Places are going fast for the annual PAS Head of Planning Conference in Wolverhampton on 27 and 28 January 2022! We only have a limited number of spaces and over half have already been taken so book your place before they have all gone.
Strategic Housing Market Assessments and Housing Needs Assessments can be long, complicated documents with complex data. We are holding an event on a recent project that explored whether there is a simpler, more data-standardised way to create a useable and accessible housing needs assessment. Book your place for Show and tell: a journey towards data standardisation for needs assessments ,14 October, 11.00am -12.30pm.
We are delivering a programme of support for local authorities that are producing Design Codes. The programme will give targeted training, advice and support to help you progress with your design codes. We are delivering an introduction session to the programme on 20 October at 1.00pm. Book your place on the introductory event.
If you are struggling to justify your Planning budget, being asked to make savings or looking to generate income, then sign up to our virtual event "How to pay for your Planning service when times are tough” on 9 November 2021, 11.00am to 1.00pm.
Register for PAS-hosted Natural England training on Biodiversity Metric 3 for local authority planners on 18 October 2021. The event will also be recorded and shared on our website.
A reminder that councils have a statutory requirement to publish their second Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS) for the financial year 2020/21 by 31 December. We have published guidance to help you with this and if you need any advice do get in touch at
The Planning Inspectorate are considering the potential for using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to provide a consistent and systematic approach to categorising representations, identifying key issues and weighting their significance. Claire Hamar would like to talk to LPAs interested in helping develop the project/investigate potential benefits to LPAs. Contact if you’d like to find out more / get involved.
PAS ran five workshops on the Environment Bill and Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) for local authorities in May, June & July 2021. We’ve published a summary of workshop outputs, including what local authorities are doing now and what they need to enable them to be ready for mandatory BNG.