Networking is a proven way to build good relations with other businesses, which can lead to referrals and new business. There are a number of networking groups in Havering including those listed below.
Havering Chamber of Commerce and Industry hold regular breakfast networking meetings on the second Friday of each month at Havering Museum in Romford.
Havering B-Hive geared towards start-up businesses meet at various locations around the borough on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 9.30am. Informal networking with presentations and pitches.
The aim of the Havering Young Professionals Network is to give the youth of Havering's
businesses a platform to grow and develop long
lasting relationships, in their own way. Events are held monthly at various times and
locations, with a blend of traditional business networking with a youthful
BNI Evolution Chapter meets each Wednesday morning at Maylands Golf Club, Colchester Road, Harold Park, RM3 0AZ from 7am – 8.30am.
BNI Valour chapter meets each Tuesday morning at Thames Gateway YMCA, Rush Green Road, Romford, RM7 0PH from 7am - 8.30am.
The 4N networking group meets every fortnight at Liberty Bell, Mercury Gardens, Romford, RM1 3EN on Thursdays from 8am - 10am.
The ebn Upminster and Hornchurch group meets at Manor Hotel, Berwick Pond Road, Rainham, RM13 9EL from 8am - 10am on alternate Tuesdays.
The Forum of Private Business meets on the second Friday of each month at YMCA, Roneo Corner, Rush Green Road, Romford, RM7 OPH, from 7.30am. More information: Gerry Goldner.
Romford Makerspace Meetup is a twice monthly meetup to share ideas and plan ahead. If you are a maker, a 3D print enthusiast, into robotics, or just like tinkering with electronics and technology and you are close to Romford, and you are interested in meeting similar people locally, then this is the group for you.
WordPress meetups are the chance for all WordPress users (and those who want to know more about WordPress) to get together and discuss various aspects of designing, developing and marketing WordPress websites and blogs. Meeting on the 3rd Tuesday of every month from 6pm at The Retailery, in Romford's Market Place.
Check group websites for latest info.
The next Havering Business Network
will take place on Wednesday 24 May, at Rainham Library at 5.30 pm.
The theme will be "How to make it big in business". Mac
Robertson, Managing Partner from Haines Watts will be speaking about the
business challenges he has faced.
Having led teams and owned his own practice for many years,
Mac is a firm believer in investing in and nurturing young talent and understands first-hand the challenges of galvanising people in the
direction of a vision and business plan. More information in next month's Business Briefing.
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