Manchester Carers Centre
The Manchester Carers Centre telephone helpline for unpaid carers is available Monday to Thursday, 9am to 4pm. Call 0161 27 27 27 0 for information, advice or emotional support around COVID-19 or your caring role in general.
Manchester Deaf Centre
WAITE - Well-being, Advocacy, Information, Training and Employment Service - is a ’One Stop' shop, five days a week, to support D/deaf individuals. Support includes help with benefits, employment and discrimination. To learn more, get in touch with:
Mark Woodall 07557 095854 Mark.Woodall@manchesterdeafcentre.com
Anita Kanji 078253 46935 AnitaK@manchesterdeafcentre.com
Dipti Patel 075570 95929 dipti@manchesterdeafcentre.com
List Of Support Organisations
The IASS Network have updated their SEND Information Organisations Group list with coronavirus specific information. It contains details of organisations that provide free advice & support on matters relating to SEND in England.