Diverse by Design - new self-assessment tool
To mark National Inclusion Week 2024 from today (Monday 23 September), we're launching a new tool to help council adult social care teams improve and drive inclusive community engagement.
The Diverse by Design community and workforce relationship self-assessment tool helps teams to articulate and evidence their strengths and identify and plan for areas of improvement. Inclusive community engagement ensures services deliver care and support to people of all backgrounds and groups. It follows on from the Diverse by Design workbook, launched last year.
Better Care Fund (BCF) Support Programme learning lunches
2 and 16 October 2024, 12.00pm – 1.00pm | Virtual
Join the BCF Support Programme's next two learning lunches to hear about integrated community teams and genuine co-production.
On 2 October, Alison Cameron, the first patient leader to graduate from the NHS Leadership Academy and an expert by professional and lived experience, will use examples from her own story, to explore the true meaning of co-production. Book on the 'Beyond patient voice towards genuine co-production' learning lunch.
Following this, on 16 October, hear from Warrington’s 'Living well with frailty' programme which through its integrated community teams has helped to improve outcomes for some of the most vulnerable. Community teams support people to live well at home, independently, for longer. Book on 'Integrated community teams - A data driven approach to moving the dial' learning lunch.
Care Quality Commission (CQC) assessment for adult social care - must know guide for chief executives
This guide provides background on the CQC assessment process and includes information on the approach, and how to prepare for it. It also covers the process of reporting and rating and current understanding of how improvement requirements or possible intervention could follow for councils with the two lowest ratings.
This guide is the latest in a range of resources designed to help council's prepare for CQC assessment, including our new toolkit. In addition, we’re continuing to support councils which have been notified of the date of their assessment with our direct support offer.
Adult social care winter letter 2024 to 2025
Our programme has been highlighted in a ministerial letter setting out priorities for service resilience this winter.
Stephen Kinnock, Minister of State for Care wrote to all councils last week to set out short-term priorities for adult social care this winter. The letter flagged the support offers available to councils and local systems through Partners in Care and Health and our Better Care Fund Support Programme, and reminded councils to discuss their requirements with our care and health improvement advisers.
Improvement and support offer prospectus 2024/25
We've set out how we intend to deliver sector-led improvement support through our new partnership with SCIE over the next six months in a new prospectus.
Our prospectus sets out the organisations and people who contribute to this support; a regional view and potential content of the support offer at regional level; and a national level view, the modes of delivery and the information and communication channels available.
It also covers the support offer in detail, summarised against the four themes in the Care Quality Commission’s assessment framework.
Personalised care and support training
Extra training dates have been announced for front line practitioners undertaking personalised care and support planning for people experiencing mental health challenges.
The co-designed, half day training sessions will increase confidence, knowledge and skills when taking a holistic and biopsychosocial-focused approach to assessment and care planning. They will run from 9.30am to 2.30pm on:
- 2 October 2024
- 9 October 2024
- 17 October 2024
- 21 October 2024
Further training sessions will be run over the course of the year, co-ordinated by ADASS regional teams. For more information contact katie.norton@local.gov.uk
Adult mental health: submission of expressions of interest
Councils have until this Friday (27 September 2024) to submit expressions of interest for two sector-led improvement offers.
Adult mental health peer challenge
This intensive, two-day offer enables councils and their partners to reflect, evaluate and identify areas of strength and areas for consideration of their community mental health transformation programmes.
Approved mental health professional national standards
In partnership with the National Adult Mental Health Practitioners (AMHP) network and the Office of the Chief Social Worker, we're offering to support local systems to use the National Service Standards to help further the development of AMHP services. The support can be provided at a council, NHS provider trust, integrated care board or regional level.
For more information, please email katie.norton@local.gov.uk.
The Innovation Zone at the LGA Annual Conference
22 to 24 October 2024 | Harrogate
The Innovation Zone offers a vibrant, creative space within the LGA’s Annual Conference, which enables councils to hear excellent practice which they can learn from and use in their own communities.
This year’s programme will include a series of sessions focusing on adult social care, including:
- Hertfordshire County Council’s use of data inspired assistive technology to support residents living at home for longer
- Cheshire’s work to create an integrated patient-centric pathway, supported by our Better Care Fund Support Programme.
Take a look at what to expect at the Innovation Zone.
Leadership essentials: Transformation
5 and 6 October 2024 | Virtual
The first session in an LGA training series will take place next week aimed at helping demystify transformation, giving councillors the confidence and capability to lead the transformation agenda within their councils.
Visit the LGA Transformation webpage for more information.
Taking a systems approach to create place-based change: learnings from the Shaping Places for Healthier Lives Programme 24 September 2024, 10.30am -12.00pm | Virtual
Beyond patient voice towards genuine co-production 2 October 2024, 12.00pm – 1.00pm | Virtual
Promoting children’s oral health: the role of supervised toothbrushing programmes 7 October 2024, 9.30am - 11.00am | Virtual
Organisational abuse: What are the challenges and what helps in this area of safeguarding practice? 15 October 2024, 2.00pm - 4.00pm | Virtual
Integrated community teams - A data-driven approach to moving the dial 16 October 2024, 12.00pm - 1.00pm | Virtual
LGA Annual Conference and Exhibition 2024 22 - 24 October 2024 | Harrogate
National Children and Adult Services Conference 27 - 29 November 2024 | Liverpool ACC
For more information about these and other health-related events go to our Events page.
What good looks like for digital working in adult social care: Support offer prospectus Partners in Care and Health
Second national analysis of Safeguarding Adults Reviews: April 2019 - March 2023 Partners in Care and Health
Navigating complexity: Safeguarding adults amidst the cost of living, hospital discharge and winter pressures Partners in Care and Health
Briefing: Commissioning advocacy Partners in Care and Health
Better Care Fund Support Programme 2023-25: Annual report Partners in Care and Health
Care Quality Commission assessments for adult social care: Must know guide for lead members Partners in Care and Health
Preparing for CQC assessment: Safeguarding adults - resource for directors of adult social services Partners in Care and Health
Preparing staff for Care Quality Commission assessment Partners in Care and Health
What good looks like for digital working in adult social care self assessment tool Partners in Care and Health
Learning and Development Support Scheme for the adult social care workforce: a guide for employers Department of Health and Social Care
Adult Social Care Development Support Scheme onboarding form Department of Health and Social Care
Contact us at pch@local.gov.uk