Partners in Care and Health: December 2023

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LGA and ADASS are Partners in Care and Health, supporting councils to improve the way they deliver adult social care and public health services.

December 2023

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The Care Act 2014 and unpaid carers: a handy summary

Councils’ duties towards unpaid carers are woven through the Care Act 2014 legislation and statutory guidance. Designed to support councils with Care Quality Commission (CQC) preparedness, The Care Act 2014 and unpaid carers: a handy summary pulls together the key principles underpinning the Care Act and the statutory duties placed on councils.

This summary will be of interest to carers leads, assurance leads and commissioners in councils, as well as elected members, local and national carers organisations, and other partners who have a stake in the CQC assessment process.

The Care Act 2014 and unpaid carers: a handy summary

The return of the regulator: what adult social care needs to know

As the first councils subject to the Care Quality Commission’s new assessment regime for adult social care were notified, we were provided with an update on the process from the team involved at our recent webinar for Principal Social Workers. You can view the slide pack for this webinar.

In addition, we've published rapid learning from the pilots in our publication, 'The return of the regulator.' It features interviews with the five directors of adult social care about their experience of taking part in the pilots and includes advice for other councils. It also includes top tips for managing the process within your own councils. Our existing top tips document remains a useful reference.

The return of the regulator

What about the quality? Using quality standards to drive improvement in support for unpaid carers

18 January 2024, 10.00am-11.00am

Following our popular 'What's the story?' webinar, we will look at how councils can use National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) quality standards to drive improvement in how they support unpaid carers. NICE guidelines are evidence-based recommendations for health and care in England and are referenced by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) in their assessment framework as best practice.

These webinars have been developed in partnership with NICE, the ADASS Carers Policy Group, Councils, Carers Trust, Carers UK, and an unpaid carer.

Book on to What about the quality?

Community of practice for trusted assessment: scoping meeting

15 January 2024, 2:00pm - 4:00pm

We're inviting social works and local authority officers involved in the commissioning of trusted assessment to join us for a scoping meeting to help shape a community of practice. This would be an interactive space where local authority officers and social workers can benefit from guidance, share best practice, seek clarity on ambiguities, and so on. We'll cover themes, as well as organisation and governance.

Book on our scoping meeting

Chief Social Worker for Adults series – Sussex initiative 

15 January 2024, 10:00am - 11:00am

This instalment in our series of webinars with the Chief Social Worker for Adults, Lyn Romeo will explore the principles of the Sussex initiative that has reduced waiting times for NHS physio appointments through increased community outreach. This webinar will be jointly hosted by Adam Lent, Chief Executive of New Local and will also provide an opportunity to ask questions. These webinars are being co-delivered with the Department of Health and Social Care, and Social Care Institute for Excellence.

Book on to the Sussex initiative webinar

Adult social care information and guidance

An online community of practice has been established on KHub for adult social care information and advice, including information and advice managers, practitioners, front door colleagues, communications, and digital/data leads. The next meetings will take place 11 January 2024, 3.00pm - 5.00pm, and 14 March 2024, 3.00pm - 5.00pm. Recordings from the first two meetings are also available.

In addition, councils seeking direct support to improve their adult social care information and advice or front door service should complete a light-touch expression of interest by 5.30pm on 15 January 2024. Participants are expected to help improve and test the toolkit and share their learnings. 

Join the online community or email for more information.

Learning from Life and Death Reviews of people with a learning disability and autistic people 2022 annual report

The seventh annual ‘Learning from lives and deaths – People with a learning disability and autistic people’ (LeDeR) report has been published by King’s College London.

NHS England has published the fifth annual LeDeR ‘Action from Learning’ report, which describes some of the work being undertaken across the country to reduce health inequalities and premature mortality amongst people with a learning disability and autistic people.

We're also updated our briefing focusing on what councils can do as key Integrated Care Board partners.

Home ownership for people with long-term disabilities

17 January 2024, 2.00pm - 3.00pm

Join our webinar to find out more about HOLD, a shared owernship scheme which offers independent living opportunities for people with long-term disabilities, including people with learning disabilities and autistic people.

Book on our home ownership webinar

Tackling exploitation and modern slavery in adult social care

7 February 2024, 11.00am - 12:30pm

In June 2023 the Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority (GLAA) reported a significant increase in reports of exploitation in adult social care.  The decentralised nature of the adult social care market, the rise in the number of overseas workers, the growing use of agencies, low rates of unionisation and the widespread use of temporary contracts may all contribute to this greater exploitation risk.

In this webinar we will hear how some councils are working with national and local partners to identify and manage the risks of exploitation and modern slavery in adult social care. To register your interest in joining the webinar please contact

No Wrong Doors for young carers - a review and research

29 February 2024, 10.00am - 12.00pm

We commissioned the Carers Trust to conduct a refresh and update of the 'No Wrong Doors: working together to support young carers and their families' template memorandum of understanding (MOU). Join us for this webinar where you will hear about the refreshed MOU and guidance. 

Ahead of this webinar, you can read a briefing on the findings of desk research conducted into the profile of No Wrong Doors MOU among council websites; you can request the data for your council.

Find out more about this webinar and the recent briefing or email

Better Careers for Better Care grant-making programme

The Rayne Foundation has launched a call for expressions of interest as part of Better Careers for Better Care, a strategic and collaborative funding programme into adult social care. The foundation is looking for partners to work alongside to develop ambitious proposals for funding and collaboration with the potential to transform career and development opportunities for care workers working with people in later life. 

Proposals that are part of a broader change and transformation agenda focused on the social care workforce are welcomed. The call closes at 12.00pm on 10 January 2024. 

WorkWell – integrating work and health locally

A prospectus published by the Departments for Health and Social Care and Work and Pensions sets out details for how Integrated Care Boards (ICBs), working with local partners, can bid to become WorkWell pilots (‘vanguards’).

The pilots aim to provide early intervention to help participants start, stay and succeed in work and should be co-produced with local authorities and jobcentres. While applications will be ICB-led, letters of support from local authorities are needed as a minimum.

To find out more email

In case you missed it...


For more information about these and other health-related events go to our Events page.

Chief Social Worker for Adults series - Sussex initiative
15 January 2024, 10.00am - 11.00am | Virtual

Community of practice for trusted assessment: scoping meeting
15 January 2024, 2.00pm - 4.00pm | Virtual

Supporting operational pressures in commissioning workshop - Market management
16 January 2024, 2.00pm - 3.30pm | Virtual

Home ownership for people with long-term disabilities
17 January 2024, 2.00pm - 3.00pm | Virtual

What about the quality? using quality standards to drive improvement support for unpaid carers
18 January 2024, 10.00am - 11.00am | Virtual

No Wrong Doors for young carers - a review and research
29 February 2024, 10.00am - 12.00pm

LGA Annual Conference and Exhibition 
2 - 4 July 2024 | Harrogate Convention Centre

National Children and Adult Services Conference
27 - 29 November 2024 | Liverpool ACC


Flexible working in social care podcast

Diverse by Design for adult social care

Safeguarding roles and responsibilities: Safeguarding is everybody's business

The Health Care services (Provider Selection Regime) regulations 2023
Department of Health and Social Care

The Provider Selection Regime draft statutory guidance 
NHS England

Addressing the leading risk factors for ill health - a framework for local government action
The Health Foundation

Integrated Care Partnerships: Driving the future vision for health and care
LGA and The NHS Confederation

Accelerating Reform fund for adult social care: guidance for local authorities
Department for Health and Social Care

Housing Guide
Learning Disability England

Health and social care workers winter vaccinations campaign 2023
Department of Health and Social Care

Ten things to do now to prepare for CQC assessment around unpaid carers

Questions or comments?

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