Free Workshops, Theatre Performances, and Music Events Await!

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Beat the Street interactive game has started

Beat the street

There is still time for Merton residents to sign up!

 People of all ages are invited to take part in the interactive game that is going to be happening all over our Borough for six weeks. Beat the Street Merton starts next week and will be on from Wednesday 15 March to Wednesday 26 April.  Beat Boxes (sensors) will be placed on lampposts around Merton for the duration of the game. Primary school pupils will be provided with everything they need for a game in their school, if it’s participating. Other Merton residents can pick up their contactless card from distribution points, including libraries. 

More information is available at and on social media at @BTSMerton.

The Big Merton Library Easter Hunt

Big Easter hunt


This year, we're thrilled to announce a massive Easter hunt that will take place across all our libraries, and you're invited to join in the fun!

The competition will run from the 3rd to the 15th of April, so grab your family and friends and get ready to explore our libraries to hunt for hidden letters. With prizes up for grabs at all our libraries, including a family ticket to Kidzania, the fun is endless.

To find out more pop into your local Merton library or...

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Unleashing the Magic of Fables and Fairy Tales...

Storytelling image


This Saturday at Wimbledon library we have Storyteller, author, performer, publisher and musician, Chip Colquhoun in attendance.

What sort of story would you like to hear? Adventure? Spooky? Hilarious? Let Chip know, and he’ll pull a traditional tale from his huge repertoire of folk tales from around the world that you are guaranteed to love – regardless of your age or background. There may be puppets, songs, or even magic – but there’ll definitely be plenty of joining in!

All children welcome!

Please book a ticket for every person attending (adults and children).

Book here

Jah Wobble Presents Tuned In LIVE - Friday 19 May 2023

Tuned in live event


The first public performance of Tuned In will take place on Friday 19 May 2023. This follows the release of two singles on Cherry Red Records and an album due later this year. This will be the first time that the community will get to hear many of the tracks recorded in a live format.

Both Jah Wobble and Jon Klein will be performing with a cast of over 50 local performers on the evening.

Tickets are free but booking is required...

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Interested to find out more information about Tuned In? Check out the new introduction video!

All My Stripes, free theatre performance

All my stripes theatre show banner


Join My Magical Quests for an adaptation of the book All My Stripes. To mark Autism Acceptance Week which runs from 27 March to 2 April 2023.

Zane is a zebra who feels different from the rest of his classmates. One day he returns home from school crying to his mum because the teachers and students don’t understand him. She reminds him that while others may only see his "autism stripe," he has stripes for honesty, caring, and much more.

Come and join us at Wimbledon library on Saturday, 1 April at 2:30 pm.

Everyone is welcome.

Book here

SPINE Festival

SPINE festival


SPINE festival is a free spoken word and arts festival for children and families. We're working with two artists Storyteller Bernadette Russell and poet Alice Frecknall to run workshops based on this year's theme of kindness.

  • Creative writing workshop at West Barnes Library on Thursday 13 April at 1.30pm. Suitable for 7-11 year olds
  • Craft workshop at Pollards Hill on Tuesday 25 April and Mitcham library on Wednesday 26 April at 4.30pm. Suitable for 6-11 year olds.

Find out more and to book...

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There's More to Morden...


Morden highstreets in the past


As part of its current neighbourhood project, "There's More to Morden," Merton Heritage Service is organising a programme of FREE events at the end of March. These include:

Morden Walk and Talk: Saturday 25 March, 10.30 -12 

A guided walk around central Morden and Merton Park, covering everything from local pubs and civic buildings, to the early Baptist movement, transport developments, John Innes, horticultural heritage and wartime history.

The walk starts from the picnic area near the Stable yard at Morden Hall Park.

NO BOOKING required.

Memories of Morden Friday 31 March, 10.30 - 12 at Merton & Morden Guild, Aberconway Road, Morden

A coffee morning and reminiscence session - come along and share your memories of Morden for the Merton heritage archives.

We also have:

  • Capture Morden in pictures (photography workshop)
  • Uniting Town and Country, a guided walk
  • There's more to Morden, an illustrated talk
  • Tracing your ancestors workshop

For more information and to book:

Book here

Bowel Cancer talks


bowel cancer


Lisa-Lyna Ofosu-Asare is a Health Improvement Specialist for Bowel Cancer, from St Georges Hospital.  She will be giving a talk to help raise awareness of Bowel Cancer and the importance of screening.

There will also be an opportunity for Q&A, where Lisa-Lyna will be answering all your queries and concerns

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Women's History Month

women's history month book collection


Explore our digital collections to celebrate Women's History Month.

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The New Oxford Shakespeare Online




Shakespeare Week is a national annual celebration in March which aims to give primary school aged children opportunities for enriching and enjoyable early experiences of Shakespeare.

Did you know your library card gives you access to The New Oxford Shakespeare Online, an invaluable resource for anyone interested in William Shakespeare and his works. 

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The Molotovs with special guests


The Molotovs at the library


The Molotovs are coming to Merton Arts Space, Wimbledon Library on Friday 24 March. All ages welcome.

Doors open at 7pm

£3 cash/card entry on door.

For more information...

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