Manchester Local Offer Drop In
We're at Woodhouse Park Lifestyle Centre in Wythenshawe for our next face to face drop in for parent carers and young people living in the city of Manchester. It's on Wednesday 13th June, 10am to 12 noon. We know you might feel unsure, especially if you haven't been to a drop in before, but you'll get a warm welcome. You can have a brew and a chat to see how we can support you.
Which services will be there?
This month, we are trialling the Educational Psychologists from One Education on a drop in basis instead of the bookable 30-minute sessions.
We'll also be joined by services around special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) for children and young people up to 25. This includes SENDIASS for your education questions. If you are looking for stuff to do in the local area, Short Breaks staff will be on hand. (Please note, staff don't do Short Break Reviews at the drop ins - contact the team separately about this.) Other services that regularly attend include Early Help, Rodney House Outreach Service, Lifted Carers Centre, Pure Innovations and Phil Samphire Travel Trainer.
Summer SEND Community Offer
The summer holidays are approaching! Look out for a newsletter special next week with our SEND Community Offer around the city, including sensory rooms, storytelling, cycling, skateboarding, watersports, boating - and much more!
Fancy a spot of day-tripping?
As part of this year's Summer SEND Community Offer, we have some fantastic coach trips and activity days! Online bookings go live from July 25th and we'll have more information about this in the summer specials. If you prefer, there are in person booking sessions, with the first on Tuesday 19th July, 10am-12 noon at The Grange Community Resource Centre, Pilgrim Drive, Beswick M11 3TQ.
The trips and activities have been co-produced with 4CT and Manchester Parent Carer Forum. Find out more on MPCF's website!
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