PAS Bulletin: June 2021

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June 2021

PAS Bulletin: June 2021

With the renewed focus on planning reform over the last couple of weeks, you could be forgiven for letting your mind wonder to the future and to what could be included in the Planning Bill. Here at PAS, we are more concerned with what is happening now and what will need to happen to implement any new measures.

It is hard to imagine that being without an up-to-date plan could ever leave you in a preferential position to operate under a new system or that letting application performance slide will move you seamlessly into a more efficient and effective decision making process. We share an interest in ensuring that local planning authorities are in the best shape that they can be before any reforms land.

After all there is already so much that already needs doing and lots that can be implemented straightaway. Our programmes are focussed on the here and now so if you need us get in touch always, if you are doing good stuff please share it with us.

Anna Rose

Head of PAS

PAS guide to planning and GDPR

We have published our guide to planning and the GDPR. It covers the whole planning service, including pre-application, local plans, enforcement and planning applications. It has been a long time in the works and has gone through several evolutions along the way. There is a track-changed copy in the GDPR knowledge hub (registration is required along with a .gov email address). If you'd like us to come to your regional network meeting to answer questions on it, get in touch

Planning for Natura 2000 sites: lessons in Nutrient Neutrality Workshop events on 20 and 29 July

This is an open invitation for planners in any authority, particularly if you are working within the catchment of a Natura 2000 site (i.e. Special Protection Area or Special Area of Conservation) and need to deal with nutrient neutrality or minimise the risk of nutrient pollution through more pro-active environmental planning. The workshops are the first step in wider project and will examine the challenges that "nutrient neutrality" raises for planning, hear from planners in affected areas and start to identify lessons learned.

More information is available on our website.

Biodiversity Metric 3.0

Defra have announced that Biodiversity Metric 3.0 is being released with a webinar launch on the morning of the 7 July. This will also cover release of a trial companion metric for use on small development sites and an Environmental Benefits from Nature (EBN) tool.

Biodiversity net gain in London

Following the success of our biodiversity net gain and the Environment Bill workshops launching our Defra BNG project, we are running an event for London Boroughs on 15th July. Register to find out what's happening, understand the London context and tell us what you want and need.

Effective use of conditions update

We have added to our advice on writing good planning conditions.  It looks at the NPPF 6 tests and other tips for writing clear and effective conditions.  The guidance can be found on our website

BAME Planners Network Survey

The BAME Planners Network has launched the first survey directed towards planning professionals. By receiving a broad spectrum of responses from a wide participation, the questionnaire will aid in measuring how fair and inclusive the planning workspace is. We would welcome your participation in this study to help us capture information on approaches to delivering and developing EDI strategies, the ethnic diversity of the planning workforce nationally and to help identify examples of best practice. The survey is open to planning employees in the UK from all backgrounds.



State of Nature Data Survey

Wildlife and Countryside Link are keen to hear from local planning authorities for their ‘State of Nature Data’ Survey. The survey is part of a review of environmental data and infrastructure and environmental policies at local and national levels in England. We would welcome your participation in this study.