Due to unprecedented demand for places on our initial Leadership Essentials session for Planning Committee chairs and vice chairs, we are running a second session on 16 to 17 January. This two-day residential session is a deep-dive into what makes a good chair, what are the latest matters affecting planning committees and how to make defendable & robust decisions. Places are limited, so to book your place, email grace.collins@local.gov.uk
We are also running two x two-day events for council leaders, portfolio holders, planning leads and chairs of planning committees:
Programme 1: Wednesday 4 and Thursday 5 December 2024
Programme 2: Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 March 2025
From these two-day residential session you can expect to get:
Insider knowledge: Understand what the latest government changes mean for planning and give local leaders in Planning early insights into new policies and reforms.
Actionable strategies: Discover what these changes mean for your council's plan-making and decision-making.
Placemaking mastery: Learn how to become a champion of placemaking and transform your community.
To book your place, email grace.collins@local.gov.uk
PAS are setting up a pilot programme to help with the support for planning managers in LPAs. We are looking for between 10 and 12 Directors or Heads of Planning who would like to mentor a planning manager. In return we will invest in your CPD by providing an introduction to coaching course for you to take part in as a cohort. Please contact pas@local.gov.uk to register your interest.
Working with MHCLG and the Design Code Pathfinder authorities we're delivering a series of online workshops on design codes specifically aimed at development management officers. The next session, taking place on 19 September, will focus on development management officers being involved in the production and testing of design codes. It will be an opportunity to hear from three pathfinder local authorities - Medway, Gedling and Epping Forest - on how they engaged their DM officers in the production of their codes.
You can also watch recordings from the earlier sessions in the series, on the role of DM officers in the production and use of design codes.
We are pleased to announce that we commissioned Dentons to create a suite of sample agreement templates to facilitate securing biodiversity gains in the various ways allowed for by the Environment Act. We are providing these templates for planners and council legal teams to modify according to their council’s standards and the specific requirements of individual developments. View the templates on the PAS website
Natural England have updated their SSSI Impact Risk Zones tool, making it simpler, clearer and faster to use. You can use the tool to quickly decide when to consult Natural England on development proposals that might affect a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and get instant formal advice in certain instances.
As we continue in our work to support local authorities to get local plans in place, we are really pleased to be able to announce that we have appointed consultancies of DAC Planning to work with us to give project management support, and Intelligent Plans and Examinations (IPe) for evidence base and duty to cooperate support, in our work for 2024/25.
As we await news of whether reforms to environmental assessment and introduction of EORs will be a priority for the new government, we've been looking at how LPAs could improve existing Local Plan Sustainability Appraisal (SA). We have resurrected our SA webpage and Becology has written a blog on what she’s found
MHCLG is conducting research with anyone who is involved in building, planning or modelling energy efficient homes. Their aim is to understand what individuals need when assessing a new home against the upcoming Future Homes Standard (FHS). Please email sergei.wicking@communities.gov.uk to speak with them.
UK homebuilders have signed up to a major new initiative 'Homes for Nature' to support wildlife on their new developments. The Homes for Nature commitment will see a bird-nesting brick or box installed for every new home built, as well as hedgehog highways created as standard on every new development taken through planning from September 2024.