Do you know someone who would like to get back to work in a job in town planning? Perhaps they left the profession to take care of someone and have suffered employment loss this year because of COVID-19? If you do know someone please encourage them to apply for the Return to Work - Planning programme which closes for applications on 11 November 2020. Return to Work - Planning is one of four Return to Work programmes developed by the LGA and the Government Equalities Office. The programme is designed to help people with experience in town planning to return to work after a career break and join local government.
The programme is endorsed by the Royal Town Planning Institute and is designed to encourage town planners to restart their careers. We will be working with the LGA to provide the training and support for candidates who join the programme and with councils to link them to candidates to help with recruitment. If you are a council who would like to sign up to the programme, it will give you the chance to connect with experienced professionals who are eager to join local government. Please get in touch at .
This blog is written in thanks and reflection to all the officers who attended our recent consultation events with the Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government on the Planning for the Future White Paper. Rachael reflects on the new “norm” of holding virtual workshops and acknowledges the value of the input that you delivered at these sessions. We have also uploaded a copy of the presentation materials from these events, along with a summary of what we saw and heard.
We have published all the materials we used during our IFS events to explain how the new requirements land for all authorities collecting Community Infrastructure Levy and Section 106 contributions. There is a delayed guide to the IFS in the works, but until it is ready the presentations are the best source for a quick checklist of what your statement must contain and some thoughts about what it might contain. There is also a slightly "hardcore" technical guide to populating and publishing the detailed transaction level detail on CSV tables.
Is anyone using part 2 of the Brownfield register?
Curtilage conundrum 1: What is garden land without a house?
Curtilage conundrum 2: Sub dividing planning units and CIL