Welcome to Leeds Federated News for May 2024!

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Our values: Honest, Excellence, Passion, InnovationCustomer E News May 2024

Customer e News May 2024

Don't know what benefits you might be entitled to? Check out our benefit calculator!

Benefit calculator

We are delighted to announce that the Leeds Federated Benefit Calculator is now live.

It’s a fantastic tool for customers to use.Our benefit calculator will help you find out what benefits you can claim.The calculator is free to use, and the details you provide are anonymous.It's quick and easy to use and if you run out of time,you can save the calculation and revisit it later.

Before you start,make sure you have information about your savings, income, pensions and existing benefits (for you and your partner).

Check out the benefit calculator

It's great to get together!

The Great Get Together June 2024

The Great Get Together (21-23 June 2024) is the UK’s annual celebration of everything that unites our communities, inspired by Jo Cox’s belief that we have more in common than that which divides us. 

This June, on what would have been Jo’s 50th birthday, it is hoped that her message will continue to inspire communities to bring people together. 

There are many ways to run a Great Get Together. For advice and information visit Toolkit - The Jo Cox Foundation

There are great examples of local communities getting together in Leeds, such as the Beeston Festival which takes place on 22 June this year in Cross Flatts Park and the Belle Isle Gala which will take place on 6 July at Windmill Primary School LS10 3HQ. Why not join them?   

You can get together in any way you like: you could use one of their initiatives like Read Together, run a street party or a community gardening event. If what you’re doing is bringing people from different backgrounds together and helping them connect it can be a Great Get Together! 

If you are planning on holding a get together for neighbours where you live, get in touch and we may be able to contribute some money to help you on the way.To find out more, please email: siaa-liane.mathurin@lfha.co.uk 


Changing our approach to service charges- find out what it means for you

Service charges

In 2023 our approach to service charges was reviewed by HQN (Housing Quality Network), an independent consultancy.Taking account of their recommendations to make the service charges fair and reflect the work undertaken, from 1st April 2025 we are proposing to change our approach to charging for these services from a pooled charge to a proportional charge.  

What wil service charges changes mean for you?

Be sure to tell us what you think!

Every three months the independent research agency MEL research, carries out 150 telephone surveys with customers to help find out your experiences of living in a Leeds Federated home and the services we provide. 

We really appreciate you taking part in the survey as it helps us to understand what’s working well and where we can improve.We will also report the results to the Regulator for Social Housing in June. 

Customers are randomly selected for a call by MEL research and anything you share with them is confidential unless you give permission for a problem to be passed back to us. 

So if you get the call, please take part!  

The overall results for 2023 – 2024 will published in July but in the meantime, you can see the results in the link below. 

You can see the results here

Our Corporate Plan- helping people make a home

Leeds Federated's Corporate Plan is a working document that keeps us up to date with how we are doing in our main aim - which is to help people make a home. We want our customers to have safe, secure and comfortable homes and the Corporate Plan is a way for us to track how we are doing against targets our Board has set for us to make sure that people are happy with their homes, that we are developing new homes and that we remain a viable business.


Here's our Corporate Plan 

Don't miss out on our prize draw!

APS Electrical Testing Prize Draw

In January, our in-house contractor, APS launched a new £200 prize draw to encourage more customers to meet their electrical test appointments. 

Donna Tinker from Harrogate was the first prize draw winner - could you be the next winner?

“It was fantastic to meet with Donna to hand over the prize. Since introducing the draw, the number of electrical test appointments that customers have kept has increased by 15-20% - this has a big impact on safety and costs that we can then reinvest elsewhere to benefit more customers” Steve - Operations Manager at APS. 

The next prize draw will be taking place in July. Don't miss out if you are asked to have an electrical test! 

Meet the first prize draw winner

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