Climate Change Bulletin - November 2022

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Climate Change Bulletin

November 2022

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Pass the Planet 

Next week, the LGA launches our refreshed Pass the Planet campaign, which will be running throughout COP27. The campaign will promote the great practice, projects and provision councils from across England are delivering to address climate change. We aim to support universal learning, enable councils to share the innovative solutions and ultimately help other councils to understand how they can meet their own climate change ambitions. Do look out for the campaign next week! 

This virtual programme will help senior council officers across all services explore their crucial local leadership role in responding to the climate emergency. During the course, you’ll commit to two carbon reducing actions. These actions will be evaluated for you to become carbon literate. See our frequently asked questions for more information. Course dates are available in November and December. Sign up by completing our application form. 

In September the LGA hosted a Roundtable for climate officers from around the country. It was aimed at giving them the opportunity to share learning through facilitated peer support. 

In September, we hosted a webinar on sustainable procurement which introduced ourNational Energy Category Strategy for Local Government 2022 – energising procurement. The strategy has been designed to support councils to optimise the way they procure and manage energy in today’s markets. Webinar attendees also heard from Oxford City Council and the Confederation of British Industry. You can read about the session on the blog.

Organised by the LGA’s Economic Growth Improvement Team, this roundtable will explore the challenges and opportunities councils face in undertaking growth plans in a green and sustainable way. It will be hosted virtually and will be chaired by Tess Lanning, Strategic Head of Enterprise and Employment Strategy at the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham. The meeting is aimed at council officers working on economic growth and development.

We would love to know your thoughts about what improvement support your council could benefit from. Our wide-ranging sector support programme continues to be shaped by the support councils tell us they need. Your feedback will help to inform our future sector support programme and provide tools and resources. We encourage councillors and officers working across a range of service and policy areas to complete the survey by Friday 11 November. 

The sector support programme is funded by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC). 


Tuesday 8 November, 10:00am – 11:30am

During the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27), the LGA will showcase best practice from councils through our Pass the Planet campaign. In this webinar, four councils present their best practice, each linking with one of the four COP27 goals: mitigation, adaptation, collaboration and finance.

Tuesday 15 November, 10:30am – 12:00pm 

During the second week of the COP27 conference, the LGA will be presenting findings from our policy project on investigating, capturing, and presenting approaches to ‘whole-place’ street /neighbourhood decarbonisation. The webinar will be chaired by Councillor David Renard, Leader of Swindon Borough Council and Chair of the LGA’s Environment, Economy, Housing and Transport board with presentations from DG Cities, South Cambridgeshire District Council and Doncaster City Council. 

Tuesday 6 December 2022, 10.00am - 11.30am 

The UK’s housing stock will need to be carbon neutral by 2050. Councils are working hard to make their own housing stock more energy efficient, whilst building retrofit skills in the community to strengthen local supply chains. This webinar will share good practice examples from experts and councils who are creating local green jobs in the area of housing retrofit.

Tuesday 17 January 2022, 10.00am-11:30am 

The LGA and Local Partnerships Greenhouse Gas Accounting Tool has been developed to provide a straightforward and consistent approach for councils seeking to calculate their own carbon baseline. Alongside this, we are really pleased to launch a carbon calculator for waste emissions. This webinar will provide demonstrations for both tools for councils to use free of charge. 

Tuesday 24 January 2023, 10.00am - 11.30am 

Transport is now the biggest emitter of carbon of any sector in the UK. If we are to reach our target of net zero emissions by 2050 or sooner, we will need a fundamental transformation of the ways we move. This webinar will share good practice examples from experts and councils who are developing and delivering decarbonising transport strategies and provision.


The LGA has submitted evidence to the Government's Review of Net Zero policy. The response highlights the importance of local government in the role of net zero and highlights the economic opportunity of net zero from a transport, skills, jobs and energy perspective. 

The LGA has submitted evidence to government's medium term fiscal plan. This submission makes the case to Government for a radical reinvestment in local and combined authorities that enables councils to turbo-charge local growth and create preventative public services that save money and improve the lives of some of the most vulnerable in our society. 

The LGA responded to governments Review of Electricity Market Arrangements consultation. Our response focusses on the important role local authorities will need to play in a transitioning zero carbon energy systems and the benefits working with councils can bring. 

Local Partnerships

The GovNet Smart Asset & Estate Management Conference, held on 8 December at the QEII Centre in London, brings together public sector property professionals to get the latest policy updates and discover new initiatives in sustainability in the sector.

Project Director Michael O’Doherty will be speaking on the keynote panel: “Understanding and Achieving Net Zero”. 

Public sector members can use our exclusive 30% discount using code: SMARTLOCAL30

Local Partnerships is once again sponsoring the “Leadership in responding to the climate emergency” category at the 2023 MJ Awards. The winning local authority will demonstrate leadership by embracing green recovery and keeping climate emergency at the heart of their agendas. 

Visit the climate change hub or email for more information.