PHRC News: 30 August 2023

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 PHRC News - 30 August 2023

Welcome to the latest edition of the Leeds Public Health Resource Centre newsletter, which contains information for anyone with a responsibility for or professional interest in public health or promoting health and wellbeing in Leeds.

Join the PHRC

The PHRC is a specialist centre for anyone who promotes health and wellbeing in Leeds. If you are not already a member, you can join the PHRC for free.

Leeds Public Health and Wellbeing Conference 2023 - SOLD OUT!

A Bridge Over Troubled Waters: Public Health in a “cost of living crisis”

We are delighted to announce that all tickets for the 9th annual Public Health and Wellbeing Conference for Leeds, which will take place on Wednesday 11 October 2023 at Leeds Civic Hall on Calverley Street, are now reserved.

If you no longer require your ticket, please email to let us know and we will offer your place to those on the waiting list. 

This event is free, but we reserve the right to impose a charge of £30 where delegates do not attend and have not informed us of a cancellation.


The PHRC will be supporting the following campaigns in September:

Know Your Numbers - 4 to 10 September

Image of blood pressure monitor with words 'Know your numbers! 4 to 10 September'

Know Your Numbers Week is the UK's biggest blood pressure testing and awareness event. This year's theme is Make the time, ease your pressure, and will run from 4 to 10 September 2023.

Did you know that high blood pressure can lead to heart attacks, strokes and other illnesses? Around a third of people in the UK have high blood pressure, but most don’t know it. It rarely has noticeable symptoms, so the only way to find out is to have a blood pressure check.

Home monitoring offers a way for the public to take control of their health, feel confident, and take the pressure off the NHS at the same time. 

Visit Blood Pressure UK’s online resources hub to download a range of home blood pressure monitoring resources.

We have the following items at the PHRC to support the campaign: 

  • Leaflet: Understanding blood pressure (order code: L412)
  • Model: Consequences of high blood pressure display (ID: BLOODPRESSURE)
Consequences of high blood pressure display

We will be supporting this campaign on our social media channels.

Hashtag: #KnowYourNumbers

Visit Know Your Numbers Week for more information and to download this year's poster and social media images.

Know Your Numbers Week webinar

Tuesday 5 September 2023, 12pm to 1pm

Are you a health care professional working in West Yorkshire supporting people living with hypertension?

Join this webinar from West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership and the Yorkshire & Humber Academic Health Science Network to help you in your role.

Hear from Emily Turner - CVD Prevention Clinical Lead for West Yorkshire - and other guest speakers why investing in hypertension detection and treatment is important. The webinar will be focused on managing hypertension in specific groups of patients, with other long term conditions such as diabetes, frailty, heart disease and/or kidney disease.

The event will also share local successes and ideas on how to work towards this together.

Book your free ticket

World Suicide Prevention Day - 10 September

World Suicide Prevention Day - September 10

World Suicide Prevention Day is marked on 10 September each year to promote worldwide action to prevent suicides. Various events and activities are held during this time to raise awareness that suicide is a major preventable cause of early death. Every person lost to suicide is someone’s partner, child, friend, neighbour and/or colleague and their death will hugely affect people in their family, workplace, and community. We can all play a vital role in reducing and preventing suicide by making people comfortable to talk about suicide and mental health through encouraging people to have these conversations.

The West Yorkshire Check-In With Your Mate (CIWYM) campaign aims to promote these conversations and to raise awareness of the factors and signs that may lead to suicide, inspiring people to start conversations about mental health with the men in their life - at home, in the community and at work - potentially saving lives.

Visit the Check-in With Your Mate campaign toolkit where you will find downloadable posters, videos, social media images, and other resources, to support the campaign. 

Yorkshire 'Speak Their Name' Suicide Memorial Quilt

To coincide with World Suicide Prevention Day, the Yorkshire 'Speak Their Name' Memorial Quilt will be at Kirkgate Market from 9 to 15 September.

Leeds Suicide Bereavement Service

If you have been affected by suicide, at any point in your life, the Leeds Suicide Bereavement Service offers a safe space to talk and get support. 

Suicide prevention resources at the PHRC

The PHRC has a page dedicated to suicide prevention. It contains links for those in need of help, resources for professionals, and guidance for frontline workers and volunteers. It also contains information on suicide prevention in Leeds, and where to find additional support.

The PHRC stocks the following suicide prevention leaflets and posters:

  • Feel like you’ve had enough? crisis card (order code: L155)
  • Feel like you’ve had enough? crisis poster (order code: P655)
  • How are you feeling? MindWell booklet (order code: L172)
  • Supporting young people who self-harm or feel suicidal: a guide for professionals in Leeds working with young people aged 25 and under (order code: L180)

Falls Prevention Week - 18 to 24 September

Falls prevention 18 to 24 September

Falls are not an inevitable result of old age. Falls and fractures in older people are a costly and often preventable health issue. This year's Falls Prevention Week runs from 18 to 24 September. 

North East and Yorkshire Falls and Frailty Conference 2023

Tuesday, 19 September 2023, 9:30am to 4:30pm (online)

To support Falls Prevention Week 2023, NHS England, the Yorkshire and the Humber Improvement Academy, and the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities have organised an online conference around the theme ‘Awareness into Action’. They will be sharing strategies for the prevention and management of falls and frailty, as well as shining a spotlight on the incredible work happening across the North East and Yorkshire region, with a goal to raise awareness about falls and frailty.

Find out more and book your place

Active Strength by Active Leeds

Good strength and balance reduce the risk of falling. Active Leeds have created a strength toolkit with tips and ideas on how to keep yourself strong as you age. There are links for short workouts that you can do at home, as well as exercises to support specific conditions.

Find out more about Active Strength from Active Leeds

You can also find out about Active Ageing in Leeds for people aged 45 and over, and the range of activities offered by the 34 neighbourhood networks across Leeds. 

Find out more about Active Ageing in Leeds

Falls prevention resources at the PHRC

We have the following items at the PHRC to support the campaign: 

  • Leaflet: Home Plus (Leeds): making homes safe, suitable & warm (order code: L338)
  • Leaflet: Keeping Well at Home (order code: L339)
  • Leaflet: A practical guide to healthy ageing (order code: L346)
  • Leaflet: Is it fallproof? Simple steps to stay on your feet (order code: L347)
  • Poster: Are you at risk of a fall? (order code: P764)
  • DVD: Is it fallproof? Simple steps to stay on your feet (by Leeds City Council)
  • DVD: Seated exercise for older people (by Move it or Lose it)
  • Book: Falls in older people (by Stephen Ronald Lord)

Want to know more about …

Want to know more about ...logo

‘Want to know more about’ is a series of information sessions that cover topics that are important to you and your local community. The sessions, which are aimed at professionals to improve their awareness and practice around the subjects covered, are free of charge and are presented in an engaging manner by friendly and knowledgeable facilitators. 

5 Ways to Wellbeing to support mental health

Wednesday 18 October 2023, 1pm to 2:30pm

Our vision is for Leeds to be a mentally healthy city, where everyone has good mental health and health inequalities are reduced. We want everyone to have the skills to support positive mental health including individuals, employers, charities, and other services across the city.

The 5 Ways to Wellbeing are practical actions aimed at improving our mental well-being and are proven to reduce risk factors for poor mental health.

This webinar will cover:

  • an introduction to the 5 Ways to Wellbeing
  • examples of how the 5 Ways to Wellbeing is used in Leeds, led by Third Sector partners
  • embedding the 5 Ways to Wellbeing approach into your organisation

The session will be delivered by Ryan Rothery (Public Mental Health, Leeds City Council) and Gabriella Obeng Nyarko (Forum Central) and is open to anyone working to support people in Leeds to stay mentally healthy.

Reserve your free place.

Public Health Webinars

Video camera doodle. Wording: Public Health Webinars

We have a recorded public health webinar to support the Falls Prevention campaign that we hope you will find informative and engaging:  

Older People - Falls Prevention

This 'Want to know more about …' recorded webinar was recorded in October 2020 and is suitable for anyone whose role, whether paid or unpaid, involves supporting people at risk of falls. It was delivered by specialists from the Leeds Public Health team and the Leeds Community Healthcare Trust Falls Leads. It provides information on the links between frailty and falls; how to identify need and risk; and how to develop interventions to support falls prevention.

Watch 'Older People - Falls Prevention' on YouTube

Full back catalogue of webinars

You can view any of our recorded webinars, including 'Want to know more about …' sessions, by visiting the Leeds Public Health Training playlist on YouTube

Upcoming closure dates

Upcoming closure dates

Owing to short staffing, we will be closed on the following dates / times:

  • Wednesday 13 September 2023, 10am to 11:30am
  • Thursday 14 September 2023, all day

Opening times

As the PHRC is short staffed, our opening times are currently:

  • Monday - 9am to 4pm
  • Tuesday - 9am to 4pm
  • Wednesday - 9am to 4pm
  • Thursday - 9am to 4pm
  • Friday to Sunday - closed

Prior to visiting the PHRC, we recommend that you check our socials for service-updates.

Public Health Resource Centre

Technorth, 9 Harrogate Road, Chapel Allerton, Leeds, LS7 3NB

Tel: 0113 37 86200 / Fax: 0113 33 67115



Social media: Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.