So far, so good as more of our city reopens
As more of our city's economy gradually re-opens as COVID-19 lockdown restrictions ease it has been great to see Manchester pulling together and following the safety guidance that is in place to guide our recovery.
As the old saying goes, 'slow and steady wins the race' and our COVID-19 recovery is certainly going to be one step at a time.
Our public health team is continuously interpreting the latest information and guidance to help keep our communities safe.
This includes advice to make sure that if you have any COVID-19 symptoms, you self-isolate and contact NHS 111 to get a test within the first five days of any symptoms showing.
As more of us go out socialising and gradually return to our places of work it is important to know where you have been and who you have been in contact with, just in case the NHS Test and Trace service contact you to self-isolate and ask for this information to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 in your local community.
By keeping a Test and Trace diary using the calendar on your smartphone for example, can make a really big difference in helping to combat COVID-19 in Manchester.
Many thanks for your continued support.
Here is the latest information
Seven things you need to know about Manchester's COVID-19 outbreak and prevention plans
Our Director of Public Health, Dave Regan explains the role of COVID testing data and postcode analysis, early warning systems and the approach to preventing outbreaks of the virus.
School returning in September FAQs for parents and carers.
Information for parents and carers of students who will be returning to schools in Manchester from September 2020.
Is it compulsory for my child to attend school from September?
Yes; from the start of the next academic year in September, it is compulsory for children of all school years to attend.
How safe will it be?
Our schools can provide a well-managed environment, to reduce the risk of infection. Public Health England is clear that if settings do this, the risk of transmission will be lowered. These measures include:
- changes in pick up and drop off arrangements, improved signage and one-way movement systems;
- ensuring those who have coronavirus symptoms, or who have someone in their household who does, do not attend;
- washing hands more often than usual;
- promoting good hygiene around sneezing/ coughing into a tissue, which is then put in a bin;
- cleaning frequently touched surfaces;
- changes to classroom layout and timetables to reduce contact;
- regular deep-cleaning;
- grouping pupils in a 'bubble' designed to help with infection control.
How will my child travel to school? Due to social distancing, the capacity of public transport and school bus services may be reduced. We would encourage alternative means of transport (walk, cycle, car), where possible, to ensure there are places on public transport for those children who have no other options.
What will a 'bubble' look like? This very much depends on the school your child attends. The main priority is to reduce contact between people as much as possible. This will be achieved through pupils being placed in 'bubbles'. Some 'bubbles' may be as small as 30 whereas in larger primary schools or secondary schools, 'bubbles' may be a whole year group. To reduce contact between pupils:
- 'bubbles' may have different start and finish times;
- 'bubbles' may have break times and lunch times in separate areas of the school;
- school timetables may be adjusted.
How often will pupils wash their hands during the day? Schools will be washing their hands as soon as pupils enter the school, at regular intervals throughout the day and before going home.
How safe is it to use bathrooms at school? Schools will be taking additional steps to ensure bathrooms are kept clean, including:
- being cleaned at regular times throughout the day;
- being cleaned thoroughly each evening or before school and this will include cleaning specific 'touch points' throughout school e.g. door handles, light switches etc.
Will schools be using personal protective equipment (PPE)? Wearing a face covering or face mask in schools is not recommended. PPE will only be used if a child, young person or other learner becomes unwell with symptoms of coronavirus whilst in their school and needs direct personal care until they can return home.
Also, those children, young people and students whose care routinely already involves the use of PPE due to their intimate care needs, will continue to receive their care in the same way.
What would happen if somebody at school developed COVID symptoms during the day? If anyone shows symptoms of COVID-19 during the school day, they will be taken to a designated room.
Staff will wear PPE equipment if necessary to provide support.
Parents/next of kin will be contacted and the person will be expected to be collected from school immediately and will be advised to follow 'stay at home: guidance for households with possible or confirmed coronavirus infection'.
They must self-isolate for at least 7 days and should arrange to have a test to see if they have coronavirus. Other members of their household (including any siblings) should self-isolate for 14 days from when the person showing symptoms first had symptoms.
Wearing face coverings in shop and supermarkets.
From Friday 24 July, wearing face coverings will be mandatory in shops and supermarkets in England. Stores can refuse someone entry if a face covering isn't worn and call the police if there's a problem. People who don't have a face covering will face fines of up to £100.
Children under 11 and those with disabilities will be exempt from the new rule.

Week of action starts to encourage compliance with wearing face coverings on public transport
Police and public transport operators in Greater Manchester are reminding passengers of the importance of wearing face coverings while using the region's buses, trains and trams.
Failure to wear a face covering, unless exempt, could see passengers prevented from travelling or even fined up to £100.
It has been mandatory to wear a covering on public transport since 15 June 2020.
To remind passengers of their responsibility to keep themselves and others safe and increase compliance, the TravelSafe Partnership will be holding a week of action, starting on Thursday 16 July.
Police and transport staff will be speaking to people not wearing face coverings, encouraging them to wear one and checking whether they have an exemption. If not, police and transport staff will enforce the rules and passengers may be prevented from boarding or asked to leave public transport until they have provided themselves with a face covering.
Staff will also be on hand at key city centre transport locations to hand out face coverings to those requiring them.
There are several exemptions to wearing face coverings, including children under the age of 11, anyone with a disability or condition which means they are unable to wear one, transport staff and emergency services.
The TFGM Journey Assist card was launched last month to help those who are exempt from wearing a face covering. The card, which can be downloaded to a device or printed off and used as a flash pass, is available by contacting TFGM's customer team on 0161 244 1000 or through the TfGM website contact form.
The card is also available in Travelshops across Greater Manchester. Passengers who carry Journey Assistance cards from transport operators can continue to use them also.

Disposing of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
As the wearing of masks is required on public transport and will soon be mandatory in shops (from 24 July), the government has advice on disposing of non-reusable PPE. You should:
- Remove PPE carefully, and avoid touching the inside of your face covering
- After you remove your PPE or face covering, wash your hands or use hand sanitiser
- Dispose of them in your grey general waste bin, or a litter bin if you're outside
- Do not put them in a recycling bin as they cannot be recycled
- Take them home with you if there is no litter bin - do not drop them as litter
If you or anyone in your household has Coronavirus symptoms and/or are self-isolating, any disposable masks or other PPE, tissues or cleaning cloths, should be put in a disposable rubbish bag when finished with. These bags should be placed into another disposable rubbish bag, tied securely and kept separate from other rubbish. This should be put aside for at least 72 hours before being put in your usual grey general waste bin or container.
For more advice, visit GOV.UK
Tips and recycling centres
Manchester's tips and recycling centres are now open seven days a week from 8am to 6pm. These are:
Reliance Street, Newton Heath, M40 3EZ
Longley Lane, Sharston, M22 4RQ
Sandfold Lane, Levenshulme, M19 3BJ
The Greater Manchester Combined Authority, who are responsible for tips and recycling centres and has issued the following guidance:
- Do not visit if you or anyone from your household have Covid-19 symptoms
- Stay two metres (six feet) away from other visitors and staff at all times
- Only one person at a time to dispose of waste in any container
- Only one person to access a walkway/gantry at a time
- Two people from the same household may leave their vehicle only to carry large items
- Other passengers must remain in the car
- Wash your hands regularly
For more information, visit recycleforgreatermanchester.com
Play areas reopening
We're happy to announce that play areas across Manchester have started re-opening. Play areas in 13 parks across the city are now open to enjoy, with even more coming soon.
Things will feel a bit different when you visit one of our play areas, and we need your help to make sure everyone can enjoy them safely. Please respect social distancing, be prepared with wipes and hand sanitiser, and follow the one-way system that is in place.
We know how much you have missed getting out and about and enjoying our play areas. We all still need to be careful and keep our distance but we are so excited to welcome you and your families back!
You can find out which areas are currently open at on our website.
Updated guidance allows more mourners to attend funerals
Following changes to national guidance, Manchester City Council has eased the restrictions for the number of mourners attending funeral services.
Public Health England guidance states that a modest number of close friends and family of the deceased may attend funerals. Those self-isolating or showing symptoms of COVID-19 should not attend funerals. Mourners are also encouraged to wear face coverings.
The number of mourners permitted to attend funerals has increased to a limit of 30 people. For services in chapels, the number able to attend depends on the chapel size so that social distancing can still be maintained at 2 meters.
This means:
- Blackley Crematorium will allow a maximum of 15 people to attend services in the East & West Chapels.
- A maximum of 15 people will be also able to attend services in the North Chapel at Southern Cemetery.
- The Centre Chapel in Blackley Crematorium has reopened for bookings, and a maximum of 30 people may attend services here. Up to 30 people can attend graveside burial services.
The number of mourners allowed at funerals may be reviewed should the COVID-19 infection rate rise significantly and new public health measures are put in place.
 Manchester Community Response Hub
The Community Response Hub offers support to Manchester's most vulnerable people to help them cope with the impacts of the coronavirus outbreak. The hub can help with:
- Delivery of food
- Delivery of medication
- Combating loneliness
- Managing fuel top-up payments
- Getting access to services online
Help is also available for other reasons, for example, if you are a carer, care leaver or young carer. The Hub is open Mon-Fri 9am-5pm and Sat 10am-2pm.
If you need help, freephone: 0800 234 6123 email: COVIDSupport@manchester.gov.uk or text: 078600 22876 (messages responded to by the next working day), or visit manchester.gov.uk/coronavirus
Help with Debt, Bills and Borrowing
If you are not working or furloughed at the moment due to COVID-19 and need help with debt, bills or borrowing, visit manchester.gov.uk/helpinghands for advice and support.
 Emergency Fund for Unpaid Carers
The Fund is open for carers (aged 16+) to ensure the ongoing health and wellbeing of both the carer and the person who needs care. This includes those households where a child or young person is the carer.
The funding can be used for transport costs (including taxis) or fuel, furniture, emergency delivery of food and one-off practical costs to help with the caring role at this time.
Carers can receive advice about accessing this financial support from Manchester Carers Centre or their Young Carers Coordinator. Manchester Carers Centre helpline is open for carers Mondays to Thursdays, 9am to 4.30pm on 0161 272 7270. Alternatively, carers can email: admin@manchestercarers.org.uk Or visit www.manchester.gov.uk/carers and click on the Carers Emergency Fund tab.
 7 steps for a safe night out.
If you are looking at a post lockdown night out in Manchester, read our 7 practical steps to help you have a safe and enjoyable night out as part of the Welcome Back Manchester campaign.
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