Dear colleague,
After a glorious sunny Easter weekend, we are now fast approaching the biggest set of local elections in the four year cycle with almost 9,000 seats across 240 councils up for election on 2 May.
Since 2010, despite being in Government nationally and having to make some very difficult financial decisions, the Conservative Party has performed well in local elections and remained the largest political party in local government in terms of both the number of councillors and councils controlled. Conservative-run councils are renowned for delivering more for less, with lower council tax and better public services.
I would like to express my gratitude to those councillors who are stepping down for their service. Councillors across the country work hard to improve the quality of people’s lives and the communities they serve, often with little formal recognition.
For those who are standing for re-election I wish you all the best of luck in what is, given the current discussions around Brexit, undoubtedly a difficult political climate.
Councillors are the backbone of the Conservative Party and in the run-up to polling day we need to fight hard for every seat that we are defending. As someone who is not up for election I look forward to working with other members of my group on the county council to support those of our district colleagues who are up for election.
Best wishes,

Cllr Izzi Seccombe OBE Deputy Leader of the LGA Conservative Group |
For all the latest news from the LGA Conservative Group please follow us on Twitter at @LGACons
Conservative Group Lead Members activities
Our Group Leader, Group Executive and Conservative members of the various LGA governance bodies take time out of their busy schedules to meet with Ministers and key policy makers on a regular basis to lobby on your behalf. Here are some of their recent activities over the last month:
- Cllr James Jamieson, Lord Porter CBE, Cllr Paul Carter CBE, Cllr John Fuller, Cllr Mark Hawthorne MBE and Cllr Teresa O’Neill OBE all continue to meet with the Rt Hon James Brokenshire MP (Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government) to discuss current issues effecting local government.
- Cllr James Jamieson continues to meet with Kit Malthouse (Minister of State for Housing).
- Cllr Kevin Bentley (Chairman of the LGA’s Brexit Taskforce) continues to work with the Rt Hon James Brokenshire (Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government) on the impact Brexit will have on councils.
- Cllr James Jamieson and Cllr Ian Hudspeth (Chairman of the Community Wellbeing Board) met with the Rt Hon Matt Hancock (Secretary of State for Health and Social Care).
Centenary of council housing
The LGA and the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) are looking to see how councils are planning to celebrate the centenary of the Addison Act, which became law in late July 1919. The Addison Act introduced council housing and triggered the first national council house building programme.
If you are planning any centenary events, or schemes celebrating new homes, please do get in touch as Kit Malthouse MP (Minister of State for Housing) is keen to visit your celebrations.
The LGA would be grateful if you could respond to our survey about the centenary. Any queries please contact
European elections
The LGA is in contact with MHCLG and the Cabinet Office regarding the purdah period for European elections.
Currently the LGA is advising councils to follow the general convention set out in the 2014 guidance from the Cabinet Office which suggests that particular care should be taken in the three weeks preceding the elections, in this case from 2 May 2019.
The LGA will update councillors with more guidance as and when it has been confirmed.
Smith Square Debate on the Spending Review
The LGA is holding a debate on the importance of the 2019 Spending Review delivering for communities on Wednesday 8 May, at 18 Smith Square.
The Rt Hon Elizabeth Truss MP (Chief Secretary to the Treasury) is a confirmed speaker for this debate. The discussion will cover a number of different policy priorities for the LGA such as adult social care, children’s services, post-EU growth funding and housing. The overarching theme of the discussion will be addressing the projected £8 billion funding gap facing councils by 2025, and what councils will look like in the next decade.
To register for this free event please go to the LGA’s website.
Air pollution
Client Earth, the environmental law organisation, has written to 38 authorities warning them of the risk of inaction on air pollution, including the potential risk of legal challenge.
Any legal action could have a wider sector impact. If you would like support on a collective basis please contact the LGA’s legal team.
Cyber security
Councils are still being targeted by hackers, so please do have a look at the cyber security resources the LGA has on its website to support you in the event of a cyber-attack.
A swift response minimises disruption, so if you do have a cyber security incident please report this to the National Cyber Security Centre at
Best practice
The Conservative Group Office is looking for examples of best practice from Conservative run councils, to feature on our display stand at LGA Conference.
If you have any notable examples of best practice on any topic that you feel sets your council apart, we would love to hear from you.
Please send your examples, with a high resolution photo to illustrate your case study, to
LGA Councillors' Forum
The LGA holds a regular Councillors' Forum. This is a cross-party meeting which discusses topical issues related to local government.
In addition, the Conservative Group holds a political meeting before the Councillors' Forum where we often welcome topical speakers. These meetings provide an opportunity to discuss important political issues in closed session.
All Conservative councillors are welcome to attend the Councillors' Forum and the group meetings. If you wish to do so please email or call us on 020 7664 3264.
The next Councillors' Forum will take place on Thursday 6 June, with the Conservative Group meeting starting at 11.00am.
LGA 'first' magazine
'first' is LGA's membership magazine and is received as a hard copy by over 18,000 councillors and 400 Chief Executives. In a response to demand, we have made it easier to read online by creating a dedicated website to read all of its articles, interviews and opinion pieces.
Both the hard copy and online pdf are still available to readers, and subscriptions can be amended online.
Visit the first website