospitals and other services, over the years, as well as her extraordinary strength, courage, and sense of duty. Her legacy of course lives on in some of our services with Queen’s Nurses a core part of community nursing for example.
As you will know, we are now in a period of national mourning which will continue until the day of the State Funeral. This day, Monday 19 September, has been declared a Bank Holiday and will operate in the same way as any other Bank Holidays. Given the short notice period teams are preparing and ensuring services have adequate cover or are rearranging activity that was due on the day. If you require any support with this, please speak to your line managers in the first instance.
Details of tributes and how you can pay your respects can be found at and MFT are also due to announce their tribute plans, and as soon as we have information on this, we will share this with you.
We have also been asked by our colleagues at Manchester City Council to ask for your support in the lead up to the Queen’s funeral. This is to act as marshals at St Ann’s Square in the city centre, which will entail directing members of the public who wish to lay flower tributes and helping to maintain the area.
Support is required on the below dates, and we understand this is a last minute request, but if you would like to get involved, please email Juliet Felstead, who is coordinating names.
Dates and timings
- Thursday 15 September from 5:00pm to 8:00pm
- Friday 16 September from 5:00pm to 8:00pm
- Saturday 17 September from 8:00am to 11:00am, 11:00am to 2:00pm and 5:00pm to 8:00pm
- Sunday 18 September from 8:00am to 11:00am, 11:00am to 2:00pm and 5:00pm to 8.00pm
- Monday 19 September from 8:00am to 11:00am, 11:00am to 2:00pm and 5:00pm to 8.00pm
For the day of the Queen's funeral (Monday 19 September), services and INTs are reminded to refrain from posting to their accounts as per NHS England's guidance during the mourning period. Scheduled posts planned for the day should also be paused.
We will be going ahead with next week’s LCO Team Brief event as planned on Wednesday 21st. This is my regular 30 minute session on teams that everyone can join in on, listen to the latest news from across the LCO and ask any question that you wish to.
Please come and join the event if you can. You can either pre-register for the event using the Microsoft Teams form (login required) or you can join on the day using this Teams meeting link. The event will begin at 2:30pm for half an hour.
I also wanted to remind staff that the NHS England survey for LCO staff working in adult community nursing and integrated teams closes tonight at midnight. If you have not had the opportunity to provide your feedback, then please take some time to complete the survey. It can be completed by Nurses, AHPs and our Health Care Support Workers who undertake observations as part of their role. It will help NHS England better understand how we manage acute physical deterioration in our community settings.
Finally, I wanted to thank all staff for their work at this incredibly busy time with the launch of Hive for our NHS services over the last week, and services pressures. Thank you for everything you are doing as always.
Best wishes,
Katy Calvin-Thomas LCO Chief Executive