Hosted by Ann Craft Trust, Safeguarding Adults Week is an opportunity for organisations to highlight key safeguarding issues, start conversations and raise awareness of safeguarding best practices.
Free seminars, workshops and training will focus on a different theme each day.
On our website we have films, leaflets and posters for you to share with your team, people using your services, family and friends.
We offer free talks for community groups about keeping safe from abuse and we are always happy to bring our information stand to your events.
Thank you to everyone who entered our competition, and to those of you who voted.
We are pleased to announce that the winner is Mark Harrison who submitted this design. The runners up are William Chivers and Ruth Goldman.
We are now designing a logo incorporating their ideas and the feedback from our survey.
Leeds City Council are providing free Safeguarding Adults training courses for volunteers across the city, covering: • what safeguarding adults is and why it is important • the role and responsibility of the volunteer in safeguarding adults • types of abuse and what signs to look for • how to raise a concern and what happens next
Courses are available online or in-person at Merrion House. They can also deliver training at your organisation - contact 0113 378 5087
Hosted by Wakefield & District Safeguarding Adults Board this session will provide a basic introduction to trauma before looking at trauma-informed practices when working with adults. It will also touch upon secondary trauma, which practitioners can experience when working with people who have experienced traumatic events.
Abuse of older men is under recognised, under reported and under detected.
Hosted by Hourglass, this webinar aims to raise awareness of violence and abuse against older men, the barriers to accessing support and practical solutions to support older male victim-survivors.