Heads Up! BAME Planners Network is hosting a virtual event exploring how to improve representation in LPAs and participation in the PAS Peer Review programme on 30 June 2022.
Please register for the event
To find out more about the Network’s Heads Together initiative please email info@bameplanners.com
How we assess the impacts of development, plans and policies, otherwise known as environmental assessment, is going to change with the introduction of Environmental Outcome Reports (EOR).
PAS and DLUHC are holding a series of workshops to gather views from councils on the current challenges of undertaking Sustainability Appraisals, Strategic Environmental Assessments and Environment Impact Assessments.
This is the chance to seize the power and help shape the future of environmental assessment.
Learn more about our work on EOR
Sign-up to the event series
We've just published a new BNG for local authorities webpage and a guide on resourcing BNG. Further content on what local authorities can start doing now on biodiversity net gain will be added very soon.
We’re also relaunching the advisory group for our BNG project as a practitioner forum for questions, updates and sharing experience, alongside a project sounding board. If you are interested in joining this network, please let Beccy Moberly know.
A copy of the presentations and a recording from our events with Defra and Natural England on conservation covenants (a new type of agreement to secure land for nature and heritage conservation) are now available on the PAS events web pages.
Following the work of the 14 LPAs in the National Model Design Code Pilot Programme, DLUHC have published the monitoring and evaluation of their testing. Conducted by University College London, it draws out lessons to help local councils and communities set standards around design.
The Office for Place and Urban Design London are delivering a lunch time session looking at how LPAs can ensure design codes produced by developers and landowners are of high enough quality to be compliant with their own plans and area wide codes. Book your place
Defra have published an ADEPT/ALGE report on local government skills and capacity to deliver BNG and other Environment Act responsibilities on their Science and Research Projects website.
NE and Defra are building new BNG digital services and conducting research with the people who will use them. They are keen to get LPAs’ help in designing these: expression of interest form.
This programme will help senior council officers, across all services, to explore their crucial local leadership role in responding to the climate emergency. During the course, you’ll commit to two carbon reducing actions. These actions will be evaluated by the Carbon Literacy Project for you to be certified as Carbon Literate, enabling you to train others in your area of work. If you have any questions, you can read the frequently asked questions.
Fee: The cost of attending this programme is fully subsidised. This includes course materials and tuition. Where: It will take place virtually on Zoom.
Register for the course
Registrations are now open for Homes England's LGCC’s Summer Learning Programme. There are 18 webinars scheduled across the fortnight of 4 to 15 July designed to support local government officers with the development of homes and communities.