Age-Friendly Manchester monthly e-bulletin. |
E-Bulletin Issue 190 – March 2021
This monthly update provides news, event details, information and advice for older people and those who work with and support older people.
The more eagle-eyed amongst our readers may have spotted our early April Fool's in this morning's edition of this Bulletin - the World Health Authority should of course have been the World Health Organization. Our apologies for this error.
This week marked the National Day of Reflection – the one-year anniversary of the first national lockdown. It has been a time to remember those who have sadly died as a result of Covid-19, as well as those who have been affected by the disease in so many ways, as it reached into all areas of our lives.
The last 12 months have been particularly hard on the over 50s. Whether this has been the severe risks to older people's health, the unemployment impact on workers over 50, or the toll on older people's confidence, physical conditioning and mental health after being locked indoors or shielding for a year.
From the start of the pandemic we have all been working hard together to support our residents and communities. The AFM team have spent much of their time redeployed in delivering the city's Covid response. However the work of the Age Friendly programme has remained a high priority. At the start of the pandemic this bulletin went weekly for a number of months and became a platform for services and the many wonderful voluntary organisations in Manchester to share their responses and the community support being offered to residents.
The AFM Older People's Board began meeting virtually last year and set out the city's recovery priorities for older people, which were agreed unanimously at the Council's Communities and Equalities Scrutiny Committee last December. This helps define the work of the AFM Programme for the next 12 months.
Board members were also active at the city's Climate Change conference, around Black Lives Matter and supported Marcus Rashford's food poverty campaign, to name but a few. And of course older residents have been central as volunteers and key workers in supporting and sustaining our communities. Meanwhile the AFM team has, among other things, organised the delivery of over 50,000 Keeping Well At Home and Keeping Well This Winter booklets to the city's most vulnerable and isolated older residents, led Manchester's campaign on unclaimed pension credit and has supported research into the impact of Covid-19 on older people living in deprived communities.
We will continue to use this eBulletin to bring you a range of age friendly news, information and opportunities as we hopefully begin to see the benefits of a successful vaccine roll-out and the gradual lifting of restrictions. Please continue to send us content you would like featured (to jon.atkin@manchester.gov.uk) so that we can continue to make this a great source of information for the over 50s and those who work in the world of ageing.
Best Wishes,
The AFM Team
Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Advice and Guidance
For the latest information on the current national restrictions visit gov.uk.
Alongside current safety measures, rules around the wearing of face coverings and social distancing are still in effect. We all must:
- stay at home as much as possible
- limit contact with people you do not live with or who are not in your support bubble
- keep your distance if you go out (2m/6ft where possible)
- wash your hands regularly.
Don't forget that anyone over 60 needs to pay particular attention to the Government's advice to stay at home and avoid contact with other people -regardless of any medical conditions.
The nationwide COVID-19 vaccination programme is making fantastic progress; by mid-March, over 25 million UK residents have had their first jab already, including more than 157,000 people registered at GP practices in Manchester.
People aged 50+ in England are now being invited to book their Covid-19 jab as the vaccination programme enters its newest phase. You should be contacted (normally by your GP) with details of where and when you can be vaccinated. You can also book your jab online.
In Manchester, there are several local vaccination centres based all around the city area and an additional mass-testing centre at the National Tennis Centre (part of the Etihad sports campus).
Some people have unfortunately been affected by scams linked to the COVID-19 vaccine. Please be aware that you will never be asked to pay for your NHS vaccine.
Latest News
World Health Organization Launches Global Report On Ageism
The new Global Report On Ageism outlines an action plan to reduce ageism. It brings together the best available evidence on the nature and magnitude of ageism, its determinants and its impact. It outlines what strategies work to prevent and counter ageism, identifies information gaps and proposes future lines of research to improve our understanding of ageism. This video explains more.
Your city needs you – be part of Census 2021
Every Manchester household has been asked to be part of Census 2021 this spring. This once-in-a-decade survey helps everyone - from central government to local councils and health authorities, plan and fund public services. Because the results help decide where billions of pounds get spent on services like transport, education and health – it’s crucial that everyone in Manchester is counted. Otherwise, our city will miss out on funding for these life-saving and life-enhancing public services.
Census 2021 will be the first run mainly online. Your household should have received a census pack with a unique internet access code, so you can complete the survey on your computer, phone or tablet. Please use it help your city get its fair share of funding for crucial services in the coming decade.
If you need help filling in the form online, you can text 07860 064 128 and one of our digital support team will ring you back. You can also request a paper copy by phoning 0800 141 2021 - make sure you have your letter handy when you do.
For more information and advice on how to answer the questions, visit census.gov.uk.
A new milestone for the UK’s first purpose-built LGBT+ Extra Care Housing Facility
Proposals to deliver the UK’s first purpose built and co-produced LGBT+ older person’s housing scheme – in Manchester, have taken a significant leap forward this week. Anchor Hanover, England’s largest not-for-profit provider of housing and care for people in later life, has been chosen as preferred partner to deliver the scheme. This innovative project will deliver more than 100 apartments for people aged 55 or over, with a mix of affordable rent and shared ownership tenures. Extra Care housing schemes provide residents with high-quality housing and the reassurance and flexibility of having essential on-site services, such as care and catering, which may be more appropriate to their needs in later life.
The Manchester location at Russell Road in Whalley Range will be developed in collaboration with a local Community Steering Group, made up of members of the Council, Councillors, local residents and members of the LGBT+ community.
Manchester’s older LGBT+ population is growing. There are more than 7,000 people in Manchester over the age of 50 that identify as LGBT+ and this figure is expected to rise over next two decades. An LGBT Foundation report, commissioned by Manchester City Council, indicated higher levels of loneliness and isolation amongst LGBT older people, experience and fear of discrimination in existing accommodation, and a desire for affordable, accessible LGBT specific accommodation where they can be open about their identity in later life.
Cllr Bev Craig, Manchester City Council’s lead member for adult health and well-being, said: “Manchester was proud to be the first place in the country to announce such a scheme so it’s great to see this scheme come to fruition. Our ambition came on the back of years of research and engagement with older LGBT people. We already know LGBT+ people are more likely to be lonely later in life, and as this community is growing, it shows that this Extra Care is not only welcome but absolutely needed.”
Digital Postcard Campaign
The shortlisted images from the recent Old Frame New Picture competition are now available to send as digital postcards.
They are easy to send – you can email or share on Facebook or Twitter.
Just visit the GMOPN website and send a postcard.
There are also packs of physical postcards available by contacting GMOPN@macc.org.uk.
Soup Made By You Recipe Books & Kits
A recent project developed by buzz Manchester Health & Wellbeing Service, Winning Hearts & Minds and NEPHRA Good Neighbours in Moston has been a great success. As part of Manchester Age Friendly winter warmer campaign, the teams worked with local residents to collect their favourite family soup recipes and share their soup stories. Some of these stories have been published in the Soup Made By You recipe book which also includes expert tips from community nutrition specialists.
Alongside the recipe book, 400 Golden Vegetable Soup Kits were made up by NEPHRA Good Neighbours, then delivered to residents aged 50+ across North Manchester to inspire them in the kitchen. Some residents even received a slow cooker as a prize for sending in a recipe!
For more information about this project, or to connect with your local buzz Neighbourhood Health Worker, please contact Simon on 07552 249 977 or email simon.kitchin@gmmh.nhs.uk
Events and Activities
Be Ambitious with April Activities
There's loads going on in April courtesy of Manchester Cares - from a Michelle Obama Book Club, a tour of the Sistine Chapel (virtually, of course) to their regular Movies, Music and Memories get-together and Documentary Club - this time with a David Attenborough classic. Read the full list of what's on.
Be part of the Manchester Flower Show 2021
Manchester Business Improvement District/Cityco are working with partners across the city to create and promote a trail of floral and green takeovers from statues to windows, railings, balconies and doorways that visitors will be able to go from one to the next - like a bee. Why not help to bring the city back into bloom from 29 May to 6 June?
Use your imagination to create something large? Create an instagram splash; a bespoke green display that adds to the trail. Something worth visiting, something wow. Use your spaces and do something unique. Create a giant floral monolith. Take over a doorway or boring railings or floralise your window. The sky really is the limit. Do something small? It doesn’t have to be a big display. You could join our mini trail of planted wheelbarrows. It’s easy to do and will have a big impact, the more people join in. Green your own space? Been putting off that greening project like sprucing up your planters? Then now’s the time! Use the show as an excuse to fit some new hanging baskets or host the opening of your new urban garden.
Costs: there is no charge to join the Manchester Flower Show. Your costs will be down to what you plan to do. Deadline: please get in touch with us as soon as you are thinking about participating. The deadline for getting in touch with your ideas is 5 April.
To register or for more details, contact: Nelson Beaumont-Laurencia Manchester Business Improvement District E: nelson@cityco.com M: 07727 812703
Castlefield Gallery Exhibition Digital Tour
The current gallery's exhibition Obstructions includes work by artists from its bOlder programme, a talent development programme for contemporary visual artists aged 50+.
The gallery would like to get some feedback about the exhibition - in particular from older audiences. If you are interested, they would like to offer a private tour for a group of around 8-10 people. Due to the current situation this will be conducted online via Zoom.
The tour will be during the day and will last no more than 40 minutes - at the end the Gallery will ask a few questions to get people's thoughts.
All you will need to take part is a computer with a camera and microphone, access to the internet and to be able to download and sign up to a free Zoom account.
Find out more about the exhibition and contact Leslie Remonato at leslie@castlefieldgallery.co.uk if you are interested in the online group tour.
Manchester Song Festival
The Manchester Song Festival is back on Saturday 27 March at The Stoller Hall, with a live stream line-up dominated by some of the region's finest vocal talents. After a year in lockdown, the festival creates an opportunity for musicians to come together, explore new collaborations and share their music with audiences around the world.
Find out more and book tickets.
Manchester Institute for Collaborative Research on Ageing (MICRA) Webinar - Inequalities in ageing: health disadvantages amongst ethnic minority groups.
29 April 2021, 10am – 11am.
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a disproportionate impact on most ethnic minority groups in England. But this inequality is actually a crisis within a crisis – the pandemic has laid bare and exacerbated already existing deep-rooted health inequalities. In this webinar, Dr Ruth Watkinson and Dr Alex Turner will discuss their recent study looking at ethnic health inequalities amongst older adults and outline the policy changes that are necessary to “build back fairer” following the COVID-19 pandemic. They will be joined by MICRA Co-Director, Professor Tarani Chandola who will speak on Ethnicity and the COVID-19 vaccine rollout in the UK.
You can register via Zoom and you’ll receive a confirmation email with joining details for the event.
Have Your Say
Over 50s Apprenticeship Survey
The Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) wants to make sure that everyone can access apprenticeships and have a fulfilling career - and that includes older workers. Many people over 50 aren’t aware that apprenticeships are still open to them, and those that do take up an apprenticeship opportunity may face different challenges to their younger peers. The GMCA would like to understand the perceptions and experiences of apprenticeships among the over 50s in Greater Manchester, use that insight to guide their future work and make apprenticeships more accessible to older workers. They have launched a survey where you can share your thoughts about apprenticeship courses for people over 50 years of age. You may have done an apprenticeship yourself, or you may not know much about them – the GMCA wants to hear from everyone.
Get involved in local NHS research
Did you know that people who get involved in research tend to have better health outcomes as they become better at managing their own conditions. Joining the research community means you're also actively helping to improve care and treatments for you and for other people.
Research for the Future is an NHS supported initiative encouraging everyone in Greater Manchester to get involved in health research and help discover new ways to prevent, diagnose and manage illnesses.
Everyone (aged 18+) is welcome to join, whether you have a health condition or not. There are many ways to get involved including study design, discussion groups, surveys, testing new equipment and clinical trials. The team are particularly keen to hear from people living with diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease or respiratory disease.
To find out more visit the Research for the Future website or text RESEARCH and your name to 81400 and an advisor will call you back.
Participate in bereavement research
General Reading and Resources
Physical activity: understanding and addressing inequalities
Public Health England has published guidance for local level practitioners and commissioners to begin tackling inequalities in physical activity across and within protected characteristic groups. The publication presents the findings of a review, analysis and research aimed at understanding the enablers, barriers and opportunities for increasing physical activity across inequality groups. Older adults are included in the guidance with a specific section from pages 18-19.
No Going Back: Gorton and Levenshulme Report
Following on from the well-received No Going Back report published in 2020, No Going Back: Gorton and Levenshulme gives a platform to 16 organisations to highlight some of the local issues in a city neighbourhood that doesn’t often get a hearing. The collection of articles and quotes shows the critical role played by voluntary organisations in supporting communities during an unprecedented pandemic and is a fascinating and moving read.
Age Friendly Good News From Norway
A fantastic handbook for age-friendly communities has been developed by our friends in Norway. Packed full of great ideas and examples of age friendly good practice, the book and web content have been made available for everyone to use. If you have any questions please contact Anne Berit Rafoss: anne.berit.rafoss@helsedir.no.
Older workers’ perceptions of 'soul-destroying' ageism in the recruitment process
The Centre for Ageing Better has published a report investigating the widespread and ‘soul-destroying’ ageism in recruitment which affects jobseekers’ confidence, wellbeing and finances. The report finds over a third of 50-69 year olds think their age would put them at a disadvantage in applying for jobs, an experience greatly exacerbated by a rise in redundancies caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Preventing the preventable: a Healthy Ageing webinar
In case you missed this fascinating CFAB webinar examining why a focus on prevention across the life course and the health and social care system is essential to promote healthy ageing, a recording is available on demand.
Nearly two million over-75s in England are still digitally excluded in a COVID-19 world
A huge proportion of over-75s in England are still digitally excluded in a COVID-19 world; New Age UK analysis busts the myth that the pandemic has driven most older people online and calls for more support for non-users.
Ever More Needed: The Role of Leeds Neighbourhood Networks During the COVID-19 Pandemic
This report, produced by the Centre for Ageing Better, draws on the findings of a Real Time Evaluation (RTE) of the Leeds Neighbourhood Networks during the pandemic as a way to understand and share learning about their response. Age Friendly Manchester is a big admirer of this kind of urban community work being carried out across the Pennines.
An estimated 4.1 million homes in England do not meet basic standards - and around half are lived in by someone aged 55+.
A new report reveals the impact of poor homes on people in their 50s and 60s, with residents feeling ‘miserable’ and ‘overwhelmed’ by problems of cold and damp in the home.
Advice & Support
Pension Credit Top Up
Greater Manchester Citizen's Advice can help you to check if you can get a top up. You can also call them on 0800 144 8848. Remember, you may still be entitled to a top up even if you have savings, a private pension or own your home.
Virtual Hearing Loss Awareness Sessions for Manchester’s Age Friendly Networks
RNID - the National Hearing Loss Charity - are hosting free workshops for Manchester based groups/organisations who work with older residents.
Do you have concerns about your hearing or want find out about the signs of hearing loss? Would you like to find out how you can support someone with a hearing loss?
Book your place on eventbrite to attend one of the free virtual hearing loss awareness sessions:
Tue, 20 April 2021, 10:00 – 11:00 BST book here.
Thu, April 22, 2021, 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM BST book here.
On A Good Footing Project
During the Covid-19 pandemic we have all spent more time at home which has, in many cases, meant less exercise - vital for maintaining muscle strength and balance, both crucial in reducing the risk of falls. The age friendly team at buzz Health and Wellbeing Service, strength and balance working with partners, have developed ‘On a Good Footing' falls prevention packs containing good quality slippers, a tailor-made strength and balance home exercise DVD, guidance on hydration and nutrition and information on local care and repair services who can support with home adaptions.
For more information on these packs, or if you would like to replicate the project in your area please contact: Yasmin Holgeth on Yasmin.Holgeth@gmmh.nhs.uk or 07425536823.
Health and Wellbeing
Keeping Well This Winter
As mentioned in our recent Bulletins, Greater Manchester Ageing Hub has launched a campaign to support older people with practical information to keep well this winter. The package includes a useful advice booklet, a short film and a handy set of talking tips.
The Keeping Well This Winter booklet is packed full of information about keeping your mind and body active, money advice and staying well.
Don't forget the handy checklist for Keeping Well This Winter.
Translations of Keeping Well this Winter are now available in Audio, Easy-read, Urdu and Bangla.
Sing Yourself to Better Health
Singing is a great way to lift your mood and improve your mental wellbeing, something a lot of us could benefit from right now. So why not try a free singing lesson? You’ll even get the chance to vote for your favourite song to sing along to via the buzz Twitter account @buzzmanc.
The sessions start on Tuesday 9 March and run for 6 weeks, every Tuesday at 2pm. To join in, please register for FREE on Eventbrite. Videos will be uploaded to the buzz Get Connected hub.
Keep Active at Home Booklet
A new 'Active at Home' booklet has been produced to provide practical guidance to older adults on home-based activities to maintain their strength and balance due to concerns that low levels of physical activity in older adults will lead to reduced fitness resulting in loss of independence and need for care in the future. Booklets are available to download for partners to organise print locally.
For local authorities in England that are unable to print copies, there are copies available on request on a first come first serve basis. Please note that the maximum order per organisation is 5,000 copies.
The Age-Friendly Manchester Team
Established in 2003 as Valuing Older People, Age-Friendly Manchester is a partnership involving organisations, groups and individuals across the city playing their part in making Manchester a great place to grow older.
We'll be back with our next e-Bulletin in a month's time.
Please send us any news articles or event/regular group listing requests at least two weeks ahead.
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