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We are pleased to share our free events programme for West Yorkshire Safeguarding Week.
Following the fantastic feedback about last year's events we have teamed up again with Boards and Partnerships from across the region to provide a very varied programme.
All the events listed below are free of charge and open to people working with children and adults anywhere in West Yorkshire.
Be sure to scroll to the end of this programme, we are sure you will find an event you will want to attend.
Book early to secure your place!
Monday 24 June, Online 10.25 to 12.00
Lasting power of attorneys (LPAs) and Deputyships from the Court of Protection both involve a nominated person or people making important decisions for others who cannot decide for themselves. Sometimes they can be misused e.g. decisions that are not in the best interests of the individual, misusing their money or property, or neglecting their welfare.
In this webinar by officers from the Office of the Public Guardian you will hear about
- Purpose of LPAs and Deputyships
- How LPAs and Deputyships might be misused
- What to do if you suspect misuse
- Investigation and supervision by OPG
Monday 24 June, Online 12.30 pm to 1.30 pm
In 2022 a new offence of non-fatal strangulation and suffocation came into force in England and Wales.
Strangulation is now widely recognised as a particularly high-risk element of domestic abuse, and victims are seven times more likely to be murdered by their partner if there has been non-fatal strangulation beforehand. Even when strangulation and suffocation are not fatal, it poses significant risks to those experiencing it, and yet there are frequently no visible signs of injury.
This briefing will cover:
- What is Non-fatal Strangulation & Suffocation (NFS)
- What is the prevalence of NFS
- Why is it essential for the Leeds workforce to know about it
- Potential impact of NFS
- Issues around NFS
Please note: The content of this course is of a sensitive nature
Monday 24 June, Online 14:00 to 15:00
The session from Leeds Safeguarding Children Partnership will focus on:
- A better understanding of what we mean by contextual safeguarding
- How we can ask better questions about a young person’s situation that recognise the impact of the public/social context and consequently their safety
- How can we better respond to harm and abuse posed to young people outside their home, either from adults or other young people
- What support is available to both practitioners and families in Leeds
Tuesday 25 June, Online 9:30 to 12:30
We want to significantly reduce the risk of people dying or suffering serious life changing abuse or neglect. Learning from reviews and how the learning may change the way you work with people, is an important aspect for anyone working or volunteering with Adults and Children.
This session will focus on:
- What is a Safeguarding Adult Review (SAR) / Domestic Homicide Review (DHR) and Child Safeguarding Practice Review (CSPR) and why we do them
- Recurring themes from reviews
- Your responsibilities and why it is important to understand them
There will be a panel of experts to offer a Question-and-Answer session.
This session is provided by Kirklees Safeguarding Adult Board, Kirklees Community Safety Partnership and Kirklees Safeguarding Children Partnership.
Wednesday 26 June, Online 09.00 to 12.00
This masterclass from Wakefield Safeguarding Children Partnership will explore what serious youth violence looks like in the Wakefield District.
With input from the St Giles Trust and Ivison, they will take a deep dive into the lived experience of children and their families, as well as learning from audit and signposting to services.
Wednesday 26 June, Online 14:00 to 15:30
Professional curiosity is where a practitioner seeks to explore and understand what is happening in someone's life, rather than making assumptions or accepting what they are told at face value. It involves looking out for signs that things are not right and seeking out the evidence of what is really happening.
This session aims to explore practitioners' ability to be professionally curious and develop their skills in active listening. It will use presentation skills, input from attendees and a short video.
Thursday 27 June, Online 13:00 to 16:30
This half-day interactive course offers you the opportunity to enhance your knowledge of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and deprivation of liberty issues for those aged 16 and above, and to familiarise yourself with the implications of the Supreme Court’s decision in Cheshire West.
By the end of the course, participants will:
- Understand the difference between restricting movement and depriving liberty
- Have a better understanding of how to identify a deprivation of liberty
- Be more familiar with the High Court procedure
- Be more familiar with the Court of Protection procedure
- Be able to access further online resources to develop learning
This is event is hosted by Calderdale Safeguarding Children Partnership & Calderdale Safeguarding Adults Board.
Friday 28 June, Online 10:00 to 11:30
Self-neglect is a global public health problem, it is under recognised, under reported and poorly understood.
Much of the literature on self-neglect is focused on understanding the phenomenon as well as the causes, and consequences. There appears to be less literature on professional perceptions and attitudes about self-neglect.
The aim of this interactive session is to explore the issue of self-neglect through case-based discussion and sharing experiences. The objective is to generate ideas as to how we can reduce self-neglect, and gain a deeper understanding, of the perceptions and experiences of professionals working with individuals who self-neglect. Including discussion of stigma, trauma, social isolation, and mental capacity in the context of decision making and self-neglect.
Friday 28 June, Online 13.30 to 15:00
Do you understand what steps to take when spotting bruising on babies? Do you feel confident in making / assessing a referral on bruising on immobile babies and what questions to ask?
Are you able to challenge decisions making with regards to risk for children?
This is a Professional Practice session on immobile babies.
Aimed at: Frontline Practitioners from all agencies
The session is based upon effective multi-agency working and case discussion. Case discussions will form the basis of multi-agency conversations about risk using current practice methods. The session will look at bruising in babies and children looking at real case examples. The session will cover barriers to effective working and looking at how we can improve