LGA Member Support; Group Elections and more...

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local government association - independent group

Group Bulletin

28 May 2021


Dear all,

Following your recent annual meetings, we wanted to congratulate all who stood or supported members to stand in the recent elections and formally welcome all of our new members to the LGA Independent Group.

We’re really looking forward to working with you all!

As you may be aware, the Local Government Association Independent Group supports all Independent, Resident Association, Green, Plaid Cymru and smaller party councillors across England and Wales. We now have over 2,900 members and are in the administration of more councils than ever before.

We provide a range of support, both for new councillors and those who have been re-elected.

For council leaders and portfolio holders there is further support and development opportunities including our leadership academy, mentoring and top-team facilitation.

Please find details of this support below:

LGA Member Support

  • New Councillors Hub – this online hub provides useful information for new members, designed to compliment council induction information.
  • New councillor events - all members newly elected in May are invited to attend one of our new councillor events. This will be a great opportunity for new councillors to explore what their role means; learn about challenges facing councils; and find out more about the LGA Independent Group. The virtual events are free of charge and will run for 90 minutes on 11 June (2pm), 22 June (10am) and 28 June (5:30pm). Sign up.
  • Our development Programmes include the leadership academy and our Group’s Next Generation programme for aspiring leaders with modules on community and personal leadership, engagement and communications.
  • E-learning, workbooks and guides for cabinet members, portfolio holders and opposition councillors as well as the new leader’s checklist.

As a member of the LGA Independent Group you also have access to:

  • Member Peer and group office support - Our experienced team are able to offer advice and answer questions in regards to your role as a councillor.
  • A growing resources library of group templates, factsheets and example motions for members to use
  • Free Independent Group workshops, meetings and events throughout the year, including three sessions at LGA Annual Conference in July and our Annual Group Conference in November
  • Email groups called think tanks, which shadow the LGA’s Boards and enable you to feed into the wider policy work of the organisation. We also make annual appointments to LGA Boards so if you have interests in certain areas you can start to get more involved in the LGA’s policy work – details will be published next week
  • Regular bulletins with key updates on events, policy activity and government announcements
  • Be a Cllr’ activity and our Candidate School – this includes a programme of workshops and support for local events focused on current and prospective councillors.

Group Elections

Finally, we are currently in the pre-election period for our group elections for Leader and Deputy Leader, which are held every two years. This year elections are being held electronically and ballots will be sent via email to all of our members on 3 June. Each member gets one vote per position.  

You can find more details about our elections on our website.

Contact us

If you have any queries about the above or your role as a councillor please do not hesitate to contact the group office on independent.grouplga@local.gov.uk or your Regional Peer

You can also follow us on Twitter

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