Melissa Whittle
I have joined PAS from the LGA’s Care and Health Improvement Programme team. I will be providing business support for the PAS programme, working closely with PAS colleagues in order that we provide the best quality and most comprehensive service that we can to local authorities.
Krista Patrick
I have joined PAS on secondment from Greater Manchester Combined Authority to lead a Natural England-funded project engaging with local authorities on delivery of the Nature Recovery Network. I will also be working closely with PAS colleagues delivering other environmental projects such as Biodiversity Net Gain to make sure what we do is as joined up as possible and works best for local authorities.
This is a last call to express your interest in accessing PAS subsidised Design Code on line training with Urban Design Learning (UDL).
The new 16 event programme of half day sessions will run from September to March, covering a wide range of key aspects of design coding in place shaping. Depending on the demand for places, PAS will either fully subsidise or partly subsidise LPA’s access. If you would be interested in accessing this support please get in touch at before the start of September.
We have just launched a BNG Practitioner Network with an online platform and have our first informal Teams meeting on 13 September. The aim is for this to be a space where local authority officers can ask questions, post updates and share experience, as well as to help PAS develop our package of support on BNG. Please email Beccy Moberly if you would like to join the network.
Towards the end of July the Secretary of State for DLUHC published a number of letters modifying Article 4 Directions in several London Boroughs. The modifications reflect last year's Written Ministerial Statement on Article 4 Directions which seek to remove Permitted Development Rights for change of use from Class E to residential (as set out in Paragraph 53 of the NPPF). The letters will be of interest to any LPA seeking to deal with this issue, especially in a town or city centre setting, and may have wider implications beyond London as experience develops.
At the PAS Conference in July Martin Hutchings set out his views and a hypothesis for the transition between the current planning system and the ‘levelled up’ one. Read his views and the feedback he got from the conference audience.
Our programme manager Richard Crawley has been very quiet of late (blame nutrient neutrality and habitat regulations) but he has emerged with some thoughts following the PAS conference a few weeks ago. In his latest post he shares his investigations into a basic but important question - "How is everybody in the world of planning?"
The Zero Carbon Britain team at the Centre for Alternative Technology is working with the LGA to run an Innovation Lab to drive climate action across all service areas. The lab will bring together representatives from a range of councils and they are seeking participants from officers to heads of service, elected members to CEOs: complete this short questionnaire or email to register your interest.
The Town and Country Planning Association (TCPA) and their partners at the Creative Estuary in Kent have created a survey to better understand engagement with cultural planning in the UK.
The results of this survey will be used to gather data in order to create a ‘cultural planning toolkit’ that will act as a resource for cultural planning and ‘co-location’. You can access the survey and the deadline for responses is Wednesday 7 September.
We've noticed a new KHub group set up to support people doing live reporting from planning back office systems (Power Bi, FME etc). It's nothing to do with PAS, but you can probably find us nosing around.