A new meeting place, Havering's hidden heroes, and a chance to make you feel good.

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Fighting police station closures

Romford police station exterior

Havering Council Leader Roger Ramsey, is urging residents to speak out against proposals to close a number of police public access points.

The Council strongly opposes the Mayor of London’s Office for Policing and Crime’s (MOPAC) proposal to close both Hornchurch and Rainham police stations along with seven Safer Neighbourhood bases. 

Cllr Ramsey, said: “I understand that there are cuts being made to the service which has put the Mayor in a difficult position, but closing these stations and bases is a short-sighted decision. It will leave our residents feeling unsafe and for some, in particular residents in Rainham, this means having to travel over an hour to their nearest police station, which isn't acceptable.

“I urge residents across the borough to attend MOPAC’s public meeting tonight (Wednesday 13 September), at the Salvation Army in Romford from 6pm to 8pm."

Residents can email comments on the consultation to: Consultation@mopac.london.gov.uk or by clicking below before Friday 6 October.


New centre opens

Collier Row Community centre

The new Sapphire Jubilee Community Centre in Collier Row has been completed and will officially open in December.

It's carbon neutral with solar panels for electricity, a ground source pump to generate heating for the centre and rainwater capture so that can be used for flushing toilets and watering the landscaped areas.

The centre includes a large hall for events and use by local organisations alongside a kitchen, toilets and an office. The building is fully accessible for people with disabilities and, thanks to a grant from The Breyer Foundation, will have Wi-Fi.


Do you agree?

Aerial view with twitter banner

The Mayor of London’s draft transport strategy has just been published and it sets out his vision for transport in London over the next 25 years.

Havering Council Leader Roger Ramsey has welcomed proposals in the publication to tackle congestion, improve air quality and road safety, and extend the step free access programme at stations, but expressed concern that a target that by 2041 80 per cent of all Londoners’ trips should be made on foot, by cycle or by public transport was unrealistic for Havering.

"Havering has an elderly population, many of whom rely on their cars to travel. The draft strategy should recognise that a “one size fits all” plan doesn’t work for outer London boroughs as we face very different challenges" he said.

What do you think? You can have your say until Monday 2 October.


If you see it, report it

Rough sleeping

In the last year the number of rough sleepers in Havering has increased and so has the Council's efforts to help them. But not all want our help, with some carrying out anti-social behaviour, including organised begging and street drinking. To tackle this, the Council is working with the Police and partnering organisations.

If you come across a rough sleeper, contact Thames Reach’s outreach service on 0300 500 0914 so they can get the right support if they're genuinely homeless.


School admissions - are you prepared?

Secondary School Children

If your child has just started in Year 6 you must apply for their Year 7 place for September 2018 now.

When deciding on a secondary school, make sure you have read the individual school admissions criteria carefully before completing your online application form. It is recommended that you visit all your preferred schools with your child. This is a good opportunity to get a feel for a school, meet current pupils, review the schools ethos, speak with class teachers and meet the head teacher.

Don’t miss the deadline: the last day to apply is 31 October 2017.


Havering's hidden heroes

Steet pastors Feel Safe Friday

Thanks to hidden heroes people can feel safe visiting Romford at night.

This includes the Romford Street Pastors who voluntarily give up their evenings to care and help clubbers feel safe. This year marks their 10th anniversary. Last Friday night the Street Pastors were out until 2am disposing of glass bottles left on the streets by club and bar goers, patrolling back roads, speaking to people who were alone on the streets and giving out hugs.

The Street Triage team were also in action on the night. The team offer medical help and as they are stationed in the clubs or town centre, they are able to respond quickly taking the pressure off the ambulance service.

The Police enforced the street drinking ban which is another measure the Council uses to help keep the night time economy safe.This ban is due to end in October but the Council has proposed a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) to replace this.

Councillor Osman Dervish, Cabinet Member for Community Safety, said: “We have a vibrant night-time economy but need to ensure it is also as safe as possible. People who work as Street Pastors and as part of the Street Triage team do such an amazing job and I commend all that they do."


Share your thoughts

Local Plan

The draft version of Havering's new Local Plan has been published. and Havering Council would like to hear your views on issues including housing, transport,and leisure services.

Once adopted, the new Local Plan will give Havering more control over its development and growth, ensuring it’s of a high standard and in the right places. You have until 29 September to have your say.


Help on what to do next

Moving on edit image

The annual Moving On event aims to help 15 - 16 year olds in Havering to decide what they want to do once they have taken their GCSEs. The event is being held at Harrow Lodge Sports centre, Hornchurch, on Tuesday 3 October from 10am – 7pm.

It's a great opportunity for pupils to talk with colleges, sixth forms, training providers, employers and universities, where they can seek advice for their next steps. The evening will also showcase available apprenticeship schemes and post-18 options.


Crowning glory

Mayor with Sapphire Jubilee Crown at Langtons

Thanks to generous sponsorship from Volker Highways, Serco and Marlborough Highways three large floral crowns to celebrate the Queen's Sapphire Jubilee year were installed in the summer in Collier Row, the Town Hall, and at Langtons in Hornchurch where the Mayor Of Havering was photographed. The crowns will be on display until the end of the autumn.


Look out....

Living 178 image

...for the September issue of Living in Havering dropping through your letterbox next week. Celebrating the work of volunteers in the borough this issue carries news of great performances from the Havering team at the London Youth Games, improvements to the borough's health and leisure facilities, and tips on reducing your food waste.

For details of advertising in the free magazine that's delivered to every home and business in the borough email living@havering.gov.uk.

EID festival 2017

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Help people feel good

My Health Matters

My Health Matters is a community project aimed at helping Havering residents to become healthier and to take action to manage their own wellbeing.

If you're interested in promoting good health and wellbeing, live, work or volunteer in Havering, you can apply to become a Community Health Champion. On behalf of Havering Council, Tapestry will provide you with a free, accredited one-day training course leading to an RSPH Level 2 qualification.

To apply call Tapestry on 01708 797705 or email myhealthmatters@tapestry-uk.org.


On the telly

Knock knock

Members of our Housing Services team were included in the Council House Crackdown programme on BBC1 TV last Thursday as they tracked down tenancy cheats.

On the same day Havering was featured in two other TV programmes: Homes under the Hammer and Dom on the Spot where our Waste Enforcement team accompanied by presenter Dom Littlewood tackled the aftermath of fly-tipping.


Take a minute, change a life


Last Sunday was "World Suicide Day" and we're encouraging everyone to take a minute to reach out to someone who may be struggling, who could be a complete stranger, a close family member or friend.

During 2013-2015, 47 lives were lost to suicide in Havering, and every single one is a tragedy. If you, or someone you know, is having thoughts about suicide, then do please seek support from Mental Health Direct on 0300 300 1570.  Please save this number to pass on to anyone who needs it.


Launching next week...

Busienss awards dinner at CEME

Next week sees the launch of the Havering Business Awards 2017/18. If you're in business in our borough it's a great opportunity to celebrate your achievements and showcase your work. The closing dates for entries is 13 November 2017. Look out for more information next week.

Can you help?

Family services

Havering is looking for passionate and dedicated people to join its team of Family Coach volunteers. Family Coaches provide support to Havering families within their homes for up to six months, visiting once a week for 1 -2 hours. We're looking for people who can help households manage their budgets, and provide parental support.  

We do not ask for any qualifications, just experience with children or families in any capacity. To find out more, click below.
