We are delivering a LGA Leadership Essentials councillor training session in Warwick on 5 and 6 November 2020 that will look at the proposed and implemented changes as part of a planning update for lead councillors. The two-day residential course will be delivered in person (socially distanced of course) to delegates who wish to attend and we'll be offering online access for those who don’t. Both sets of delegates will have the same work, access to the same speakers and undertake the discussions.
To find out more or to book a place, please contact grace.collins@local.gov.uk.
The LGA/Design Council Design in the Public Sector programme is now open for applications. This year, it'll be equipping councils with design skills, methods and new ways of working to apply to their toughest local climate challenges.
PAS is encouraging planning teams to enter. Last week's planning White Paper signalled a 'new focus on design and sustainability' and an ambition 'to strengthen the way that environmental issues are considered through the planning system'.
What could this mean for planning now and in future? Here is an opportunity to get support, using design principles, to develop your ideas and achieve impact; be it cross-departmental projects, innovative approaches to engagement, policy formulation, or working with developers on specific sites, it’s up to you.
Find out more about the Design in the public sector programme.
If you'd like any help with your bid, please email martin.hutchings@local.gov.uk.
Deadline for applications is 4 September 2020.
UK Green Building Council (UKGBC) is updating its new build Policy Playbook and creating a new Retrofit Playbook. Both resources will provide significant practical guidance to local planning authorities (LPAs) by mapping and signposting examples of existing and developing policies.
PAS has agreed to help by asking LPAs to take five minutes to complete this short UKGBC survey so that it can include policies and programmes from your authority and share them.
Thanks in advance for giving your time.
Richard reflects on the first meeting of a group helping us get our thoughts in order on digital local plans. How do we begin to eat the local plan digital elephant?
First impressions on the changes to the use class order
Representations and anonymity