LGA Events bulletin August 2023

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LGA Events bulletin

August 2023

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In this month’s bulletin, the spotlight is on our Finance without numbers – An introduction to local government finance for newly elected members virtual event. This event will take place on Thursday 14 September and will be repeated on Thursday 2 November. It will provide an overview of local government finance without any numbers – focusing instead on roles and responsibilities, key terminology and processes. It will give newly elected members or those wanting a refresh, an understanding of both what you need to be aware of in your role and what you need to understand about your authority’s role.

We also hope you can join the Supporting employees with terminal illness virtual event which will take place on Tuesday 19 September. Employees who develop terminal illness at work often face financial, social, welfare and legal challenges. Join us to hear from the What Works Centre for Wellbeing and Marie Curie to understand what policies, procedures and management skills can support these employees.

Please find below details of our other forthcoming events.

The LGA Events Team.

Upcoming events

September 2023

Reducing waste: how to slim the bin
7 September 2023 | Zoom webinar

Don’t dispose, reuse
12 September 2023 | Zoom webinar

Recycling fit for the future
18 September 2023 | Zoom webinar

Firefighters’ Pensions Annual Conference - Day 1 (AGM and reception)
19 September 2023 | London

Firefighters’ Pensions Annual Conference - Day 2
20 September 2023 | London

Empty Properties Report Launch
21 September 2023 | Zoom meeting

October 2023

T Level national conference
12 October 2023 | London

November 2023

National Children and Adult Services Conference
29 November - 1 December 2023 | Bournemouth International Centre


Sponsorship opportunities are available for all our events – please contact events@local.gov.uk

first magazine

first is the LGA's membership magazine, distributed to around 18,000 councillors and local authority chief executives in England and Wales. For editorial inquiries, please email karen.thornton@local.gov.uk. For advertising and online commercial opportunities contact Andy Shields, Media Sales Manager, email andy.shields@cpl.gov.uk, phone 01223 378005.

Recent sponsors include:

events bulletin sponsorship logos - 31 May 2023