Partners in Care and Health: May 2024

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LGA and ADASS are Partners in Care and Health, supporting councils to improve the way they deliver adult social care and public health services.

May 2024

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Mental Health Awareness Week: Findings from our insight survey

To coincide with the start of Mental Health Awareness Week on Monday (13 May), we've published findings from our recent insight survey.

Our survey, completed by just under half of all directors of adult social services, was carried out to find out about current practices in mental health social care. It focussed on engagement in the Community Mental Health Transformation Programme; assessment and care planning and arrangements for the commissioning and delivery of services.

The findings have enabled us to understand the progress and challenges faced by councils and recognise areas of good practice. It will be used to inform and shape our future support offer.

Read the 'Adult mental health social care' report

Personalised care and support planning for people experiencing mental health challenges

We've commissioned six interactive training sessions, which kick off on Wednesday (15 May) during Mental Health Awareness Week, to develop the confidence, knowledge and skills of frontline staff to take a holistic and biopsychosocial focused approach to assessment and care planning.

It is aimed at anyone who works with people with mental health challenges, including those working in social care, health or the voluntary and community enterprise sector. It is being delivered by Health Dialogues.

Sessions will run until Friday 31 May. Book your place on care and support planning training

Values-based recruitment in adult social care

Our new ‘What good looks like: Values-based recruitment in adult social care’ guide showcases good practice, success factors and evidence of what works in council-led values-based recruitment (VBR) campaigns.

VBR is an approach that enables organisations to recruit candidates with the values, behaviours and skills to make them an asset to any care organisation, regardless of whether they have formal qualifications or experience.

Our guide provides practical tips and insights for councils wishing to implement VBR campaigns and a framework to help capture the impact. The guide is based on a review of published resources and literature, and interviews with councils and stakeholders with experience of putting VBR into practice.

Read the 'Values-based recruitment' guide

Charging reform: Taking forward the learning from the trailblazer work briefing

Our new briefing shares key learning from the six councils which agreed to be trailblazers to test out the Government’s proposals for charging reform published in 2021.

We believe this learning is important to help address challenges facing adult social care, and may want to be considered by all councils, irrespective of whether charging reform is implemented in October 2025.

Please note, this briefing does not address issues arising from the cost of care. We will continue to provide support on cost of care, working closely with DHSC and providers.

Read the 'Trailblazer work' briefing

Better Care Fund Support Programme: The case for home-based intermediate care

Getting people home from hospital or helping them maintain their independence in their own home for longer are Better Care Fund policy goals and underpin our support programme.

We've commissioned a new publication to articulate the benefits, challenges, and opportunities of delivering home-based intermediate care (HBIC) by using evidence and learning from 19 health and care systems.

In doing so, the document considers how HBIC can be one of the most valuable investments systems can make, and thus improve people’s outcomes and staff wellbeing, transform operational performance, and reduce spend.

Read 'The case for home-based intermediate care'

LGA secondment opportunity

The LGA is offering an exciting secondment opportunity for an Interim Director of Strategy and Reform (6–9 months), a new role to help set the strategic direction of the LGA as an organisation and as the representative body for local government.

This is a key leadership role working with the Chief Executive, the political leadership of the LGA and the wider Strategic Management Team.

Recruitment closes at 12.00pm on 17 May. See the website for full details.

Client level data

The adult social care client level data (CLD) collection was introduced as a mandatory quarterly collection for councils a year ago.

The first insights from the CLD collection, focusing on people receiving council commissioned long-term support, were published as ‘official statistics in development’ by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) last month. . These metrics will be available in LG Inform soon. The next publication aims to address new demand for social care support, the extent of care plan reviews and waiting times for care.

DHSC is working closely with us and the CLD reference group to understand how councils differ in their approach and develop methods that generate comparable figures for benchmarking purposes. Our work will also inform accompanying guidance.

For more information email

New Hospital Discharges Dashboard

Our new interactive Hospital Discharges Dashboard allows you to explore data on patient discharge from acute hospitals.

For patients who no longer meet the criteria to reside in hospital, you can compare trends in your area to other areas, and explore discharge pathways and reasons for delay.

This tool will help you to sort through the details of the NHS England dataset. For more information, please contact

Preventive and proactive care initiatives: Call for evidence

We're working with the Department of Health and Social Care on collecting evidence about what preventive and proactive care initiatives have been implemented in local areas across England.

The research is being carried out by Alma Economics and will inform our sector-lead improvement work and shape DHSC’s policy and research agenda.

To find out more and provide evidence, access the call for evidence. Submitting evidence should take up to five minutes per initiative.

Promoting less restrictive practice: reducing restrictions tool for practitioners

This Local Government Association and Association of Directors of Adult Social Services tool aims to help practitioners identify restrictions in a person’s care, in order to examine whether the care is the ‘least restrictive’ possible, as required by the Mental Capacity Act.

It can also be used as part of care planning to ‘promote liberty and autonomy’ in care plans. It was originally written in 2016 and has been updated.

Access the 'Promoting less restrictive practice' tool

Peer review case studies

We’ve developed two case studies to highlight the importance and impact from people with lived experience completing quality checks and reviews:

The role of social workers in care (education) and treatment reviews

10 June 2024, 10.00am – 11.30am

Join us for this online event to highlight the critical role and impact of social workers taking part in Care Education and Treatment Reviews (C(E)TRs) and informing Dynamic Support Registers (DSRs).

This event will be of particular interest to social workers, team managers and principal social workers working in both local councils and NHS settings, commissioners and people taking part in C(E)TRs

Join us for this C(E)TR and DSR webinar 

Autistic Pride Day: Issues that impact on autistic women webinar

18 June 2024, 2.00pm - 4.00pm

We're holding this online event on Autistic Pride Day about the issues that impact autistic women to help further the understanding of councils and NHS staff who support them in the community.

Full programme and end time to be confirmed, however, it will feature speakers from Neurodiverse Connection.

Book your place on the Autistic women event.

Online events: co-producing information and advice

22 and 29 May 2024, 2.00pm - 4.00pm and 19 June 2024, 1.00pm - 2.00pm

Co-production is key to effectively supporting people and providing information and advice in adult social care.

Curators of Change will be facilitating two interactive workshops on 22 May and 29 May. During the workshops, they will play extracts from stories of lived experience, and then talk about how this applies to local experiences of information and advice.

Book on the 22 May session or book on 29 May session.

In addition, on 19 June, you'll hear from people and their lived experiences and discuss ways councils can build on this learning to improve their information and advice approach.

Book on the co-producing information and advice webinar

The next improving information and advice community of practice session will be taking place on 4 June from 3pm to 4.30pm. Access the KHub for more information.


Second safeguarding adults review analysis
14 May 2024,  10.00am - 12.00pm | Virtual

The role of councils, working collaboratively with partners, in the retention of international recruits in adult social care
15 May 2024, 10.30am - 12.00pm | Virtual

BCF Support Programme learning lunch: D2A system review in South Cumbria
15 May 2024, 12.00pm - 1.00pm

MSIF Support webinar
16 May 2024, 12.00pm - 1.30pm

Supported living toolkit - introduction and walkthrough
16 May 2024, 2.00pm - 3.30pm

Sense making and conversation of change
22 May 2024, 2.00pm - 4.00pm

Sense making and conversation of change
29 May 2024, 2.00pm - 4.00pm

The role of social workers in care (education) and treatment reviews
10 June 2024, 10.00am - 11.30am

Issues that impact on autistic women for council and NHS staff supporting them
18 June 2024, 2.00pm - 4.00pm

Co-producing adult social care information and advice
19 June 2024, 1.00pm - 2.00pm

LGA  Annual Conference and Exhibition 
2 - 4 July 2024 | Harrogate Convention Centre

National Children and Adult Services Conference
27 - 29 November 2024 | Liverpool ACC

For more information about these and other health-related events go to our Events page.


NHS Constitution: 10 years review - consultation
Department of Health and Social Care

International recruitment to adult social care: A guide for councils
Partners in Care and Health

Adult social care assurance: A guide to support the development of your adult social care self-assessment (Part one)
Partners in Care and Health

Adult social care assurance: A guide to support the development of your adult social care self-assessment (Part two)
Partners in Care and Health

Closed cultures in social care: Guidance and questions to ask
Partners in Care and Health

Supporting carers hub

Sector support offer for local authorities 2024/25

Top tips and key actions for successful collaborative partnership working across mental health services
Partners in Care and Health

Reducing restrictive practice
Partners in Care and Health

National summary report of the employer standards survey for registered social workers 2024

Getting under the bonnet: Implementing the NHS Health Check

Learning from the Care Quality Commission pilots for principal social workers
Partners in Care and Health

No wrong doors for young carers
Carer's Trust

Ordinary residence guide: Determining local authority responsibilities under the Care Act and the Mental Health Act

Councils taking charge: A comprehensive approach to supporting a smokefree generation

Questions or comments?

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