Results of the Local Elections
What a set of results for Independents and Greens! As the dust settles, the numbers speak volumes. According to the final BBC tally, Independents alongside those in Residents Associations gained 104 members and Greens increased by 74 members. In total, the group saw 464 members elected, a gain of 184 seats (with four from Reform UK and two from the Workers Party included), on a par with Labour and leaving the Conservatives reeling with a loss of 474 seats.
The ascent of Independents and Green Councillors last week is nothing short of breathtaking, each with gains soaring to some 70 per cent, beyond the previous tally. The landscape is shifting, with the national share tipping in favour of those who truly represent their residents, poised to shake up the status quo in the looming general election. Special congratulations to all who won their seat. Congratulations also to all who have taken the courage to stand or support colleagues, flying the flag for a better kind of politics.
We have produced a special press release for the occasion, which you can edit and share! For a copy, please ask the Group Office!’
Over 40 councils are already led by Independent, Green and Plaid Cymru councillors, which help form part of the LGA Independent Group and the Independent Network who provided pre-election training and support this year.
In Wales, Plaid Cymru saw their Police and Crime Commissioner, Dafydd Llywelyn successfully re-elected for the four counties of Dyfed-Powys with over 40 per cent of the vote. This was the first time this election was taken on first past the post, which is a harder test for us in very large areas, with no second choices taken into account.
What does that mean for the LGA?
Only 107 out of the 339 councils had elections, most by thirds, so a total of around 2,600 out of 17,600 seats in England and Wales or 15 per cent were contested. Therefore, the impact on the total numbers and our proportion at the LGA is lessened this year.
The LGA’s political proportionality has been calculated and independently verified and currently Labour remains the largest group at the LGA at 38.8 per cent followed by the Conservatives at 31.4 per cent, the Lib Dems at 15.5 per cent and Independents, Greens and smaller parties at 14.3 per cent. The make-up of the LGA Board and all other boards and committees has now been recalculated to reflect our revised proportionality. The chair and LGA Board will be elected or re-elected at the annual meeting of our General Assembly on 2 July and, over the summer, the group office will confirm their appointments to the various LGA policy boards, committees and other working groups ahead of the new LGA year that begins from 1 September.
Changes in political leadership after the local elections
Already, our regional and member peers are out in the field working hard to support councils which may find themselves in ‘no overall control’ and looking to build coalitions and/or agreements with other parties to form an administration. Please remember the LGA Independent Group are available to help you with any possible changes of control, no overall control and/or changes to councils’ portfolio holders and leaders. All our member peers are ready to respond to forthcoming requests for peer mentoring and the LGA has updated its own information page, covering every type of scenario that may unfold. Useful guides include the ‘The 12 components of effective coalitions’ and ‘New council leader – a practical checklist’. Also, we welcome any emerging intelligence you may have on developing scenarios within councils over the coming weeks, which we shall store in our database, so we can more readily respond with appropriate offers of help and engagement.
Newly elected councillors
To welcome newly elected councillors, the LGA, with the Group Offices, will be hosting a virtual event on Wednesday 19 June from 2.00pm until 4.00pm. If you have new members elected this coming week, do let them know and encourage them to attend. You can start registering now!
LGA ‘Be a Councillor’ programme 2024/25
The Independent Group shall once again be hosting its own information session on the LGA flagship ‘Be a Councillor’ programme. This is a nationwide campaign which helps fund information and awareness sessions and events for councillors wanting to promote local government and what it means to be a councillor. We receive government funding to help members promote the campaign throughout England. Our partners in Wales run their own national campaign. To find out more or to attend the information session, please contact the office.
Join us at the East of England Independent Conference
Saturday 25 May, 11.00am – 2.00pm
If you are an Independent/Green Councillor and/or activist in and around the East of England, the regional Independent Conference is taking place from 11am – 2pm at: The Essex, Earls Colne, Colchester CO6 2NS. Everyone is welcome and I am pleased to host this exciting event alongside the East of England Regional Lead Peer, Councillor Jo Beavis. For more information, please contact either me or Jo Beavis directly. The event will focus on the East of England 2025 elections and beyond. An evening dinner will take place on the Friday night and overnight accommodation is available.
Want to help shape what we do?
Have you joined our new LGA Independent Group Discussion Forum yet? This is the place to go if you are a member of one of our ‘Think Tanks’ which feed into each of the LGA Policy Boards, shaping what the LGA is promoting to Government and the media. Please get in touch with the Group Office for login details. My special thanks go to Councillor Jon Hubbard for taking the time and effort in creating this forum for the group, better than the current e-mail groups. Jon has very kindly offered to host two information sharing sessions for members wishing to know more. Please get in touch with the Group Office to register.
Join us at the LGA Annual Conference 2024
There is still time to register for this year’s LGA Annual Conference in Harrogate, from the 2 – 4 July, with much planning and preparation being put into place. Alongside our political group sessions and plenary session, the Independent Group will also be holding its Annual General Meeting from 10am on Tuesday 2 July. You can attend for free - just register with the Group Office. Any motions for the Independent Group to consider need to be sent into the Group Office before the 18 June. All prospective motions are reviewed by the Independent Group Executive and if taken forward to the AGM, the proposer must attend in person or via a substitute to speak to the motion.
Huge thanks and congratulations on all your good work. It’s tough at times, but you are greatly needed by our residents! I look forward to seeing you soon online or in person!
Best wishes,
LGA Ending abuse in public life: Council self-assessment toolkit launch
The LGA is launching a new self-assessment toolkit for councils looking to improve the level of support they provide councillors around managing the risks associated with their elected role. The new toolkit is based on the LGA Ending abuse in public life for councillors report and provides councils with key points to consider to prevent abuse of councillors, support councillor wellbeing and equip them with the right support and information to know what to do if an incident occurs. If you’re an officer who supports councillors, please join us at the online launch to learn how to get the most out of the toolkit. We'll also hear a short case study from a council that trialled an early version of the toolkit. Sign up to attend online at Ending abuse in public life: Council self-assessment toolkit launch.
Electoral Commission post-election candidate survey
The Electoral Commission is running its usual post-election candidate survey and have asked us to promote it. Please do share and encourage people to respond, it has some very useful questions about harassment, intimidation and threats.
A Councillor’s Workbook on the Local Pathway to Net Zero
For those who had elections last week, you might be interested to know about the LGA councillor’s workbook on the Local Pathway to Net Zero. It is intended to provide councillors with insight and assistance with the key skills which will help to be most effective in role.
Migrant Champions Network briefing session
The Migrant Champions Network will be running a briefing session on the UK's immigration system for local councillors on Tuesday 4 June, 6.00pm to 8.00pm. The session will include an overview of the UK's current immigration rules, and attendees will also hear guidance from experienced councillors on advocating for the rights of people who move in a local authority setting.
Electricals recycling fund
Material Focus has reopened its Electricals Recycling Fund, offering £750,000 of funding to support projects that make it easier for more people to reuse and recycle old and unwanted small household electricals. This follows previous rounds of funding that provided £1.8 million to fund over 40 UK projects, including council projects, which will make it easier for people to repair, donate or recycle their unwanted electricals.
LGA Sustainability Action Learning Sets – last few spaces available!
Our Sustainability Action Learning Sets are open to all council officers in England to provide a safe space for officers to reflect, exchange and curate knowledge around delivery projects. The sets will be made up of nine council participants and facilitated by the LGA. You can find out more information and read the frequently asked questions on our webpages.
Book onto an Action Learning Set now:
Book onto Cohort 1
- Session 1: 10:30am – 12.00pm, 5 June 2024
- Session 2: 10:30am – 12.00pm, 24 June 2024
- Session 3: 10:30am – 12.00pm, 17 July 2024
Book onto Cohort 2
- Session 1: 10:30am – 12.00pm, 6 June 2024
- Session 2: 10:30am – 12.00pm, 25 June 2024
- Session 3: 10:30am – 12.00pm, 18 July 2024
Dates for the Diary
Tuesday 21 May 2024, 1.00pm - 2.30pm
This virtual event will examine how councillors can balance pressures and expectations and develop effective time management strategies. It will also examine the related issue of personal resilience and how councillors can avoid burnout and stress through a number of practical steps.
Wednesday 22 May 2024, 10.00am - 11.30am
The Government has announced its intention to introduce the Building Safety Levy. Colleagues from DLUHC will be presenting on what the Levy is, how the collection process will work and the role of authorities as collection and administrative agents.
Tuesday 4 June 2024, 1.00pm - 3.00pm
Part of the role of a council leader is to decide what to focus on and act strategically. This interactive workshop will give you tools and techniques for: listening for what’s being said, questioning and listening, letting people know you’ve heard them as well as finding your way through information to help you move forward.
Thursday 13 June 2024, 3.00pm - 4.00pm
Following the introduction of new social housing regulations in April 2024, this online event brings together the Housing Ombudsman and Regulator of Social Housing to discuss councils’ new requirements. This informative session will provide time to hear from both organisations and provide an opportunity to ask questions.
Thursday 20 June 2024, 10.00am - 11.45am
The session will focus on how councils can set a clear direction of activity by creating a set of transformation principles and a strategy. Delegates will hear from the sector on how a defined direction for their transformation work empowers officers and councillors across their authorities to improve the lives of the community they serve. Following the ‘spotlight on’ presentation, delegates will participate in a roundtable discussion.
Thursday 11 July 2024, 1.00pm - 3.00pm
When making decisions, it is important to do against a basis of good evidence. This webinar aims to show you how to use the numbers to tell an effective story, so that everyone can understand what you want to achieve.
Sustainability masterclass – informing and upskilling local leaders
Tuesday 16 July 2024, 10.30am – 12.00pm
Join us for this virtual event which will explore opportunities to increase the climate change and wider environmental sustainability knowledge and skills of local leaders. We will hear about the new carbon literacy accredited training courses that the LGA has been delivering to local authority councillors and members from across England. Delegates who have benefited from attending the courses will share their experience with us and we will discuss the opportunities for councils to access training locally. Register for the sustainability masterclass now!
Housing Decarbonisation and Retrofit Roundtable
Tuesday 10 September 2024, 10.00am – 11.45am | officers | roundtable
This roundtable has been organised to provide participants with the opportunity to explore how the sector can influence and improve the energy efficiency of housing and assets to deliver mitigation targets within local government decarbonisation and retrofit programmes. It will feature ‘spotlight on’ presentations from councils with experience and insights on leading the decarbonisation agenda before we progress into a roundtable discussion. Register for the housing roundtable now!
Wednesday 18 September 2024 | London
An interactive and engaging training session designed for Firefighters' Pension Scheme local pension board members and advisors.
Thursday 19 September 2024, 2.00pm - 3.30pm
This virtual event which is funded by Government will provide an overview of local government finance without any numbers - focusing instead on roles and responsibilities, key terminologies and processes. It will give you an understanding of both what you need to be aware of in your role and what you need to understand about your authority’s role and is aimed at newly elected members or those just looking for a refresh.