Improvement and innovation bulletin: May 2024

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Improvement and innovation bulletin

May 2024

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Sector support offers

Improvement and assurance framework for local government

Following extensive engagement with the sector, the LGA has published the improvement and assurance framework for local government, which sets out the things that councils should be doing to keep themselves ‘safe’ – that is, checking what they are doing is lawful, in line with professional standards and meeting appropriate performance targets.  Instead of a tick-box approach, the framework highlights the key principles and ways of working that ensure that their assurance activities are effective.  It also includes links to guidance and support provided by the LGA and other relevant bodies in relation to each part of the framework.  More support and guidance is to come, and the framework will be regularly reviewed and updated to stay relevant in an evolving landscape.

Councillor Hub - resources for newly elected councillors  

Over the coming weeks, we will be welcoming newly elected councillors to the LGA through a series of communications and events. New councillors can access our councillor hub to find information about their role and to learn more about the work of the LGA and how we can support them, including from our political groups.

We are inviting all first-time councillors to attend a series of events for new councillors, including on strategic and evidence-based decision making. The events across the next few months will be interactive and help councillors get settled in their roles.

The councillor hub home page features a welcome video from the LGA Chair Cllr Shaun Davies showcasing the support available for new councillors and the wider political leadership offers available to them as they progress through their careers in local government.

Change in political leadership

The LGA will be offering support to all councils where there is a change of control, including help with leadership transition post-election and mentoring for new leaders and portfolio holders. Visit our changes in political leadership hub, which explains more about the wide ranging support available.

Ending abuse in public life: Council self-assessment toolkit launch

The LGA is launching a new self-assessment toolkit for councils looking to improve the level of support they provide councillors around managing the risks associated with their elected role. The new toolkit is based on the LGA report ‘Ending abuse in public life for councillors’ and provides councils with key points to consider to prevent abuse of councillors, support councillor wellbeing and equip them with the right support and information to know what to do if an incident occurs.

If you’re an officer who supports councillors, please join us at the online launch to learn how to get the most out of the toolkit. We'll also hear a short case study from a council that trialled an early version of the toolkit.

Sign up to attend online at Ending abuse in public life: Council self-assessment toolkit launch.

Transformation and Innovation Exchange (TIEx) re-launched

We relaunched the Transformation and Innovation Exchange (TIEx) at last month’s successful Transformation Conference. The self-assessment tool provides a comprehensive overview of an organisation’s performance across the characteristics of a high-functioning council, identifying areas to focus and to prioritise, backed up by resources to support councils with their transformation journey. Improvements include updated resources and a new dashboard.

Chief Finance Officer Mentoring Scheme

The Chief Finance Officer (CFO) Mentoring Scheme is inviting experienced CFOs who can spare a little time to support a new CFO or a deputy CFO in their development. The scheme supports new and aspiring CFOs with impartial advice and guidance. The commitment is for one online meeting a month over a six-month period. Find out more and sign up online at Chief Finance Officer (CFO) Mentoring Scheme.

Guidance for audit committees

We have published some guidance for audit committees in the form of 10 key questions for them to ask of management, internal and external auditors and themselves. The guide provides prompts, information and guidance as well as good practice.

Webinars and digital events

Getting to the heart of what matters

Tuesday 4 June 2024, 1.00pm – 3.00pm

Part of the role of a council leader is to decide what to focus on and act strategically. This interactive workshop will give you tools and techniques for: listening for what’s being said, questioning and listening, letting people know you’ve heard them as well as finding your way through information to help you move forward.

LGA National new councillors welcome event

Wednesday 19 June 2024, 2.00pm - 4.00pm

The programme features the LGA chair and chief executive discussing the LGA’s priorities for the forthcoming year as well as leading peers from each of the political groups of the LGA providing advice, hints, and tips for newly elected councillors. This will be followed by sessions led by the relevant political group for councillors after the main plenary session.

Leadership Essentials: Digitalisation

Saturday 22 June – Sunday 23 June 2024 (Training for councillors) (in-person event)

The LGA's Leadership Essentials programme on digitalisation is designed to empower councillors with the knowledge and skills needed to foster a culture of digital innovation for the benefit of all residents. For further details on the programme and to book your place, please contact

Sustainability Action Learning Sets 

Our Sustainability Action Learning Sets are open to all council officers in England to provide a safe space for officers to reflect, exchange and curate knowledge around delivery projects. The sets will be made up of 9 council participants and facilitated by the LGA. You can find out more information and read the Frequently Asked Questions on our webpages

Book onto Cohort 1:

  • Session 1: 5 June 2024, 10.30am – 12pm
  • Session 2: 24 June 2024, 10.30am – 12pm
  • Session 3: 17 July 2024, 10.30am – 12pm 

Book onto Cohort 2:

  • Session 1: 6 June 2024, 10.30am – 12pm
  • Session 2: 25 June 2024, 10.30am – 12pm
  • Session 3: 18 July 2024, 10.30am – 12pm

What about the numbers? Understand them and use storytelling to get your messages across

Thursday 11 July 2024, 1.00pm - 3.00pm

You need to make sure your decision-making is evidence based - that the numbers back up what you want to do - but for many people ‘numbers mean maths’ and they are scared of maths! Even if you like numbers, you need to tell a story to get your message across. In this virtual event, funded by Government, we will help you understand and interpret numbers.

Sustainability masterclass – informing and upskilling local leaders 

Tuesday 16 July 2024, 10.30am - 12.00pm 

Join us for this virtual event which will explore opportunities to increase the climate change and wider environmental sustainability knowledge and skills of local leaders. We will hear about the new carbon literacy accredited training courses that the LGA has been delivering to local authority councillors and members from across England. Delegates who have benefited from attending the courses will share their experience with us and we will discuss the opportunities for councils to access training locally. 

Additionally, you might be interested in...

A Councillor’s Workbook on the Local Pathway to Net Zero

For all councillors, including those who were elected recently, you might be interested to know about the LGA councillor’s workbook on the Local Pathway to Net Zero. It is intended to provide councillors with insight and assistance with the key skills which will help to be most effective in role. 

Leaders Plus Programme

The LGA has commissioned an exciting new programme for experienced Council Leaders.

The Leaders Plus programme will offer new insights by exploring local government challenges through a VUCA - ‘volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous’ lens.

We will shortly be working with a small group of Leaders to help us design and shape the programme from across political parties. If you’d like to know more contact

Planning Leadership Essentials

The Planning Advisory Service (PAS) are delivering one of our LGA Leadership Essentials councillor training residential sessions at Warwick Conferences on 20 and 21 July 2024 which will help councillors who are chairs of planning committee understand the key characteristics of a good committee and develop their skills as a chair. PAS will be trialling access to an online warm-up to those who are attending.  For more information and to book your place, please contact

Local Government Challenge 2024

Four of the five challenges have now been completed, with the most recent taking place at the London Borough of Waltham Forest. You can find out how the cohort of officers got on in the challenge film. The fifth and final challenge of this year’s programme has been announced and will be hosted by Telford & Wrekin Council in early June. After that challenge, the cohort will be whittled down to four finalists who will be given the opportunity to pitch a project of their own design in the hope of winning the Bruce-Lockhart Scholarship.

LG Inform and LG Inform Plus

For information on LG Inform contact us at, or to take advantage of the benefits of subscribing to LG Inform Plus contact

Making use of our API (Application Programmable Interface) – your data will always be up to date

Let us do the work for you! Council performance officers can save hours of time spent on keeping the published data in their reports up to date. When you register with LG Inform Plus, you can access 2GB of data free of charge, why not try it? We are seeing more and more organisations making use of our leading API, shaped by the sector. 

View a series of short training videos from LG Inform Plus on how to use Power BI in conjunction with the LG Inform Plus direct data feed API or contact for support.

first magazine

first magazine logo

first is the LGA's membership magazine, distributed to around 16,700 councillors and local authority chief executives in England and Wales. Councillors and officers can sign up for the first e-bulletin using their council email addresses and/or access first online to browse LGA news stories, features, good practice case studies and comment pieces, including those from past issues.

For editorial inquiries, please email For advertising, contact Polena Boutwood, Media Sales Executive at or on 01223 378047.

Yours faithfully,

Cllr Abi Brown, OBE 
Chairman, LGA Improvement and Innovation Board