Partnership heralds new era for sector-led improvement
From this month, we’re delighted to confirm that we will be working with Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) to deliver a new programme of sector-led improvement support for adult social care and public health services in councils.
Funded by the Department of Health and Social Care, the programme will continue to provide relevant, effective and innovative support that empowers councils, providers and staff to deliver high quality care that enables choice, control and independence for everyone.
Councils will benefit from the joint research, unique and extensive connections with partners at national and regional levels, and intensive subject matter expertise, knowledge and skills that our partnership will bring.
Care Quality Commission (CQC) assessments for adult social care: Support for lead members
Our new 'Must know' guide provides background on the CQC assessment process for lead members, including an explanation of the process, potential questions the CQC might ask lead members and how they can prepare.
This guide will be updated as we learn more about the assessment process and lead members’ role in it. More information on other ‘must knows’ and resources for lead members for adult social care are also available.
A free residential event to support new adult social care lead members with key challenges in a rapidly changing and high profile landscape is being run on 14 November 2024.
The event is part of the wider offer for political leadership from the LGA. The cost of attending this programme is fully subsidised and includes accommodation and meals. For more information and to make a booking, please contact
Preparing for CQC assessment: Safeguarding adults - a resource for directors of of adult social services
The CQC’s assessment regime is based on statutory requirements in the Care and Support Statutory Guidance regarding safeguarding adults.
Our new resource aims to bring together existing tools that have been developed for audit, review and assurance to support safeguarding adults. These can assist councils in preparing for CQC assurance and can be used following assessment to support subsequent improvement activity.
Care and health career academies: What good looks like
This new guide provides practical advice and insights from existing academies to support others in the process, or considering, the development of a career academy.
It includes six case studies and showcases good practice, success factors and evidence of what works.
Our national community of practice (CoP) provides a space for academies to meet, network and provide peer support. For further information or to join the CoP, contact
Housing with support pipeline for people with a learning disability and autistic people
We've created a new guide for councils on how to develop a housing with support pipeline for people with a learning disability and autistic people.
Drawing on case studies from local councils, this framework provides practical advice for adult social care commissioners and council housing departments, as well as health commissioners and integrated care boards on developing inclusive housing.
It underscores the importance of engaging with people who have a learning disability and autistic people, to understand their preferred types of accommodation.
Improving outcomes through Hospital at Home: Lessons from Manchester
31 July 2024, 12.00pm - 1.00pm
In the latest Better Care Fund Support Programme’s learning lunch, Manchester Local Care Organisation will be discussing Manchester’s journey into implementing ‘Hospital at Home services.
Also known as virtual wards, Hospital at Home is a model of care that provides the acute level care and monitoring that patients expect in a hospital, delivered at home.
The session will bring together lessons learnt and practical advice for other local systems.
Adult social care information and advice toolkit
We have developed a new toolkit to help councils improve their information and advice offers, drawing on and promoting existing good practice and innovation.
This includes guidance on what good information and advice means, a maturity self-assessment, and resources across 10 key themes for councils to use.
We've co-produced the resource with councils and a range of third sector organisations, incorporating statutory requirements and Think Local Act Personal’s Making It Real statements.
Digital switchover - data sharing template
We've developed a new data sharing agreement template to facilitate the sharing of information between councils and telecoms providers.
This template will help ensure users get the support and equipment they need to protect them from the impact of the digital switchover, while also managing any risk to their privacy.
Supporting adults with a learning disability to have better lives framework: Self-evaluation survey and data set
Completing our short survey will give feedback about your council's offer for people with a learning disability to help when planning where to focus improvement activity.
It takes roughly an hour to complete. To access email
Councillors and Care guides
To help councillors involved in adult social care, we've supported the development of a new set of free 'how to' guides.
The 21st Century Public Servant's Councillors and Care guides, available as a two-minute version and as a ten-page report, offer a simple framework to help councillors reflect on, and develop, their own personal approach.
Intended as a practical resource, the guide draws on relevant research, interviews with national experts and research with councils in the North West.
'Right care, right person' in practice: one year on 11 July 2024, 10.30am - 12.00pm | Virtual
Empowering healthy places: utilising the powers and practices of councils in developing healthy neighbourhoods 18 July 2024, 10.00am - 11.30am | Virtual
Senior intervenors and senior children intervenors webinar 25 July 2024, 10.30am - 12.30pm | Virtual
Better Care Fund learning lunch: Improving outcomes through Hospital at Home 31 July 2024, 12.00pm - 1.00pm
LGA Annual Conference and Exhibition 2024 22 - 24 October 2024 | Harrogate
National Children and Adult Services Conference 27 - 29 November 2024 | Liverpool ACC
For more information about these and other health-related events go to our Events page.
The Care Act 2014: Ten years on from Royal Assent Local Government Association
CQC assessments of adult social care - the communications response Local Government Association
A practical resource to help principal social workers prepare for Care Quality Commission assessments Partners in Care and Health
Learning from the Care Quality Commission pilots for principal social workers Partners in Care and Health
Adult mental health social care: Report from the findings of the 2023 insight survey Partners in Care and Health
What good looks like: Values-based recruitment in adult social care Partners in Care and Health
Charging reform: Taking forward the learning from the trailblazer work Partners in Care and Health
International recruitment to adult social care: A guide for councils Partners in Care and Health
Adult social care assurance: A guide to support the development of your adult social care self-assessment (Part one) Partners in Care and Health
Adult social care assurance: A guide to support the development of your adult social care self-assessment (Part two) Partners in Care and Health
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