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Dear colleague
Welcome to the twelfth edition of the LGA’s Cyber, Digital and Technology Bulletin.
Last month we launched the first videos from our Cyber Unpacked video series covering digital concepts in bitesize chunks. The response has been excellent, so thanks to colleagues for sharing them and please continue to do so; you may find the image assets useful in creating content.
 I also want to highlight our eLearning modules on supply chain security, and the 10 Questions on Cyber Security guide . These are great resources and well worth a look.
Please reach out for any guidance or questions, and a reminder of our year-round on call function, supporting councils with non-technical support in response and recovery of cyber incidents, available 365 days a year.
Best wishes,
Owen Pritchard
Head of Cyber, Digital and Technology
Local Government Association
What Good Looks Like for Digital Adult Social Care - Webinars
The Partners in Care and Health (PCH) Digital Transformation in Adult Social Care team are hosting a series of webinars following the launch of the What Good Looks Like (WGLL) for Digital Adult Social Care. The LGA invites everyone with an interest in this area to join any or all of these four webinars to explore seven success factors and hear from local authorities across the country to share their learning. Please register using the links below:
2G/3G Switch Off Survey
In 2021 the UK’s mobile network operators confirmed to Government that they would not offer 2G or 3G services beyond 2033 and since then the first networks have started being switched off. The LGA has published a 2G/3G switch off survey to better understand levels of awareness of the 2G/3G sunset, how prepared service areas are, and what support the sector requires. A personal survey link has been sent to Heads of Digital/Technology/IT for each council and we would encourage all the relevant teams in your local authority to complete the survey. If your council has not yet received the link, please email
The benefits of digital connectivity for local authorities (online event) - 12 September, 10am-11:30am
This information session is the first in a series of webinars the LGA is hosting in collaboration with the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT). Featuring industry experts on fixed and mobile connectivity as well as a case study from Wolverhampton Council, it will provide an overview of the digital connectivity landscape and tops tips on progressing the digital connectivity agenda across local authorities. The webinar is aimed at Chief Executives, Directors and councillors with a portfolio and/or interest in digital connectivity. To register you interest please complete this booking form.
LGA Bespoke Cyber Support
If you are looking to strengthen cyber security within your council, The LGA has various bespoke exercises to empower you on all levels. These exercises aim to provide individual councils with tailored advice, support and best practise through a Cyber 360 or Reaction Exercises. The LGA has now supported over 30 councils & over the next few months, are aiming to support 20 more. Slots for the year have now reopened.
Please visit our website for more information or to book a short introductory meeting with the team, please email
Introducing the next generation cyber security framework from Crown Commercial Service
Crown Commercial Services are currently working to develop the successor agreement to the Cyber Security Services 3 Dynamic Purchasing System. For this they are seeking views and insights from local authority officers to shape the future framework to meet the sector’s needs. The LGA will be hosting a roundtable discussion with Crown Commercial Services on Friday 15th September 11:00 – 13:00, which will be an opportunity to share your views. If you would like to attend, please email
Response and Recovery Survey
In September the LGA will be conducting a survey to gain an overview of councils’ response and recovery capacity and capability. The findings will inform the Cyber, Digital and Technology support offer to councils, to enable local authorities to become resilient to cyber threats, in line with the Government Cyber Security Strategy: 2022 to 2030. The survey invitation will be sent to Head of ICT Services as an email containing a link to the survey form. If you would like further information, please contact
The NCSC’s Cyber Incident Response scheme is now available to more organisations
The well-established Cyber Incident Response scheme helps organisations to quickly identify trusted providers of incident response services in the event of a cyber-attack. The expansion of the scheme means providers are given a ‘Level 1’ or ‘Level 2’ designation, applied to distinguish between the different levels of appropriate support to victim organisations, growing the number of companies assured to provide high quality incident response services.
Read more about the Cyber Incident Response scheme here.
New advisory between the NCSC and allies reveals common cyber vulnerabilities
The advisory, issued by the NCSC and partner agencies in the US, Canada, New Zealand and Australia reveals the top 12 vulnerabilities targeted and exploited in 2022. Fresh warnings about the value of updating systems were issued following this guidance, with more than half of the 12 vulnerabilities featuring on the previous years’ list. Following these findings, the NCSC encourage UK organisations to sign up for their Early Warning service to remain updated about live and potential issues and vulnerabilities.
Rise in phishing attempts within the UK charity sector
The NCSC has seen a rise in phishing attempts in the voluntary and community sector, and urges smaller charitable organisations to take the necessary steps to improve resilience against potential cyber-attacks. Where local authorities work closely with VCSE organisations, please share the guidance relating to this rise, and sector specific tools to support workforce incentives to mitigate cyber risk.
Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council spotlight their Family Context tool
Featuring in Local Digital’s Council Spotlight series, Stockport Council share the full process of their Family Context project, working to improve social work assessment processes, and emphasises the need for quality data in broader digital transformation. The tool, first funded by Local Digital in 2019 showed an average reduction in time spent searching for information from 2-3 hours to just 20 minutes. A toolkit is available to support the adoption of these principles into other council’s social care processes.
Hull City Council install innovative technology to enable ‘intelligent road’ on a key city road
In the first initiative of its kind, Hull City Council have installed vehicle detection, infrared system with 18 variable message signs in bid to improve safety and reduce congestion on one of Hull’s busiest routes. The ‘intelligent road studs’ that are key to the project allow data around motorists, cyclists, and heavy goods vehicles to be shared in warning to reduce disruption, costs and provide alternative route details. A video detailing the technology is available here.
Good Things Foundation publish annual impact review
The review, covering April 2022 to June 2023, highlights key findings from the support provided by the UK’s leading digital inclusion charity. Findings breaks down the links between digital and social exclusion amongst the 4 million+ people the organisation have supported since 2010. The review, available to view here, illustrates the multiple deprivations faced by digitally excluded residents in the UK, recognises the 3,000+ community organisations part of their digital inclusion network, and reflects on the £2 million of grants distributed by the charity since April 2022. Councils and libraries can join the National Digital Inclusion Network here to access free preloaded SIM cards through the National Databank.
Newark and Sherwood District Council share the important role of local authorities in tackling the challenge of information security
Dave Richardson MBCS, ICT and Digital Services Business Manager at Newark and Sherwood District Council, explains how local authorities can lead by example in tackling the information security challenge. This article, published on BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT’s website, describes the advantage local government has when adopting successful information security practices. He reflects on local authorities’ valuable power of convening networks, communities and partnerships toward a common goal, illustrating this with the example of regional Warning, Advice and Reporting Points (WARPs) and Cyber, Technical Advisory Groups (CTAGs).
£40m fund to drive IoT and 5G innovation launched by UK government
The fund, for local and regional authorities is aimed at empowering local areas to create smarter and more connected communities. The fund is looking to unlock the potential of wireless connectivity to drive economic development and improve the delivery of digital services. Research has shown that widespread adoption of 5G has the potential value of up to £159bn by 2035, fostering more inclusive and connected societies. Applications to the fund are welcomed until 3rd September.
Read the latest Future Councils Update from Local Digital
Over the past month, Local Digital have completed in-depth conversations with pilot councils about the challenges they face and visited their teams in person. In their latest update, you can read a summary of those discussions. In the Autumn, Local Digital are looking to run a number of in-person events across the country, to share learnings from Future Councils pilot, and check whether these resonate with other councils.
Subscribe to the Local Digital newsletter for more information.
Shine a spotlight on your digital achievements
Local Digital’s Council Spotlight blog series provides councils with an opportunity to showcase their digital achievements and contributions to the digital community. A recent edition with Stockport Council highlighted their digital journey developing their Family Context tool. The project explored how providing social workers with more complete and contextual information could lead to better decision-making and reduced time spent on finding information for cases.
Visit the Council Spotlight blog for more inspirational stories — or why not apply to take part in a future issue and showcase the achievements of your organisation?
DLUHC report shows seven barriers to BOLD (Better Outcomes through Linked Data) data sharing
The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, have identified seven main barriers in local government data sharing on vulnerable groups with central government. These barriers include the need for more guidance, limited resources and funding, and concerns over privacy, amongst other factors. The report details these barriers, and provides recommendations to tackle these, to facilitate change and improvement of local authorities.
Streamline your Identity Governance and Administration – with Microsoft, (online event) 27 September, 11-12pm
Ensuring the right people have the right access to the right resources at the right time is essential for data management and cyber security. This event aims to discuss how to effectively automate the lifecycle management tasks for the joiners, movers, leavers (JML) process and access provisioning with tools that are included in your E3 and E5 license.
This event is suitable to those working in IT teams in a council with a Microsoft E3 or E5 license.
Please register using this form and you will receive a calendar invite.
This event will take place as a webinar through MS Teams.
AI and Cyber Security with Microsoft Co-pilot – with Microsoft, (online event) 26 October, 2-3pm
Join us for an exciting session on AI and cyber security where we will explore how Security Co-pilot, and other new processes can significantly reduce the risk of cyber-attacks and greatly improve overall security effectiveness.
This event is suitable to those working in IT teams in a council with a Microsoft E3 or E5 license.
Please register using this form and you will receive a calendar invite.
This event will take place as a webinar through MS Teams.
Join the Crown Commercial Service for the next Digital Data and Technology Buyers’ Community of Practice, (in person event) 5 October 2023, Birmingham
The event will be hosted at The Studio in central Birmingham, a short walk from Grand Central/New Street Station. The event will be a packed day of learning, networking and sharing of best practice.
Engage with peers and colleagues from across the Public Sector to hear about the latest developments; learn through case studies; gain practical tips and advice to support your targets; and share your experiences and challenges to help CCS source solutions. The agenda includes a discussion panel on AI, a case study on digital transformation, resources for DDaT procurement and much more. The event will combine table conversation, presentations from subject experts, workshops and breakout discussion groups.
Book here, for free, to secure your place.
Improving Digital Accessibility in the Public Sector, (Online Workshop) 15 September
This practical and interactive one-day course will teach you tools that will help you improve accessibility in your digital communications, starting with your website, and setting the standards across your digital channels. It is a legal requirement to make your website and apps accessible to all users in your public sector organisation.
Discover ways to enhance your accessibility strategy through simple changes that can make a real difference to the user experience. Get the guidance, skills and tools you need to comply with the latest accessibility standards and ensure your website meets regulations.
Find out more and book here.
Embrace the Future of Digital Transformation: Runnymede Borough Council Open Day, (in person event) 5 September
Runnymede Borough Council are hosting an open day to share their digital transformation journey, highlighting their successful reimagination of public services through the use of open-source technology, the introduction of telephony and CRM systems and the creation of a new reporting hub, leading to a revenue collection of £14 million since August 2021. The live digital connect day will be at the AWS head office in London. Register here for free.
Building the Smarter State, TechUK, (in person event) 27 September
TechUK are holding the ninth edition of their flagship public services conference Building the Smarter State. This year’s event will focus on innovation and impact within the smarter state, exploring technology enabled transformation in public services, with speakers from Government Digital Services, the Central Digital and Data Office and Brent Council amongst others. Tickets are free for public sector colleagues. Find out more and register here.
Head of Programme:
Cyber, Digital and Technology Team:
For more information visit our Cyber and Digital hub