Hot (food) news, college staff play their part, and exercising safely and responsibly.

Living masthead Covid 19 version1

Monday 27 April 2020

banner of leader

Once again we were blessed with beautiful weather at the weekend, and once again the vast majority of people in Havering did their very best to follow the Government's guidelines to help us beat COVID-19.

We have come so far together on this, so let’s keep our focus and discipline on doing the right thing to protect the NHS and save lives.

I want people to exercise safely and responsibly. If you cycle or jog and see a park or public space is busy, please consider using quieter roads rather than parks.

Understandably some people are concerned that it is difficult to keep 2 metres of social distancing on some footpaths in parks if cyclists and joggers are passing close to pedestrians. This is not a time to relax: there will be plenty of lovely days ahead to picnic, fish or enjoy other leisure pursuits. We all need to keep our trips outdoors to an absolute minimum.

I am very pleased that our garden waste service has been able to resume today but would ask for patience from residents if any collections of garden, or black and orange sacks, are later than usual.

Waste crews are doing a fantastic job but do face extra risks during COVID-19 and sickness and self-isolation are continuing to cause much higher levels of staff absence than usual. We are doing our very best to keep everything as close to normal as possible.

Please stay safe.

If you want to contact me directly, please email me.

Cllr Damian White

Leader, Havering Council

Hot food news

Tapestry hot meal delivery Apr 2020

One of the biggest challenges the biggest challenges at the moment is ensuring that the more vulnerable members of our community have what they need.

But feeling isolated, and not having favourite foods available, some are not eating healthily.

In response to this, Tapestry has launched a hot meal delivery service that will ensure that any vulnerable person who needs, or wants, a cooked hot meal, can have one delivered to their door.

The service also ensures that the vulnerable or isolated individual receiving the food, is also able to have a friendly, face-to-face conversation with the delivery volunteer, from a safe distance, and ask for additional help if they need it.

The food is made fresh daily by Tapestry’s in-house food team and delivered by staff and volunteers of Tapestry like Angie who is pictured.

To find out more about this service email Tapestry or call 01708 796600.

Visitors welcomed again

South Essex Cematorium Apr 2020

The cemeteries at Romford, Hornchurch, Rainham and Upminster and the South Essex Crematorium Gardens of Remembrance (pictured) are now open for visitors.

However, the car park at South Essex Crematorium remains closed to those visiting the gardens due to the temporary morgue located there.

Parking is only available for those families attending funeral services (Monday to Friday).

 All visitors must follow social distancing rules.


Emergency help

Coronavirus hotline 700 px version

Havering Council is running a free-to-call helpline for residents with urgent needs because of coronavirus. 

The helpline - 0800 368 5201 - is for emergencies only and will be answered by staff redeployed from other Council services.

You can call between 8.30am and 6pm on weekdays and 11am and 4pm at the weekend. Alternatively, email:

Funding together

Havering Heroes banner April 2020

There is a crowdfunding campaign running to support our Havering community organisations, so they can continue to help our vulnerable residents during the coronavirus crisis.

If you would like to donate, please click the donate button below.


Small charities, not-for-profit organisations, social enterprises or unregistered charity groups can apply for a Havering Heroes grant by email.

Take-away tips

GOV UK logo

At the weekend the Government updated its advice for businesses running take-away food outlets. 

Hats off

Bunny hat workshop Apr 2020

Havering Arts Development have produced a short video designed to provide a fun activity for young children during the COVID-19 lockdown.

In the video Charlotte shows how children can make a lovely bunny hat for spring.

Havering Arts Development provides creative ideas and inspiration for residents of all ages in the borough.

Watch video

Playing their part

Havering College made face masks

Havering Colleges’ staff are playing their part in helping to support the local community and the NHS by making PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) such as face visor masks and sewing scrubs to protect doctors, nurses and key workers.

Product Design and Engineering tutors, Guy Reid, Paul Douglas and Kyle Balcome, are using a 3D laser printer in the technology workshop at the Sixth Form campus in Wingletye Lane, Hornchurch, to cut and then hand assemble 300 visors.

These will be distributed to hospitals and care homes – where some college students are on work placements – to help with the COVID-19 pandemic.


Ramadan at home

Prayer at home

If you are celebrating Ramadan you should still only leave your home for one of these four reasons:

•shopping for basic necessities, for example food and medicine, which must be as infrequent as possible.

•one form of exercise a day, for example a run, walk, or cycle - alone or with members of your household.

•any medical need, including to donate blood, avoid or escape risk of injury or harm, or to provide care or to help a vulnerable person.

•travelling for work purposes, but only where you cannot work from home.

Staying at home throughout the holy month will be challenging, but necessary to protect the NHS and save lives.


Open for entries

Open art competiiton Apr 2020

Havering Arts Council is holding a virtual art competition.

Even if you are isolating this is a way that you can share your creativity with the world.

Each month there will be a new round, starting in May. If you would like to enter, take a photograph of a new or existing work.

Then email it to with your name and the title of the picture.

If you are under 18, please state your age.

The competition will be judged in adult, young people's and children’s sections and anyone can take part.

Visit the website for details of how to enter or to vote.


Life in lockdown

chalk rainbow

The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has had an unimaginable impact on our lives.

The Mayor of London is inviting Londoners to join the Talk London online community and then have a say as to how the coronavirus crisis is affecting you.

Taking part in the survey will help the policy teams at City Hall better understand how Londoners are experiencing life, including work, renting, your health, volunteering and parenting.

Park life

Parks signage 24 Apr 2020

New signage has gone up at the entrances to Havering parks asking visitors to follow some simple guidelines.

These include:

  • to keep moving and not block paths
  • to not congregate in groups
  • to keep a 2 metre distance at all times from anyone not living with you in your household 
  • to not use any play areas, tennis courts, outdoor exercise areas or benches
  • to not use parks for picnicing or sunbathing.
Bike recovered bty parks police

Meanwhile Yvonne, from our Havering Parks team plucked the pictured bike from the lake in Raphael Park in Romford over the weekend.

She was on duty helping to encourage social distancing.

If you recognise this bike, or know who it belongs to, please email

business support grants update 24 apr