Improvement and Innovation bulletin: February 2022

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Improvement and Innovation bulletin

February 2022

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Calls for action

Equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) procurement process

Our Procurement team is looking for examples of councils that are striving to embed equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) into their procurement process. Please email us at to tell us how you:

  • ensure that a broad range of bidders are able to bid (that is, do councils do anything more proactive than advertising work openly?)
  • decide whether equality, diversity and inclusion is a ‘core’ part of the requirement
  • specifically ask questions about the diversity of bidders
  • monitor and report diversity in the supply chain.

The LGA Cyber 360 – 20 new places available for councils to explore their cyber security culture

From now until March, we are piloting our new four-day fully-funded cyber security programme – The LGA Cyber 360 – to encourage councils to explore their cyber security culture. Councils undertaking an LGA Cyber 360 can expect to gain advice, support, and a fresh perspective on cyber security – from experts and fellow council officers – in a safe, friendly and constructive environment. You are invited to get involved in the programme as either a participating council or a volunteer officer:

Suicide prevention sector-led improvement programme

The LGA and the Association of Directors of Public Health (ADPH) are pleased to present our Suicide prevention sector-led improvement programme – with expert support now available for up to 15 local authorities and partners who self-identify as facing delivery challenges around suicide prevention. Participating local authorities can choose between the following two options:

  • one-day workshop delivered by peer experts on a specific delivery challenge OR
  • three days of light-touch support by peer experts on a specific delivery challenge.

Both options will result in an action plan being developed for the local authority to take forward to address local opportunities and challenges in suicide prevention. For more information please email

Apply to take part in the LGA Annual Conference 'Innovation Zone'

The LGA Annual Conference and Exhibition 2022 is set to take place from 28 to 30 June in Harrogate. As part of the conference, the Innovation Zone is a vibrant and creative space where councils, partners and others can showcase their innovative ideas and approaches. This year, the theme for the Innovation Zone is ‘Resilience and renewal’, so we are particularly keen to showcase innovative work undertaken in the key areas of empowering communities, economic recovery and renewal, boosting living standards, place leadership, responses to climate change, and equality, diversity and inclusion – although applications on all topics are very welcome. If your council has a bold and innovative idea to share, please apply to present in our Innovation Zone by Friday 4 March.

Leadership programmes

Coaching for councillors with a disability

As part of the LGA's commitment to improve the diversity of local government, we are developing a new leadership development and support programme for councillors with a disability. The programme will offer one-to-one coaching focused on personal leadership development and is open to any councillor with a disability from any political party, including independents, at any stage of their political career. There are no eligibility criteria – and any councillor who identifies as having a disability can take part. For more information or to book please contact

Webinars and digital events

Housing support and modern slavery

Thursday 3 March, 2–4pm | Online
With huge demand for temporary and permanent accommodation, housing for victims of modern slavery has proved to be a challenging issue for victims, councils and organisations working within the modern slavery sector. This webinar will provide an introduction to modern slavery and the role that housing authorities can play in supporting victims.

Economic growth roundtable: How can councils deliver a visitor economy offer to support local growth and recovery?

Wednesday 9 March, 10am–12pm | Online
The LGA Improvement team is hosting this virtual roundtable discussion to share high-level thinking from councils relating to the opportunities and challenges of developing a visitor economy strategy amidst the backdrop of recent international travel restrictions. Places are limited – book your place at our economic growth roundtable now

Council and business collaboration on the climate emergency

Tuesday 15 March, 10.30am–12pm | Online
A collaboration between the Business Services Association (BSA) and the LGA, this webinar will explore the key conditions for effective collaboration between councils and private service and infrastructure providers, to address the climate emergency. Topics will include commissioning processes, procurement tools, working relationships, challenges and opportunities.

A place-based approach to sport and physical activity – for officers (part of the Leadership Essentials series)

Monday 28 March, 4.30pm–Wednesday 30 March, 3.30pm | Holywell Park Conference Centre, Holywell Way, Loughborough LE11 3GR
The LGA and Sport England are running a programme providing a place-based approach to the leadership of sport and physical activity in local communities, including using systemic leadership to tackle complex challenges, such as health inequalities. There is no charge to attend, and accommodation and meals are included. To find out more, or to apply for a place, email

LGA Annual Conference and Exhibition 2022

Tuesday 28–Thursday 30 June | Harrogate Convention Centre, King's Road, Harrogate HG1 5LA
Join us in Harrogate for the biggest event in the local government calendar, where we’ll be discussing the latest issues affecting local government. Access useful information about the conference, and book your place at the LGA Annual Conference and Exhibition now

Latest publications and reports

The LGA Cyber 360 Framework

The LGA Cyber 360 Framework uses a sector-led, collaborative method to provide expert guidance and feedback to local authority senior leadership and management – highlighting good practice that councils can employ to improve their cyber security posture and practices.

Additionally, you might be interested in...

Net Zero Innovation Programme – a collaboration between the LGA and University College London (UCL)

Our Net Zero Innovation Programme develops partnerships of researchers and climate change officers from councils across all English regions, supporting them to tackle the climate emergency. Find out more about the Net Zero Innovation programme and access case studies developed by council and university partnerships.

Digital Connectivity Programme

Our Digital Connectivity Programme, funded by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC), supports councils to improve broadband connectivity – and related access to services – for their residents and businesses, enabling them to meet the challenges of further reliance on the internet brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. One project funded through the programme, Essex County Council's Superfast Essex programme, has run a campaign to increase broadband take-up in specific postcode areas and is also encouraging local people and organisations to become 'Broadband Champions' by working with the council to promote the benefits of connected communities.

LG Inform and LG Inform Plus

For more information on subscribing to LG Inform and LG Inform Plus email us at and

COVID-19 vaccination data, including boosters

We are pleased to announce that that we have updated the COVID-19 vaccination data in LG Inform to include details of booster jabs by age group. As the data is available at Middle Super Output Area (MSOA), we also have two other reports presenting vaccination data at local authority level, as follows:

New LG Inform Plus features – 'My Local Assets'

For users subscribed to LG Inform Plus, we have combined our ‘My Local Areas’ mapping tool with our ‘My Local Metrics’ data addition wizard into a new feature – 'My Local Assets' – to make adding local data, and creating new local areas, easier. Find out more about these new 'My Local Assets' features by scrolling down the LG Inform Plus 'Your data and metrics' webpage and watching our 'My Local Assets' video walkthrough. Using 'My Local Areas', you can now export data by political ward, Middle Super Output Area (MSOA) and Lower Layer Super Output Area (LSOA) – as a map component, table or chart. Access our help guides as follows:

first magazine

first magazine logo

The LGA's membership magazine, 'first', is received as a hard copy by over 18,000 councillors and 400 council chief executives. Read 'first' online to browse all articles, interviews and opinion pieces, including those from past issues.

first e-bulletins

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have increased the frequency of 'first' magazine e-bulletins to help elected members keep up-to-date with a round-up of the latest COVID-19 news, guidance and council good practice. All councillors who receive the magazine should also be receiving the e-bulletin unless they have previously opted out of it. Councillors can sign up for the 'first' e-bulletin using their council email addresses.