Partners in Care and Health: Workforce planning, information and advice, mental health performance, preventive care and digital skills

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LGA and ADASS are Partners in Care and Health, supporting councils to improve the way they deliver adult social care and public health services.

January 2025

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Workforce planning in a place - new briefing

Councils have an important role to play in bringing people together to plan for and develop a workforce that can thrive and work differently to achieve the best possible outcomes for residents.

Our new briefing ‘Workforce planning in a place’ showcases how a place-based approach can affect real change and address the challenges many places are facing. This briefing is the latest in a range of tools and resources available our Workforce Planning Hub

Read the briefing

Adult social care information and advice toolkit - update

We've recently updated our toolkit aiming to help councils review and improve their information and advice service, so it better reflects best practice around co-producing information and advice offers more effectively with people. 

As part of that piece of work, we held workshops and online events in which councils, people who draw on care and support, and their unpaid carers, reflected on their experiences of trying to access and receiving information and advice.

Access the updated toolkit

In addition, we're running a webinar on 12 February 2025, 12.00pm - 1.00pm, on providing equitable access to information and advice where the Equality and Human Rights Commission and Healthwatch England will share their perspectives. Book on the access and equity webinar.

Mental health performance, data and insight webinar

3 February 2025, 3.30pm - 4.30pm | Virtual

At this webinar, we'll launch our new guidance for directors of adult social care, focusing on their duties and system performance in adult mental health services. It will also cover good practices and strategies for effective reporting, as well as provide an opportunity for those working to improve and support mental health performance improvement and reporting to offer feedback.

Register for the mental health webinar

Better Care Fund (BCF) Support Programme learning lunch - preventive and proactive care

18 February 2025, 11.30am – 1.00pm | Virtual

Following the publication of our 'Preventive and proactive care research report', this learning lunch will focus on local prevention or proactive targeted support initiatives which enable people to stay well, safe and independent at home for longer.

Our aim is to provide peer learning for local health and care systems and provide information to facilitate local investment decision-making.

Book on the preventive learning lunch

Digital skills national events

18 February 2025, 2.00pm - 3.00pm and 6 March 2025, 1.00pm - 3.00pm | Virtual

A series exploring the ethical challenges around technology use in care, as well as how councils have embraced technology and AI at both a strategic and operational level, and the benefits and challenges that they have faced. These sessions are for occupational therapists, social workers, principal occupational therapists and principal social workers, but all council staff are welcome to attend.

Book your place:

Navigating the requirements of consent with technology, 18 February 2025

The road to success 1: how technology and AI is shaping how our regulated professionals deliver service, 6 March 2025

CQC assessment: what have we learned so far?

27 February 2025, 10.30am - 12.30pm | Virtual

The return of regulation to the care and support sector is a significant development so how can councils best prepare? What are the lessons to be learned from those councils who have been through the process and what are the implications of Penny Dash's review into the operational effectiveness of the Care Quality Commission?

Join this virtual event on CQC assessment to get the latest learning and gain insight into the wider national context.

Book on the CQC assessment webinar

Tackling discriminatory abuse through collaboration and innovation

27 February 2025, 11.00am – 1.00pm | Virtual

This webinar delves into the practical application of our discriminatory abuse self-assessment tool and highlights innovative approaches to fostering shared understanding of discriminatory abuse among local partners, predominantly councils.

The session also explores how shared insights and data can help improve outcomes for adults experiencing discriminatory abuse. Additionally, the radical safeguarding toolkit for homelessness will be introduced.

Register for the discriminatory abuse webinar

BCF Support Programme learning lunch - High Impact Change Model (HICM) on dementia and delirium 

10 March 2025, 11:30am – 1:00pm | Virtual

People with dementia experience some of the highest levels of avoidable hospital admission, inconsistent approaches to assessment and care in hospital, long lengths of stay and delays to discharge.

This webinar will provide best practice and support to health and social care systems to help improve an individual’s journey to, during and following discharge from an acute hospital. It follows last month's publication of our HICM on dementia and delirium.

Book on the HICM dementia learning lunch

Using data and intelligence for whole system decision support

By integrating data and intelligence into their decision-making processes, health and social care system leadership teams can foster a more proactive, efficient, and person-centred approach.

We will be developing a High Impact Change Model which will provide health and social care systems with the tools to ensure data-driven approaches are integrated into everyday operations, decision-making, and strategic planning.

If you would like to be involved, please contact

Operating model toolkit communities of practice (CoPs)

10 February 2025, 2.00pm - 4.00pm and 13 February 2025, 10.00am - 12.00pm | Virtual

We're running sessions to support digitising and streamlining assessment with ambitions to improve demand management, enhance workforce morale, and deliver more personalised care. Each session focuses on a theme within the operating model toolkit and its associated tool cards. The next two are:

Adult social care retention reset programme 

In response to the workforce challenges in the sector, we're piloting a development programme designed to support councils to review, re-design, and develop their practices around retaining social care talent. The ten-week programme, which starts next month, builds on the LGA's recruitment reset programme and is offered without charge to councils.

We're looking for councils who would like to participate. To sign up, complete this form, or if you have any questions, please email

High-cost placement support workshops

4, 5, 11 and 13 February 2025, Various locations | In-person

We're holding in-person workshops across the country to help councils involved in fee negotiations for high-cost placements in adult social care. You'll have an opportunity to discuss opportunities, challenges and ways of working to improve your approach.

The next workshops are:

  • Bristol - City Hall, College Green, 4 February 2025, 10.00am - 3.00pm
  • Birmingham – Council House, Victoria Square, 5 February 2025, 10.00am - 3.00pm
  • London – 18 Smith Square, 11 February 2025, 10.00am - 3.00pm
  • London – 18 Smith Square, 13 February 2025, 10.00am - 3.00pm

Book and find out more about these workshops.

People with a learning disability - better lives, better value and outcomes

4 March 2025, 11.00am - 3.00pm | In-person, West Midlands

This workshop is aimed at council social care staff working to improve services for adults with a learning disability in social work, commissioning, or transformation roles.

You'll get a chance to meet and network with other staff working in this area and find out about what CQC assurance and data is telling us about council learning disability services. You'll also learn how councils use our 'Supporting adults with a learning disability to have better lives' framework 

Location to be confirmed.

Book on the 'People with a learning disability' workshop

Employer standards health check survey for social work and occupational therapy

The health check gives a voice to social workers, occupational therapists, and non-registered social care professionals. The results to our annual survey help employers understand the key challenges their workforce is facing.

Last year over 15,000 people participated across 160 councils/organisations, who all received bespoke reports with their results.

To opt-in this year, please fill in this form or for any queries, email

Smith Square Debate: Health inequalities – can councils close the gap?

5 February 2025, 5:15 – 7:00pm, followed by networking | Hybrid

Professor Sir Michael Marmot, author of the Marmot Review, will speak at the Smith Square debate on 5 February. Panellists will explore how councils can address health inequality and improve outcomes for vulnerable communities. Join us for this thought-provoking discussion on councils' role in creating a fairer society.

Last chance to apply for Innovation Zone 2025 

We are accepting applications from councils, and organisations working with councils, to be part of the Innovation Zone at the LGA Conference 2025 until Monday (3 February 2025). This year's conference will take place from 1 – 3 July in Liverpool.


Mental health performance, data and insight
3 February 2025, 3.30pm - 4.30pm, Virtual

Smith Square Debate: Health inequalities - can councils close the gap?
5 February 2025, London

Digitising and streamlining assessment community of practice - People who draw on care and support
10 February 2025, 2.00pm - 4.00pm, Virtual

Adult social care information and advice: access and equity
12 February 2025, 12.00pm - 1.00pm, Virtual

Digitising and streamlining assessment community of practice - Pathways and functional processes
13 February 2025, 10.00am - 12.00pm, Virtual

BCF Support Programme's learning lunch - preventive and proactive care
18 February 2025, 11.30am - 1.00pm, Virtual

Autism early support and prevention workshop
20 February 2025, North East, Yorkshire and Humber

CQC assessment: What have we learnt so far?
27 February 2025, 10.30am - 12.30pm, Virtual

Tackling discriminatory abuse through collaboration and innovation
27 February 2025, 11.00am - 1.00pm, Virtual

People with a learning disability – better lives, better value and outcomes workshop
4 March 2025, Midlands

BCF Support Programme's learning lunch - HICM on dementia and delirium
10 March 2025, 11.30am - 1.00pm, Virtual

For more information about these and other health-related events go to our Events page.


High Impact Change Model for dementia and delirium
Better Care Fund Support Programme

Preventive and proactive care: research report
Better Care Fund Support Programme

Implementing digital social care records
Partners in Care and Health

CQC assurance: Your workforce is going to tell your best story
Partners in Care and Health

Client Level Data: insight reports
Partners in Care and Health

Embedding 'No Wrong Doors for young carers' - working together to support young carers and their families: Leeds City Council
Partners in Care and Health

Understanding the management and monitoring of waiting lists in adult social care
Partners in Care and Health

Your guide to Care Quality Commission assessments for adult social care
Partners in Care and Health

Improvement support programme 2023-24: Annual report
Partners in Care and Health

A framework for achieving excellence in mental health discharge
Partners in Care and Health

Questions or comments?

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