Dear colleague
Welcome to the first edition of the LGA’s rebranded Cyber, Digital and Technology (CDT) bulletin.
Since the onset of COVID-19, local government has supported communities to adapt to the impact of the pandemic. Overnight, councils became hybrid organisations, and digital tools were vital in communicating with and supporting residents. Digital tools will continue to play an important role in driving forward efficient service delivery, against increasing demand on services and shrinking budgets. Despite the positive impact of technology in delivering services, the transition to hybrid working has placed a new spotlight on cyber security and resilience.
The LGA’s CDT improvement programme provides councils with a range of tools, resources, and guidance, to support the management of cyber risk and continued digital innovation.
This edition focuses on some of the work we are doing to support councils, including the creation of a new digitalisation almanac, free training programmes for councillors and a new e-learning course on embedding cyber resilience in local government supply chains. We also collate the latest updates from the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), central government partners including the Department for Digital, Culture, Media, and Sport (DCMS) and the Department for Levelling Up Housing and Communities (DLUHC), and from networks in the sector, to share resources and good practice.
Please get in touch if there is anything we can do to support your council’s cyber, digital and technology activities.
Owen Pritchard
Head of Cyber, Digital and Technology
Local Government Association
Monthly Highlights
Free eLearning: Embedding cyber resilience in local government supply chains
Read about our new online resource and a free e-learning course. The course is based on NCSC’s supply chain security principles and aims to help councils embed greater cyber resilience in their procurement processes and supply chains. Please share this with colleagues working within procurement and anyone in your council you think it may be of use to.
Free two-day programme for councillors: Leadership Essentials, Digitalisation
Read about our upcoming Leadership Essentials Digitalisation programme for leaders, deputy leaders, relevant portfolio holders and members with an interest in cyber, digital and technology. The aim is to provide councillors with the confidence, capability, and awareness to lead the digitalisation agenda within their local authorities and in their local areas. There is an option to attend a residential programme from Saturday 19 November to Sunday 20 November 2022, or a virtual programme from Tuesday 6 December to Wednesday 7 December. Please share this information with your members who may be interested in attending.
Call for views: Digitalisation Almanac for local government user research
We are developing a Digitalisation Almanac that will build on the new outcomes-based digitalisation framework launched jointly by the LGA, Socitm and Solace to improve local government digitalisation programmes. We have commissioned PUBLIC to create the content for the almanac and they are researching the needs of the sector with local government officers. Please book a slot to contribute to the user research process. Please share this with your teams as we are keen to hear from a wider range of perspectives including junior and senior officers.
LGA Cyber 360 Programme – take part in Cyber 360s
We are inviting expressions of interest from councils for our fully-funded Cyber 360 programme. This programme provides an opportunity for councils to explore their cyber-security culture in a friendly and constructive environment. A team of peers and technical experts will provide bespoke support, supporting councils to develop a whole-organisation approach to cyber-security. Please contact for further information.
Calls for views about digital identity systems
Is your council using a digital identity system to improve access to services and support? We would welcome your feedback to support our discussions with the Government Digital Service on ways to engage with the sector in the development of One Login for Government. Please contact to share your feedback.
Piloting a Cyber Assessment Framework for Local Government
This autumn, the Local Digital team at DLUHC will be working with councils to help establish a comprehensive cyber resilience standard for local government in England. They are a working with a small cohort of councils as part of a pilot project to explore how local authorities should use the NCSC’s Cyber Assessment Framework (CAF) to assess and improve their cyber resilience with a view to rolling out the CAF across England.
DCMS publish new research about organisational experiences of cyber security breaches
DCMS has published a new in-depth research study of 10 businesses and organisations affected by cyber security breaches. Several themes emerged in the research, including a consensus that cyber-crime is a significant and growing business risk, with cyber-attacks increasing in both volume and technical sophistication. Read the full research study report.
Government consultation on how to ‘reduce the security burden on citizens’
Read about the Government's consultation to help officials better understand the current threats posed to citizens and businesses by potential breaches of online accounts and personal data. The exercise also aims to gather feedback on additional measures that could be taken by legislators, public authorities and technology firms to minimise the “burden of responsibility on individuals for cybersecurity”.
Local authorities experience 10,000 attempted cyber-attacks every day
Local authorities across the UK are experiencing an average of 10,000 attempted or successful cyber-attacks every day and have seen a 14 per cent year-on-year increase in incidents to over two million so far this year. This is according to new figures published by Gallagher, a provider of insurance broking and risk management services. Read the full report.
Network updates
We host and participate in several networks which meet regularly to discuss a range of topics related to cyber, digital and technology. Working alongside partners such as Soctim, ADEPT and local authority-led networks, the groups meet to share good practice, resources, and latest policy guidelines. Recent highlights from the networks over the past month are below.
Transformation Network
The Transformation network hosted a roundtable discussion on Hybrid Working. A case study was shared by Essex County Council on its working practices, digital remote working research and ‘ways of working programme’. Attendees offered their views on the opportunities and challenges faced by their councils. Read the full case study.
Local CIO Council
The Local CIO Council have been working with Microsoft on the Change Agent Training programme. The programme aims to train at least one person in every public sector service to be a catalyst for change, connecting them with others in similar roles to innovative and create communities of practice. The pilot has been very well received and they are now looking to scale up nationally.
Local Government Digital Switchover Working Group
The Local Government Digital Switchover Working Group recently wrote to Chief Executives, outlining the risks and challenges of the switchover within Adult Social Care, along with a readiness survey to understand the levels of support needed for councils. They have invited contributions and views from DCMS, DLUHC and NHS Transformation Directorate, along with calls for further support.
Digital Inclusion Network
The Digital Inclusion Network (DIN) featured an update from Digital Leeds in September about a new functionality on their Digital Inclusion Toolkit. This will regularly provide users with the latest digital inclusion news so that council officers can save time tracking down opportunities.
Digital Connectivity Working Group
ADEPT’s Digital Connectivity Working Group shared a case study from Westminster City Council on their Digital Connectivity Toolkit. The toolkit aims to share best practice from their experience of working to improve full fibre connectivity in a highly urban environment.
Please contact to find out more about these networks and how to join.
National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) updates
NCSC weekly threat reports
A reminder to keep reviewing the NCSC’s weekly threat reports on its webpage. Recent highlights from NCSC’s weekly threat reports:
New guidance to help organisations protect customers from cyber enabled crimes
Read the NCSC’s published guidance. This includes guidance on choosing the right type of authentication methods, as well as measures to protect online brands from being exploited.
NCSC publishes principles for security in machine learning
Read the NCSC’s security principles for the application of machine learning (ML) systems for the public sector and large organisations. These principles have been developed to assist scientists, engineers, decision makers and risk owners to assess the specific threats to a system and mitigate against them.
Upcoming events
Roundtable: What are the opportunities of digitalising democratic services in local government to boost participation, consultation, and engagement in local policy making?
Wednesday 19 October, 10am-12pm via Microsoft Teams
We are hosting a virtual roundtable discussion for local government democratic services officers and those with a responsibility for delivering on digital outcomes. This will provide an opportunity to network and share learning, and will allow councils to create new channels to engage with communities in policy making. Please register for the event.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Data4Good 2022
Wednesday 12 October to Friday 14 October, 11:00-12:45 each morning via Microsoft Teams
UKAuthority is hosting a conference which will focus on the rapid evolution in the use of valuable information assets and the development of the skills needed to unlock innovation and create a bedrock for AI. Register for the event
Digital Phone Switchover – preparing local authorities
Tuesday 8 November 2022, 10am-1pm at techUK, 10 St Bride Street, London, EC4A 4AD.
The telephone network upgrade happening across the UK presents both challenges and opportunities for local authorities. techUK will be hosting an event aimed at public sector bodies to help them prepare for the switchover, focussing on potential impacts and hearing from telecommunication service providers, the LGA and local authorities. Register for the event.
Contact details
Head of Programme:
Cyber, Digital and Technology Team: