LGA Annual Conference - join us in the Innovation Zone
The LGA's annual conference kicks off today (22 October) until Thursday (24 October) in Harrogate - and our Better Care Fund Support Programme will be there.
It's too late to get a ticket, but for those lucky enough to be going, please join the Better Care Fund (BCF) Support Programme team tomorrow (23 October) for a workshop session with Cheshire East Council in the Innovation Zone at 11.20am.
Our speakers will discuss how, through our BCF Support Programme, they were able to identify common strengths and challenges in their health and social care systems, and use innovative methods to map the current pathway landscape.
National Children and Adult Services Conference 2024
27 - 29 November 2024 | Liverpool
Tickets are now available for the National Children and Adult Services Conference (NCASC) at the ACC Liverpool.
We're exhibiting at this year's NCASC. Pop by our stand, near the main entrance between our partners Newton Europe and the Social Care Institute for Excellence, to hear more about our improvement support offers.
Our care and health improvement advisers and staff will be on hand to talk through our programme and how we can support your council or region.
Looking back on what we've achieved - Annual report
We've published our first-ever annual report which looks back on our 2023/24 improvement support programme, and showcases our work with councils and systems to improve adult social care and public health services.
It details how we've engaged with councils or systems, developed unique support offers and delivered outcomes and outputs to improve service delivery so people can access the care that meets their needs, in a time and manner that suits them.
A framework for achieving excellence in mental health discharge
We've developed practical guidance for council social care teams, which draws on engagement with front line teams, statutory guidance and mental health discharge operational models.
It includes a framework which shows the components required to achieve excellence in mental health discharge, sets out the importance of having the correct system partners and identifies the key priorities and activities that need to take place for successful system partnership working.
Supporting the adult social care front door - a community coordinated approach
An important part of addressing waiting times for assessment and service delivery in adult social care is supporting the front door.
We commissioned this two-part new resource to conceptualise how councils can best work with voluntary, community, social and faith enterprise partners to make sure that residents approaching for help are offered support appropriate to their needs and circumstances.
The first part gives a strategic overview of the community coordinated approach front door model and the second part is a practitioners' guide explaining how to apply the model.
Developing a community-asset based approach
Community-led support is growing in popularity as a way to deliver person-centred support. Based on the learning from work with three different councils into the feasibility of a community asset based approach, our latest briefing identifies and explores the necessary internal infrastructure and cultural changes required for community-led support to work in any setting.
Support for principal social workers (PSWs) with CQC Assessment: Community of practice launch
24 October 2024, 1.00pm | Virtual
This new community of practice will focus on supporting PSWs specifically with the CQC assessment.
The launch session will be chaired by Fran Leddra, former Chief Social Worker for Adults, who will act as an adviser to the community. There will also be an opportunity to hear from Jeanette Blackburn, Deputy Director for Local Authority Assessments at CQC and Kate Colcannon Co-Chair of the National Adult PSW Network.
To register your interest email cqcassessment@local.gov.uk.
Human rights for young autistic people and young people with a learning disability
8 November 2024, 10.00pam – 11.30am | Virtual
This event will discuss a forthcoming human rights resource for practitioners working with young autistic people and young people with a learning disability who have high support needs and are moving into adult services.
Discussions will focus on:
- why human rights are important for young autistic people and young people with a learning disability who have high support needs.
- key areas of focus in the practitioner resource and how to use the resource in practice
- human rights when moving to adults’ services; accessing education or assessing, planning and reviewing care packages.
Operating model toolkit for local authority assessments
19 November 2024, 11.00am - 12.00pm | Virtual
Building on proportionate assessment guidance and work with several councils, along with DHSC and the Social Care Institute for Excellence, we are hosting a workshop, which will introduce this new resource and programme of targeted and peer support for councils to digitise and streamline assessment.
Maintaining wellbeing in a culture of continuous improvement and during change and challenge
13 and 26 November 2024 | Virtual
Working in adult social care can be hugely rewarding but also demanding and difficult, therefore we're running two sessions aimed at maintaining or managing wellbeing.
Join our webinar on 13 November, from 2.00pm to 3.30pm, to explore what works to support your wellbeing while working in highly pressurised environments.
Book for maintaining wellbeing in a culture of continuous improvement
This will be followed on 26 November 2024, from 10.00am to 11.30am, with a webinar aimed at helping managers support their teams when faced with challenge or change.
Book on managing team wellbeing during change and challenge.
Diverse communities and participatory engagement: Diverse by Design for adult social care
19 November 2024, 1.00pm - 2.30pm
An online event for anyone working in, or with, a council adult social care team who would like to broaden their horizons regarding engagement with diverse communities. We will share information on ways you can benefit from the community and workforce relationship tool, a new Diverse by Design resource.
Book for the 'Diverse communities' session.
Supporting middle leaders: confident and inclusive line managers
20 November 2024, 11 December 2024, 8 January 2025, and 12 February 2025, 1.00 - 4.30pm | Virtual
Underpinned by the ethos of allyship, this learning and development session looks at inclusive communication and covers the types of tools and approaches for conversational confidence that help a middle leader mobilise strategic priorities and support staff through change.
We will host this session four times. Please note each session will host 10 participants. Participants need only sign up for one session.
For more information or to submit an expression of interest, please contact pch@local.gov.uk
Autism early support and prevention workshop
18 November 2024, 11.00 - 3.30pm | London and South region
This workshop is designed for transformation, strategy and commissioning senior leads and will include opportunities to discuss:
- how early support and interventions for autistic people can be achieved against the Care Act
- ways that councils can commission creatively and use third sector or voluntary and peer networks to develop early support for autistic adults
- how early, appropriate support for autistic adults can mitigate crisis and have a positive effect for a longer time, including cost benefit and achieving better outcomes for all
- and the importance of co-production from a peer perspective and against CQC outcomes.
Places are limited for this in-person workshop. Book on the workshop.
Please note, this is the first of two identical workshops, the second will take place in February 2025 and will be held in the North East.
LGA Annual Conference and Exhibition 2024 22 - 24 October 2024 | Harrogate
Human rights for autistic young people and young people with a learning disability moving into adult services 8 November 2024, 10.00am - 11.30am | Virtual
Maintaining wellbeing in a culture of continuous improvement 11 November 2024, 2.00pm - 3.30pm | Virtual
Autism early support and prevention workshop 18 November 2024, 11.00am - 3.30pm | London and South region
Diverse communities and participatory engagement: Diverse by Design for adult social care 19 November 2024, 1.00pm - 2.30pm | Virtual
Operating model toolkit for local authority assurance 19 November 2024, 11.00am - 12.00pm | Virtual
National Children and Adult Services Conference 27 - 29 November 2024 | Liverpool ACC
For more information about these and other health-related events go to our Events page.
Local authority assessment feedback survey Care Quality Commission
Taking a systems approach to create place-based change: Seven learnings from the Shaping Places for Healthier Lives programme Shaping Places for Healthier Lives
Diverse by Design for adult social care - the community and workforce relationship self-assessment tool Partners in Care and Health
Championing inclusion health: Local government's key role Local Government Association
Care Quality Commission assessments for adult social care: Must know guide for chief executives Partners in Care and Health
What good looks like for digital working in adult social care: Support offer prospectus Partners in Care and Health
Improvement and support offer 2024/25 - prospectus Partners in Care and Health
Public health funerals 2024 research report Local Government Association
Second national analysis of Safeguarding Adults Reviews: April 2019 - March 2023 Partners in Care and Health
Navigating complexity: Safeguarding adults amidst the cost of living, hospital discharge and winter pressures Partners in Care and Health
Briefing: Commissioning advocacy Partners in Care and Health
Learning and Development Support Scheme for the adult social care workforce: a guide for employers Department of Health and Social Care
Adult Social Care Development Support Scheme onboarding form Department of Health and Social Care
Contact us at pch@local.gov.uk