July news from 100% Digital Leeds

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July 2024

Highlights from 100% Digital Leeds

Here are some of the things that the 100% Digital Leeds team has been working on over the past month.

You can find out more about our work on the 100% Digital Leeds website.

UK Shared Prosperity Fund

100% Digital Leeds was allocated funding to increase the capacity of community organisations to increase digital inclusion. This blog post on UK Shared Prosperity Fund explains how 100% Digital Leeds is spending that money, and the community organisations we are working with.

Arts in Care Digital Programme

The 100% Digital Leeds Arts in Care Digital Programme is back for a third year and the team is looking for arts and cultural organisations to contribute an activity.

The 2024 Arts in Care Digital Programme will take place from Monday 23 to Friday 27 September. Care settings across the city will be invited to digitally access free activities including dance, craft, music, and theatre.

100% Digital Leeds hosted an information webinar in July, featuring Ascendance and Headingly Hall Care Home. The webinar recording is an opportunity for artists, arts and cultural organisations, and other interested parties to hear about the plans for the 2024, including how they can get involved by contributing an activity to the programme.

Visit the 100% Digital Leeds website to find out more about the programme and watch the recorded webinar

The latest digital inclusion opportunities

Events and training

Details of upcoming digital inclusion events and training opportunities. 

Social Media Summer School

Leeds Central Library, LS1 3AB

A series of evening workshops focusing on growing your business with social media tools from Business and IP Centre (BIPC). Tickets for each session are £5.

Advertising Across Meta, 6th August, 5:30pm - 7:30pm.

TikTok for Business, 13th August, 5:30pm - 7:30pm.

Advertising on TikTok, 20th August, 5:30 - 7:30pm.

Digital Skills Training

12 August, Springfield Training, LS27 0GR

Springfield Training is offering a 13 week course, with one session per week, that equips you with in-demand digital skills. The course covers digital marketing, IT support, cybersecurity, data analysis and artificial intelligence (AI). This course is available to Leeds residents who are currently employed. For further details about Digital Skills Training email Springfield Training

Introduction to Project Planning

13 August, 10:00am - 1:00pm, online

Good project planning is essential to meeting needs effectively, and also to securing funding. This practical course from Voluntary Action Leeds is aimed at people from voluntary and community organisations who are new to project planning or want to improve their skills. Book onto Introduction to Project Planning via the Voluntary Action Leeds website.

26th Gala Ceremony of the ISPA Awards 2024

Deadline for entries - 2 September

This year at the ISPA Awards there is a digital inclusion award for industry and also for charities and communities. Whether you’re an individual, organisation or community group, ISPA want to hear about the impact and change you have made. It could be improving digital literacy, helping people get connected or simply using digital to change lives for the better. The winners of these awards will be announced at the gala ceremony on 21 November. To enter the ISPA Awards visit the ISPA website

Digital Culture Awards 2025

Open for entries - 12:00 noon 11 September

Digital Culture Network's Digital Culture Awards celebrate digital excellence and innovation in the creative and cultural sector. Find out more about entering the Digital Culture Awards on the Digital Culture Network website

End Digital Poverty Day 2024

12 September

Join the Digital Poverty Alliance for the second annual End Digital Poverty Day. From webinars and skill-building workshops to educational sessions, drop-in advice forums, and roundtable discussions, there are numerous opportunities for individuals and organisations to contribute to bridging the ever-expanding digital divide. This inclusive series of events unites participants of all ages and skill levels from various regions across the UK. Find out more about End Digital Poverty Day on the Digital Poverty Alliance website

Leeds Digital Careers Fair

24 September, 2:30pm - 6:30pm, Leeds First Direct Arena, LS2 8BY

With over 50 exhibitors expected, the event promises a diverse and comprehensive showcase of the digital and tech industry. Explore and engage with major employers to understand and be informed about what skills they look for in their candidates and help find your perfect tech role. Book onto the Leeds Digital Careers Fair via the Universe website.

Effective Bid Writing

10 October, 10:00am - 11:00am, online

Writing successful funding bids can be challenging. This session will guide you through the key practical steps in describing the essential elements of your project, ensuring you effectively communicate what funders need to know. Book onto Effective Bid Writing via the TryBooking website.

Training and networking opportunities from Good Things Foundation

Good Things Foundation have a series of training and networking opportunities to support organisations in their digital inclusion offer. To attend, organisations need to be a member of their National Digital Inclusion Network. The network is free to join.

Booking for all Good Things Foundation's training and networks can be found on their Eventbrite page.

National Databank question and answer session

6 August, 10:00am - 11:00am, online

This session is for organisations who are not yet part of the National Databank. Find out how to join the National Databank, along with the other services available to you as part of the National Digital Inclusion Network. The session will involve a short presentation, and then time for questions. Book onto National Databank question and answer session via Eventbrite

How to run a Get Online Week event

4 September 3:00pm - 4:00pm and 11 September 11:00am - 12:00 noon

Get Online Week 2024 will be kicking off on 14 October, and Good Things Foundation want as many hubs as possible to host events during the week to support thousands of people around the UK to get online.

This event will cover:

  • What is Get Online Week and why is it still needed in 2024.
  • How digital inclusion hubs can get involved with the campaign.
  • Ideas for your Get Online Week event.
  • Tips from experienced digital inclusion hubs.
  • How you can support the event online.
  • Raising your hub's profile through the Get Online Week campaign.

Sign up to the How to run a Get Online Week event sessions via Eventbrite.

Supporting basic digital skills with Learn My Way

9 September, 11:00am - 12:00 noon

Learn My Way is a free learning platform from Good Things Foundation that is designed to help people learn basic digital skills.

The topics are all aligned with the Essential Digital Skills Framework and range from turning on your device and using a mouse or touch screen through to working with Office programs.

Book onto Supporting basic digital skills with Learn My Way via Eventbrite.

Network meet-up - libraries digital inclusion

26 September, 10:00am - 11am, online

An open forum for libraries from around the UK to share successes, spark ideas and seek support for their digital inclusion work. There will be a short presentation followed by breakout rooms where you will speak to other attendees about a digital inclusion issue. Book up for the Network meet-up - libraries digital inclusion via Eventbrite.


100% Digital Leeds are keen to support the development of any funding bids with a digital inclusion element, or to help you embed digital inclusion throughout your project. If you would like support contact us.

Some funding links will take you through to the Funding Leeds website and you will need to register to access the information. Once you have registered for free you will have access to a national database of funding sources and get regular email updates on your funding area of interests.

GSK Community Health Programme

Awards programme that offers unrestricted funding and leadership support to small charities tackling health inequalities particularly organisations led by and supporting the most disadvantaged communities – such as those supporting ethnic minority communities, people with disabilities, people from the LGBTQ+ community and others.

Amount: Up to 15 charities will receive up to £10,000 in unrestricted funding. Award winners will also be offered access to free training and development valued at £3,500.

Deadline: 12 August 5:00pm. 

More information and to apply: GSK Community Health Programme.

Artemis Charitable Foundation

Grants are available for UK-registered charities to support projects in the areas of poverty, education, and the environment.

Amount: £5,000.

Deadline: 16 August.

More information and to apply: Artemis Charitable Foundation.

Metal For Good Grants

Grants are available for community groups, charities, and other not-for-profit organisations to deliver projects and activities that use music to address inequalities, improve wellbeing, and help young people to thrive. 

Amount: £3,000

Deadline: 22 August.

More information and to apply: Metal For Good Grants.

McCarthy Stone Foundation - Community Grants

Grants are available to community organisations for projects to improve the health and wellbeing of older people. For the current round, projects should focus on one-to-one initiatives to alleviate loneliness for people over 65 years old. 

Amount: £7,500.

Deadline: 23 August.

More information and to apply: McCarthy Stone Foundation - Community Grants.

London North Eastern Railway (LNER) Customer and Community Investment Fund

Grants are available to a range of organisations for projects that will bring improvements and benefits for customers and communities of social need along London’s North Eastern Railway route.

Amount: £10,000.

Deadline: 2 September. 

More information and to apply: London North Eastern Railway (LNER) Customer and Community Investment Fund.

Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust Hidden - Voices Programme

Grants are available for collaborative projects which address the unique mental health and wellbeing needs of marginalised groups in Armed Forces communities focusing on prevention and early intervention.

Amount: Grants of up to £20,000. There will be two application rounds for this financial year (2024/25).


  • Round one closes to applications on 11 September 2024 12:00 noon.
  • Round two closes to applications on 8 January 2025 12:00 noon.

More information and to apply: Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust – Hidden Voices Programme.

James Tudor Foundation

Grants are available to registered charities for work in the areas of palliative care; health education; the direct relief of sickness; prevention and relief of sickness overseas.

Amount: No minimum or maximum level of grant is specified but grants may range between £1,000 and £50,000. First-time applicants are unlikely to be awarded more than £10,000.

Deadline: 15 September.

More information and to apply: James Tudor Foundation.

Transpennine Route Upgrade - Small Grants Programme

Grants are available for not-for-profit organisations to deliver projects and activities that benefit communities and improve local spaces within five miles of the 70-mile Transpennine Route between Manchester, Huddersfield, Leeds, and York.

An online information event for potential applicants will take place on 15 August 11:00am to 12:30pm.

Amount: The following levels of grants are available:

  • Small grants of between £1,000 and £5,000.
  • Medium grants of between £5,000 and £20,000. 

Deadline: 15 September.

More information and to apply: Transpennine Route Upgrade - Small Grants Programme.

Service Women - Seen and Heard Programme

Grants are available for charities, CICs, and Armed Forces Units to support projects that tackle the underlying issues unique to serving women (including reservists), providing improved access to support for their mental and physical health and wellbeing.

Amount: £100,000

Deadline: 25 September 12:00 noon.

More information and to apply: Service Women - Seen and Heard Programme.

Clarion Futures Digital Grants

Grants are available for charities and community organisations to support Clarion residents of all ages to get online and build the skills, motivation and confidence needed to use the internet safely in everyday life.

Amount: Grants of between £1,000 and £5,000 are available.

Deadline: Opens 28 August to 2 October 12:00 noon.

More information and to apply: Clarion Futures Digital Grants.

Weaver's Company Benevolent Fund

Grants are available for registered charities and charitable incorporated organisations that can demonstrate impact with ex-offenders, young offenders or young people at risk of offending.

Amount: There are two levels of funding:

  • Small grants of up to £5,000.
  • Main Grants have no maximum amount.

Deadline: 14 November 12:00 noon.

More information and to apply: Weaver's Company Benevolent Fund


We collect digital skills opportunities available for you and the individuals you’re looking to support - perfect for signposting. To have your service included in our support pages so others can make use of or refer in to it contact us.


Leeds International Piano Competition (LIPC) is bringing PianodromeTheatre to Leeds City Museum in September, at the heart of the Leeds Piano Trail Festival.

LIPC will be live-streaming some competition sessions into the Pianodrome for free, so people can enjoy the Second Round and Semi-Finals in a more relaxed setting for the first time. 

11 September 2:00pm – 5:00pm, Second Round

12 September 2:00pm – 5:00pm, Second Round

13 September 2:00pm – 5:00pm, Second Round

17 September, 2:00pm – 5:00pm, Semi-Finals

Please email LIPC if you would like to arrange a visit for the people you work with.

Find out more about PianodromeTheatre on the Pianodrome website

Find The Right Words campaign - helping young people stay safe online

The Find the Right Words campaign was created by Virgin Media O2 and Internet Matters, and is supported by Good Things Foundation. Together, they’ve created new, free guides providing practical advice for parents and guardians to help young people navigate the online world safely. Download the Find The Right Words guides from the Virgin Media website.

SIM gifting from Leeds Libraries 

To support people struggling with the cost-of-living crisis, community hubs and libraries across Leeds have O2, Vodafone and Three mobile SIMs available with up to six months unlimited calls and texts plus data to help people stay in touch and get online. 

People can be signposted to Central Library, Armley Community Hub and Library, Reginald Centre Community Hub and Library, Compton Centre Community Hub and Library, Dewsbury Road Community Hub and Library.

Contact details for all of the libraries in Leeds.

Tablet lending from Leeds Libraries 

Leeds Libraries can support community organisations’ digital inclusion programmes by lending iPads with data to be used with service users. Please email Leeds Libraries to express an interest.

iPads are also available for individuals to borrow at Armley Community Hub and Library, Compton Centre Community Hub and Library, Headingley Community Hub and Library, Holt Park Community Hub and Library, Hunslet Community Hub and Library, Reginald Centre Community Hub and Library, Seacroft Community Hub and Library. People can be signposted to any of these sites to borrow an iPad for up to eight weeks. Proof of address is required to borrow a device.

Contact details for all our Community Hubs and Libraries.

Tools and resources

Digital inclusion tools and resources to support you to embed digital inclusion within your organisation. If you would like to recommend a resource to add to our support pages so others can use it contact us.

Coffee Connections

CAST's Coffee Connections service matches up peers across the charity sector every two months for a virtual chat about all things digital. What you talk about will be entirely up to you and your match: it could be a challenge you need help with, advice you'd like to share, or just a general chat about digital, data or design.

The service is open to anyone who works within a social or voluntary organisation and has an interest in digital. The next round of matches will take place on September 12. Find out more about Coffee Connections on the CAST website


The National Library of Singapore has taken some well known books and used ChatGPT to create 'choose your own adventure' style stories from the plots. Over One thousand books are available to choose from. Visit the Playbury website to find out more

Evaluating digital experiences

The Space offer a structured approach to digital evaluation that is easy to use and tailored to the cultural sector’s needs. As well as practical tips and advice, here you’ll find inspiration and case studies from stand-out digital work across the sector. Access the Evaluating digital experiences guides via The Space website.

Designing content for conflicting access needs

At Scope, they design content for disabled people and their families, aiming to make it accessible to everyone. But how does that work if people have conflicting access needs? Read the Designing content for conflicting access needs article on the Medium website

How to Schedule Social Media Content

Scheduling content can be a huge time-saver and stress-reliever, giving social media managers and their teams back their time to focus on their many other hats. By creating a calendar of social media posts, you’ll see a complete picture of your upcoming social media presence, helping you craft the image you need and ensuring that you’re optimizing your content toward what your audience wants to see. Read the full How to Schedule Social Media Content article on the Rival IQ website

Digital Unite manifesto - digital inclusion is everyone's business

In the most recent manifesto from Digital Unite they are outlining new approaches to embed digital inclusion by thinking about it as a customer service and building capacity across all types of organisations. Find out more about the Digital Unite manifesto on the Digital Unite website

Digital Unite Digital Champions Network

The Digital Champions Network is a one-stop-shop for Digital Champion training and resources, with wrap-round project manager support. Digital Unite have put together a quick tour round some of the main features for Digital Champions and Project Managers including short films. Read more about the Digital Champions Network on the Digital Unite website

Developing digital inclusion networks and tackling digital inequalities - policy brief

In April 2023, the British Academy funded three case study-based research projects as part of the Digital Technology and Inequality project. These projects aimed to highlight clear and practical lessons for policymakers at local, regional and national levels for tackling digital inequalities, developing digital inclusion programmes, and supporting digital inclusion networks.

This policy brief highlights some of the findings and new knowledge from these research projects. Read the Developing digital inclusion networks and tackling digital inequalities - policy brief on the British Academy website

Shared Digital Guides

Non-profit organisations share step-by-step guides to handy ways of using digital tools to run their services and operations. Find all of the Shared Digital Guides on the CAST website

Systemic injustices in charities’ approach to digital work

The 2024 Charity Digital Skills Report reveals systemic injustices in digital work, highlighting that small, marginalised charities face significant digital inequalities and need more support. Read the Systemic injustices in charities’ approach to digital work report on the Catalyst website.


Digital inclusion job vacancies and volunteering opportunities from across Leeds.

Digital Inclusion Delivery Officer

Deadline 4 August 11:55pm

The purpose of the Digital Inclusion Delivery team is to grow and strengthen the National Digital Inclusion Network – a membership Network of local organisations – and ensure that they, and the people they work with, benefit from the resources, services and support we offer to help those who are digitally excluded.  

Find out more about the Digital Inclusion Delivery Officer role on the Good Things Foundation website

Contact 100% Digital Leeds

The 100% Digital Leeds team are keen to hear from any organisations delivering in Leeds to people who are more likely to be digitally excluded. We will work with you to help you better understand the digital inclusion needs of your communities and embed digital inclusion awareness, support, and signposting, throughout your service to make it as inclusive as possible. To find out more contact us.