Partners in Care and Health: Communications survey, High Impact Change Model for dementia and delirium; Preventive and proactive care report; homelessness and safeguarding webinar

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LGA and ADASS are Partners in Care and Health, supporting councils to improve the way they deliver adult social care and public health services.

December 2024

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High Impact Change Model for dementia and delirium

We have developed new best practice guidance and recommended actions to improve the timely and effective discharge of people with dementia and delirium into the community.

The High Impact Change Model (HICM) has been developed for integrated care systems to consider in connection with their intermediate care services for people suffering with dementia and delirium, in order to help them achieve the best outcomes for their populations.

Read the HICM

Preventive and proactive care: research report

We have published a research report on preventive and proactive care.

This report aims to help local health and care systems explore preventative and proactive initiatives across England that have helped people to stay well, safe and independent at home for longer.

It provides peer learning for local health and care systems, including implementation, evaluation and economic information to facilitate local investment decision-making.

Read the report

Communications survey: Thank you

Thank you to everyone who responded to our first-ever communications survey. Your contribution is important and valued.

We're currently going through the findings now and will share more detailed results shortly, but top-level results are:

  • in total, we received 321 completed responses from across the adult social care and public health sectors
  • over the course of the five weeks the survey ran, we generated 14,215 impressions and reached more than 5,600 people* on social media (LinkedIn/X)
  • survey respondents include members from universities, integrated care systems, the NHS and the voluntary sector.

The Future of Prevention programme: Exploring how to deliver proactive prevention at scale

A report designed to help councils plan for how proactive prevention could be part of their adult social care strategy moving forward has been published.

The Future of Prevention programme aims to support councils to accelerate their use of proactive prevention in adult social care at scale.

Read the programme’s interim report. A final report and supporting insight will be available by summer 2025.

Homelessness and safeguarding: Updates, learning and current issues

15 January 2025, 2.00pm - 4.00pm | Virtual

A range of speakers will discuss issues and updates relating to homelessness and safeguarding. The aims of this webinar are to consider:

  • learning from the 'Second national analysis of safeguarding adult reviews' and reviews of deaths of homeless peoples;
  • updates on critical issues and responses to support people with no recourse to public funds and people living in vehicles; insights from current research;
  • strategic responses to safeguarding challenges.

Register for the webinar

Diverse by Design for adult social care: The community and workforce relationship tool

23 January 2023, 10:00 – 11:30am

An informative equality, diversity and inclusion online event for anyone working in, or with, a council adult social care team. We will look at a tool to assess participatory engagement with diverse communities.

Book on to the Diverse by Design webinar

Autism early support and prevention workshop

20 February 2025, 11.00 - 3.30pm | North/North East region

The second of two identical workshops designed for transformation, strategy and commissioning senior leads. It will include opportunities to discuss:

  • how early support and interventions for autistic people can be achieved against the Care Act
  • ways that councils can commission creatively and use third sector or voluntary and peer networks to develop early support for autistic adults
  • how early, appropriate support for autistic adults can mitigate crisis and have a positive effect for a longer time, including cost benefit and achieving better outcomes for all
  • and the importance of co-production from a peer perspective and against CQC outcomes.

Places are limited for this in-person workshop. Book on this autism workshop.

Principal social worker assurance community of practice events

There are two further sessions for principal social workers (PSWs) in the new year. Please note these events are ringfenced for PSWs only. 

Preparing the story for inspection, 16 January 2025, 3.30pm-4.30pm

A look at the DASS and PSW relationship, how to prepare and tell the story in the self-assessment.

Presenting the story during inspection, 5 March 2025, 1.00pm-2.00pm

Hearing from those PSWs who have experienced it, what they learnt and providing top tips on what not to do. 

To join the PSW Community of Practice and access these events please email

Improving care provider quality and performance indicators

Commissioning and performance colleagues with subject matter expertise can help with finalising the adult social care Reporting Minimum Data Specification.

Please contact to contribute your council perspective on indicators during January.

Operating model toolkit communities of practice

Following launch of the operating model toolkit for local authority assessment, our new community of practice will be exploring approaches and resources to support improved demand management, enhance workforce morale and delivery of more personalised care.

The first four sessions will take place on 13 January 2025, 15 January 2025, 10 February 2025, and 13 February 2025.

Digital skills community of practice

We will be delivering a series of community of practice sessions that will increase digital confidence and technology skills for occupational therapists, social workers, principal occupational therapists and principal social workers. Register for the Digital skills communities of practice.

Implementing digital social care records

Our new briefing brings together learning from councils and integrated care systems across the country following this year’s rollout of digital social care records into adult social care registered provision.

It spells out the benefits and challenges and provides practical guidance on how to overcome barriers and support and incentivise good practice.

Read the digital social care records briefing

CQC assurance: your workforce is going to tell your best story

Colleagues from Hertfordshire County Council have shared with us their learning and top tips following their experience of CQC assurance.

Our new case study shares the story of the assessment - they emphasise the importance of effective communication, developing a shared narrative and positive partnership work. 

This is the latest in a suite of tools designed to help councils with preparing for assessment against the CQC's framework.

Update on CQC preparation support for principal occupational therapists

We have commissioned a workshop for each of the regions between January and March 2025 in liaison with regional POT networks and the ADASS SLI lead. These workshops are currently being planned and details to follow through your region.

Adult social care retention reset programme

We are piloting a 10-week adult social care retention reset programme, commencing early next year, which allows councils to review, design, and develop their practices around retaining social care talent.

We are looking to work with councils who would like to participate in this pilot programme. If you would like to sign up, please complete this form or if you have any questions, please email

Client Level Data

In addition to our adult social care themed reports in LG Inform, we have published a new webpage that pulls together information about the Client Level Data collection including three short briefings designed to summarise the data in the published tables and explore some key questions.

Use of Resources reports

The use of resources reports on LG Inform have now been updated with 2023/24 adult social care activity and finance data. 

Please note the Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework (ASCOF) measures within the reports will be updated after NHS England publish the 2023/24 results later today (19 December).

Innovation Zone applications 2025 now open

The LGA is now accepting applications from councils, and organisations working with councils, to be part of the Innovation Zone at the LGA Conference 2025, which will take place from 1 – 3 July in Liverpool.

If you have an innovative solution to an adult social care challenge, with excellent practice to share that delegates can learn from and utilise in their own authorities and communities, then apply before 3 February 2025.

Apply or find out more at the Innovation Zone 2025

If you are unsure if your idea is relevant or applicable, please contact for guidance.


Homelessness and safeguarding: Updates, learning and current issues
15 January 2025, 2.00pm - 4.00pm

Adult social care information and advice: artificial intelligence opportunities
16 January 2025, 11.00am - 12.00pm

Diverse by Design for adult social care: The community and workforce relationship tool
23 January 2025, 10.00am - 11.30am

Top tips for effectively communicating your narrative in the adult social care CQC self-assessment
28 January 2025, 12.30pm - 2.00pm

LGA Smith Square Debate: Health inequalities - can councils close the gap?
5 February 2025, London

Autism early support and prevention workshop
20 February 2025, North East, Yorkshire and Humber

CQC assessment: What have we learnt so far?
27 February 2025, 10.30am - 12.30pm

People with a learning disability – better lives, better value and outcomes workshop
4 March 2025, Midlands

For more information about these and other health-related events go to our Events page.


Embedding 'No Wrong Doors for young carers' - working together to support young carers and their families: Leeds City Council
Partners in Care and Health

Workforce planning hub
Partners in Care and Health

Understanding the management and monitoring of waiting lists in adult social care
Partners in Care and Health

Your guide to Care Quality Commission assessments for adult social care
Partners in Care and Health

Improvement support programme 2023-24: Annual report
Partners in Care and Health

A framework for achieving excellence in mental health discharge
Partners in Care and Health

Briefing: Developing a community asset based approach
Partners in Care and Health

Supporting the adult social care front door: A community coordinated approach (a practitioners' guide)
Partners in Care and Health

Supporting the adult social care front door: A community coordinated approach (strategic overview)
Partners in Care and Health

Taking a systems approach to create place-based change: Seven learnings from the Shaping Places for Healthier Lives programme
Shaping Places for Healthier Lives

Diverse by Design for adult social care - the community and workforce relationship self-assessment tool
Partners in Care and Health

Questions or comments?

Contact us at