In a recent newsletter, we shared organisations with coronavirus information, like Mencap and the RNIB. Here are some more:
Council For Disabled Children – EHC Update & FAQ
The CDC is a great source of trusted information. They have a monthly newsletter – here’s May’s edition. This includes the latest news on temporary changes to the law relating to Education, Health and Care Needs (EHC) assessments and plans and frequently asked questions (FAQ) on SEND support during the coronavirus pandemic.
Here is their help and resources page for parents. You can sign up for their newsletters towards the end of the page.
Books Beyond Words
Wordless storybooks to download for free from Books Beyond Words. Includes ‘Good days and bad days in lockdown’ and ‘When someone dies from coronavirus’.
ChatterPack – Free SEND Resources
ChatterPack is a voluntary-run, special educational needs and disabilities hub. See their free speech and language, OT, and many other SEND resources for families and schools.
Complex Care In Lockdown
Simple Stuff Works have Complex Care in Lockdown You Tube videos, including Keeping Active, Simple Positioning, and Supported Lying.
Deaf Awareness Week Resources
It’s Deaf Awareness Week – 4th to 10th May. Twinkl has a free, downloadable Deaf Awareness Home Learning Resource Pack.
Disabled Living
Disabled Living can offer advice about products and equipment at this challenging time. Look to the right of their homepage to sign up to receive their newsletter, which includes information about their virtual Kidz to Adultz exhibitions.
Scope Resources
Scope have lots of COVID-19 advice around work, money, getting food, medicine and essentials, and cerebral palsy and coronavirus. (Helpful tip: When you click on a category, it doesn’t take you to an information page straight away. You get a list of topics that you need to select from.)
Stuck Inside – Free Book To Support Children
Stuck Inside is a new illustrated book by Dan and Kathryn Allman about COVID-19. It’s been written and illustrated with children in mind, to help them understand what is going on and why it’s important to stay indoors. The book is available to download as a PDF or as a free eBook.
Visual Impairment – Resources For Families
A specialist in the education of children and young people with visual impairment has pulled together some useful resources on her website, including relaxation, wellbeing and Facebook groups.