Significant milestone reached in Hornchurch, celebrating our armed forces tomorrow, and follow the bear.

Living masthead Covid 19 version1

Friday 26 June 2020

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Last night we reached another significant milestone in our regeneration programme for twelve Council housing sites across Havering.

Havering Council Strategic Planning Committee approved plans for a new retirement village in south Hornchurch. The impressive proposals from a joint venture between Havering Council and Wates Residential will allow our older Havering residents to live fulfilling, independent lives in a state-of-the-art community, and to also access the holistic support they might need in later life.

This step means we remain on track to see around 3,500 homes delivered by the joint venture partners in Havering over the next 12 to 15 years. I am excited to see how our plans to create high quality homes for local people are progressing. The £1 billion programme will seek to double the amount of council rented accommodation and more than double the number of affordable homes.

With 4 July just over a week away, whatever you are thinking of doing first, please do it in a safe way. Whether it’s a haircut or a beer garden trip, do it safely and considerately and think of others. Remember that the Government advice at present remains:

  • stay at home as much as possible
  • work from home if you can
  • limit contact with other people
  • keep your distance if you go out (2 metres apart where possible)
  • wash your hands regularly
  • and do not leave home if you or anyone in your household has symptoms.

Finally, on Wednesday night I received a very nice note from Julie, a resident. She was very appreciative of all our efforts to keep people in Havering informed but she did have one gripe that I feel is worth sharing, particularly as the weather is so hot.

She wanted dog owners to be careful when taking their pets out for walks in the midday heat. Julie tells me she has seen owners walking along with their poor dehydrated dogs pulled along behind them puffing and panting. 

As we continue to deal with the coronvirus pandemic and all the strange changes it has made to our everyday lives, please try to be considerate to everyone around you: don't drop litter, clean up after your dog, and, as Julie says, think about how hot it may be for your four-legged friend.

If you would like to contact me directly, please email me. Have a good, and safe, weekend.

Cllr Damian White,

Leader, Havering Council

covid support banner

Big step forward

Solar Serena Sunrise artist's impression Nov 2019

Plans have been approved on the second site of a £1 billion housing regeneration scheme in London, marking a significant step forward for the flagship home building programme.

Joint venture partners Havering Council and Wates Residential submitted plans for a modern retirement village at the Solar, Serena and Sunrise House site in Hornchurch in November 2019.

The site is one of twelveincluded in the ’12 Estates’ regeneration programme, which will see around 3,500 homes delivered by the joint venture partners in Havering over the next 12 to 15 years. The £1 billion programme will seek to double the amount of council rented accommodation and more than double the number of affordable homes.

The plans were agreed at a Havering Council virtual Strategic Planning Committee meeting yesterday (25 June). The plans will now be considered by the Mayor of London before the final decision is issued.  


Day for the Armed Forces

AFD 2020

Tomorrow, Saturday 27 June, is Armed Forces Day.

It's a day to say thank you for the hard work, dedication and efforts of our armed forces to keep us safe in the UK and across the globe.

Cadet saluting

Lightnin Drama Group  have produced three special online trinutes to mark the day for Havering Council. 

The WW2 – Vocal Tribute has been adapted from their 'On A Wing and A Prayer' production to commemorate Hornchurch Airfield.

Other online vocal tributes include Angel of the Morning and Proud.

Thank you to everyone who has sent a picture of themselves saluting our armed forces like the one of Army Cadet, Billy Bright, aged 13, from Hornchurch. 


Havering resident, Marie Wilkinson, has written a special poem to mark Armed Forces Day:

AFD 2020 poem

Opening up

Flower outside Golden Lion pub June 2020

From Saturday 4 July, pubs, restaurants and hairdressers will be able to reopen, providing they adhere to COVID-19 Secure guidelines.

The Government has also issued new guidance on a range of topics relevant to business.

This includes working in vehicles, working safely, and draft guidance to accompany pavement licensing proposals introduced in the Business and Planning Bill yesterday.


Vulnerable people returning to work

Return to work safely for vulnerable people June 2020

From Monday 6 July those shielding will be able to spend time outdoors in a group of up to six people including those outside of their household, while maintaining social distancing. 

Those who are shielding and live alone, or are single parents with children, will also be able to create a ‘support bubble’ with one other household of any size, following the same rules that are already in place for the wider population. 

From 1 August, the shielding advice will relax further, allowing those shielding to do even more, such as visit shops and places of worship, provided they take particular care to maintain social distancing and minimise contact with others outside their household. 


Stay alert


This very plausible and concerning telephone scam was reported this week…

‘Good morning, I'm calling from the NHS track and trace service. According to our system, you are likely to have been in close proximity to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19. This means that you now need to self-isolate for 7 days and take a COVID-19 test.' 

'OK. Can you tell me who that person was?'

'I'm not able to tell you that. That is confidential information.'

'Right….so ....'

'But you do need to be tested within the next 72 hours. So can I just get the best mailing address so that we can send a kit to you?'

'OK (gives address)'

'Thank you - and I just need to take a payment card so that we can finalise this and send the kit to you.'

'Sorry - a payment card? I thought this was all free?'

'No - I'm afraid not. There is a one-off fee of £50 for the kit, and test results. Could you read off the long card number for me, please, when you're ready.' 

'No - that's not right. This is part of the NHS so there's no charge.'

'I'm afraid there is. Can you give me the card number please - this is very important, and there are penalties for not complying.'

There is of course, no charge. Don't be fooled.

Tube talk

Wearing mask on train

This Saturday and Sunday, 27 and 28 June, there will be no service on the District Line between Turnham Green and Richmond. Rail replacement bus service DL3 will run.

Everyone travelling on public transport must wear a face covering unless you are exempt from wearing one.

Find out how to make your own face covering.


Don't get caught short

Rubbish by path

During the lockdown many residents have enjoyed our parks and open spaces. 

Most people look after these areas so thay they can be enjoyed by all and remain safe for wildlife. Sadly a few don't care and drop rubbish like that pictured in Pot Kiln Wood in Upminster recently. 

Now as the restrictions on gatherings ease, and more shops and public places open up, it is worth remembering that COVID-19 hasn't been defeated and that we must all be vigilant and use our common sense to avoid a second spike in coronavirus infections.

At the moment COVID-19 hygiene measures mean that public toilets are not as readily available as they used to be and people should be mindful of where their nearest facilities are. This is sadly likely to continue to be the case even after 4 July when many more bars, restaurants and cafes will open.

Therefore do take care to plan your time outside your home and try to avoid drinking alcohol excessively in parks and public places, particularly if you know that there are no public toilets that are open nearby.

If you spot dumped rubbish, please report it via our website or using the LoveHavering app on your mobile phone or tablet.

If you wish to report anti-social behaviour, like public urination or gatherings in breach of COVID-19 guidelines, you can also report that to us.


Bear stories

Paddington stories

From today you can download a free pdf story book packed with Paddington adventures written by children from around Havering.

Earlier this year, Havering Arts Development and Havering Libraries invited children to send in stories about the much loved bear.

Imaginative tales featured include Paddington taking a trip to the North Pole, Paddington battling an alien and Paddington saving the crown jewels.

So many stories have been sent in that a second volume will follow in a few weeks.

For more information, please email

Next week Havering Arts Festival Online will also feature an online exhibition of artwork from the book by artist Lauren Mattthews.


Express yourself

Fostering art competition June 2020

As part of National Children’s Art Week Havering Council's fostering team is hosting their first art competition.

#ChildrensArtWeek is run by Engage, the National Association for Gallery Education and supported in 2020 by Arts Council England, Creative Scotland and Arts Council of Wales and The D’Oyly Carte Charitable Trust.

This competition is open to all children in care and all care leavers.

The art can come in many forms, including poetry, photography, painting, or dance.

There will be two categories under 18’s and over 18’s.

A winner will be picked by an independent guest judge and announced on Friday 24 July. Every entry will receive a certificate and the lucky winners in each category will receive a £30 voucher.

Entries should be emailed to The closing date for submission is Sunday 19 July.  

Crafty Saturday

Flamingo crafts

Children are invited to make a beautiful flamingo puppet with Havering Arts tutor Charlotte, tomorrow, Saturday 27 June, at 10am.

The video will be on Havering Culture’s YouTube channel as part of a Havering Arts playlist of tutorials for all ages.

Topics range from drawing, to clay crafts, and card making.

Watch video

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